4k 60 hz gaming vs 1080p 120hz gaming?
Which is superior? hz and resolution
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Growing the fuck up would probably be superior.
For work stuff higher resolution is far superior. The amount of workspace I have now is amazing.
whichever you prefer. Who are you trying to impress?
myself, just bought a tv for my gaming pc it is being shipped. I am wondering what setting will be superior
Woops, I'm so retarded I didn't read the post.
Even for games the higher resolution is better in my opinion. If you can power it.
Let's do some math op
1080p 120hz refreshes 120 frames of 1080 pixels every second
4K which is 4x1080, 60hz refreshes 60 frames of 4x1080 every second
1440p is the best and most manageable reso.
but the eye can only refresh two 720p images at 15.7hz so who cares anyway
2560x1600 144Hz
Enjoy seeing less.
t. 1440p.
>Which is superior? hz and resolution
Diminishing returns m8. 4k on a 24" is probably already overkill.
100Hz is fine and most people won't perceive higher frame rates, 120Hz is optimal because it's divisible by 24, 30 and 60 which are the most common frame rates for video.
With absolutely everything once you get to a certain threshold you're fine and you don't need to worry about it any more.
We haven't been talking about 16 bit color in graphics, or the number of audio channels for a very long time because we've been at a good enough level for a while now.
One day when we're all on OLED we won't talk about black levels any more.
And yet if you browse with a 60 hz monitor and then with a 144hz monitor, the difference is like night and day.
1440p 144hz gaming.
Ur eyes are not cameras they dont work like thet
literally who cares?
>there are 1080 pixels in a 1080p panel
Sup Forums - Technology
I personally picked 1440p 90hz gaming with my Korean monitor.
It's all about what is a reasonable pixel density for YOU.
How far do you sit from your monitor?
How big is the screen size of the theoretical 4k and 1080p displays?
How much graphical processing power do you have?
Why run 4k on a 24inch monitor when you might get the same effect from 1440p at higher frame rate when sitting a reasonable distance away?
The trouble is you cannot just go and test these things out at the store nor can you read reviews, display res and hz is something you need to experience for yourself.
Good luck.
The best option I found to be comfy for me is 1440p 24" 120Hz monitor.
144Hz would be even better but it's expensive. 4K is bad for me at this size since everything is small as fuck. 2560x1440 gives you more workspsce than 1080p and you can't see pixels if you sit closely while not making the ui tiny.
it is a 65 inch tv, can do 1080p@120 hz or 60 hz 4k. I have a gtx 1070 but could upgrade for 4k
>gaming is all about graphics
All you children are now required to play only pre-1995 games for the next two years starting right now.
Maybe you'll learn that graphics aren't worth shit and gameplay and controls are all that matter.
1440p 120hz
Though a decent panel is more important imo
1440p FreeSync
I went with 1440p 144hz. 4k is too early to get a constant 60 (lol +) fps, while 1080 is not nearly as nice.
>Buying a monitor with tech that won't ever be used at that resolution
What's next, 4k free sync?
for gaming 800x600 @ 200Hz. on a 17" crt
Wake up and smell the 21st century.
sorry but i play quakeworld and on the weekends only. i dont need a ultra widescreen 60" 69:9 screen with 8K 15hz meme piece of shit. As im not that interested in casual junk they feed you today.
>i dont need a ultra widescreen 60" 69:9 screen with 8K 15hz meme piece of shit
Because there are no choice between a 20 year old CRT or a "60" 69:9 screen 8k 15hz" monitor? Wow. I've seen a lot of straw men arguments before but I think you beat every poster on Sup Forums with that one.
4k 60fps
120fps is a meme
It's noticeably smoother but nothing to write home about.
Maybe make an exception for like csgo or whatever
You are a special kind of retard arent you? How does it feel to fall for consumerism meme?
I use what i need and what gets me by just excellent. why would i buy a crippled piece of shit with a gaming sticker on it or something similar?
>How does it feel to fall for consumerism meme?
I use what i need
Not using decades old technology is "consumerism meme?" Do you ride a penny-farthing get around town? Or how about a phone that doesn't have a hinge in the middle? The 486dx-66 is so radical!
If anyone is the retard is your amish ass trying to post anything of interest on technolo/g/y.
kakam geldi
high refresh rates look awful. makes me sick. idk why.
instead of wasting my monthly paycheck on some useless crap i collect and stock up on land. Earning 7k € per month is pretty hard at times.
the best would be 1440p 144hz ips gsync with a gtx 1080 or the new titan
If you cant aford that shit like me go for 1080p 144hz gsync and like gtx 1070
You are criticizing others for >implying after the shit you posted? Not only are you a philistine but a hypocrite too.
