Your vibrator is now a botnet

Researchers find Bluetooth-enabled vibrator sends data including temperature and vibration settings to its manufacturer while in use

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I remember years ago when I had a Nokia brick phone shortly after they got color screens you were able to install simple "apps" for them from a computer.

I found this app that kept the phone vibrating so you can use it as a vibrator. You could also change the intensity and all that shit.

12 year old using his Nokia as a vibrator inside a ziploc bag and rubbing his asshole with it trying to figure out why it made his dick feel good.

The golden age boys.

Sure sounds like you enjoy bumhole stimulation...

Are you a hOmoSeX, by chance?

I did the same thing, but with an sony ericsson phone and an .imy file instead.

It made my phone vibrate constantly, and it repeated forever, so the only way you could stop it was by pressing [stop].

I did the same ziplock thingy as well, but I went slightly in, instead of just rubbing


Sup Forums technology

Its not Sup Forums gay


so any guys who fuck the pinkhole here

This is how I know your a new fag

Does it stream video? If no, then I don't care if everyone knows how hot my ass is.

Are you a twelve year old, by chance?

Who am I kidding? Of course you are.

I say
/fit and /g are too close together today.
>no homo

you guys really need to learn the difference between "botnet" and more generic terms for things you don't want your tech to do. this is distinctly not a "botnet"; it's not being controlled remotely - it's phoning home.

i'm not saying it's okay, but calling everything a botnet makes you look like a fucking retard, and you're supposed to be trying to convince people who are neutral on this topic to decide to "side" with you. conflating everything under one specific technical term makes you less credible.

It kinda is though due to forced updates

1) that's not the objection the article is making the focus.

2) i can't find any reference in the wiki page (which describes legal applications, etc...) that mentions automatic updates as qualifying for the term. moreover, stretching and twisting the term to apply to something that some non-negligible proportion of users *want* will only serve to dilute the term. we don't need that. please find a more appropriate word describing this or make up a new one.

You must be new here

Only free software and devices that respect your freedoms are not a botnet

no, i've been here for a while. that's why i'm sick of it. i don't say anything when retards casually throw it around for no reason, but in cases like these where there's a distinct story going on, it helps not to misuse terms.

>bluetooth enabled
I'm sorry, was the vibrator sending information to the manufacturer or was the app sending information to the manufacturer? Because those are two completely separate things.

>Because those are two completely separate things.
Do you think OP knows this?
I don't.

Sup Forums is for cute little Sup Forumsirls with boipuccis

correct vocabulary is like correct parentheses
when people in tech use them wrong
things can go very wrong

That terminology is really wrong:

application - app
program - program
operating system - OS
script - script
shell - prompt
batch file - batch
compiler - builder (or so I've seen lately)
daemon - daemon
service - service
game - game
patch - patch
software - warez (literally,kek)

What's the difference between an application and a program?

Really don't know,but I kept saying program for programs and app for application ever since I used PCs,since Windows 3.1's Program Manager.(PROGMAN.EXE?)

It's techloli/g/y yet you normalfags still cry about it

I just shamelessly ripped this from someone on the internet.

* A computer program is a set of instructions that can be executed on a computer.
* An application is software that directly helps a user perform tasks.
* The two intersect, but are not synonymous. A program with a user-interface is an application, but many programs are not applications.

improperly formatted citation

My professors would be screaming if they saw this lazy formatting. :)



how tight were you back then, mate?

> (OP)
>>bluetooth enabled
>I'm sorry, was the vibrator sending information to the manufacturer or was the app sending information to the manufacturer? Because those are two completely separate things.

Well i didnt look into it but im guessing the app is an integral part of using the vibration function.

Perhaps its cheaper to add blutooth circuitry than several waterproof button? So that u can have fine adjustments and submerge it in the bathing tube...

I think the point is to give control of vibrator to another person.

I would assume the app, as Bluetooth has limited range and the phone has expanded network access.

Buttons are cheaper, but severely limit options as it would need to be taken out to adjust the settings.

As for the use of Bluetooth over WiFi, for all the things WiFi does better, Bluetooth still has better power saving features, and for a power hungry remote motor it makes sense. Although I wonder how many minute it really adds as I wish everyone would just pick some key standards on remote systems.

Yes, your husband, not a corporation.

This gives me an idea for a very messed up family sitcom. "My Dad is a Multinational Corporation" think of all the dry legal humor potential it has.