Show me where did i criticize you or anyone on this topic? I was criticizing modern tech.
Maybe so.
Arent we all?
>Show me where did i criticize you or anyone on this topic
Tossing out the "consumerism meme" is not criticizing someone? When did X meme not have a negative connotation?
>when I toss them out.
Oh, carry on then.
You sir, are a philistine, hypocrite and retard.
4k 60fps with fast sync
8k 24hz and liquid gold diamond wrapped audio snake cables.
It's great if you like CS:GO, I get a rock steady 144Hz at 1440p and it's glorious.
Overwatch I can average about 100 FPS but my build is mostly three years old now.
Depends on the game
Moba/RTS --> 4k 60hz
Shooter/RPG --> 1080p 120hz
Whatever you say user.
Where do you buy land? Are you going to build on it? Do you end up paying a lot in propery tax?
Says someone who posts on a chinese cartoon imageboard...
>Where do you buy land
From the person that owns it and has no interest in it.
>Are you going to build on it
I already have an apartment building that is fully rented out.
>Do you end up paying a lot in property tax
Rent money covers most expenses.
The only hassle is finding the people who are willing to sell at all.
I almost bought out a 400ha area from a foreigner that holds land here.
>120+ hz 4K 32" OLED IPS panel
>discrete GPU that can actualy drive it
Depends on if the game is competitive or not
Why not a 100hz 1440p monitor?
Could some kind Europe-user link me a cheap one please?
There are no cheap ones, maybe if you want a crappy tn panel you can get one sub 500
There's this ebay.de
Looking for basically the same thing without that high shipping costs...
Specs look alright but I haven't heard of that brand
60hz is plenty to do all the neat graphical tricks that await in the coming years. 1080p, however, is a massive bottleneck.
You can smell the angry AMDrones in this thread. They are pissed because a GTX 1080 currently is the only way of playing games in 3840x2160 at good framerates.
is gsync worth paying hundreds of USD extra when you're using a 144hz monitor anyway?
assuming most games are 60 to 100 hz
1080p 120hz for fast-paced first-person games, 4k 60 fps for slower games. with g-sync
yes, it fixes tearing, and reduces input lag (compared to v-sync)
>assuming most games are 60 to 100 hz
Gsync (and I'm assuming freesync as well though I haven't tried it) is most noticeable sub 60fps. Especially if the framerate varies from 30-60fps. It makes it all feel like the game is running at 60fps (or maybe 45 or so as it all smooths out). It also address input lag you'd get with vsync.
what if I just disable vsync like I already do
btw does vsync sync at 144 hz and then repeat one extra frame when it misses?
osu! and cs:go are 144hz games if anything
>controls are most important
>pre 1995 games
U U D D L R L R B A fuck off
>implying any game pre-half life 1 is worth playing
good graphics are crucial for 3d games, no one plays stale old 3d games except for retro/nostalgia geeks
dota is frame capped at 120, so 144hz would be just as useful as a 120hz monitor.
Pre-1995 games generally had shit gamplay and controls, user. The few exceptions became huge but the majority were trash.
Nowadays everythings a bit more homogenised. Good games don't blow your mind like they used to but there isn't as much absolute shit to wade through either (unless you count indie / early access stuff).
thanks to console focus we cant have good graphics.
Coincidentally, both pre-1995 games and most indie games are 8-bit platformers
Add 2 years if it'll go on at the current rate.
I thought you linked something first._.
Nah, there are definitely some good ones. Nintendo has a lot of IP for the N64 that aged well despite cartoony or outright dated graphics. Even Donkey Kong Country still looks good despite being 22 years old, especially considering side-scrollers are somehow still around today.
Granted 95% of old games do look like unequivocal shit, but graphics are definitely not everything.
Nope. Mark my words. Q2 2018.
Kek, but clearly he's using shorthand, considering the x4 multiplier.
Currently I'd say 1080p 120hz if you're getting Freesync or Gsync. You can VSR/DSR to get some extra sharpness.
4K isn't quite here yet, but you might consider 1440p.
I'm trying to snag an LG 29um67 or 29um68 for $150 used, which is a 29" 60Hz 2560x1080p monitor.
Oh... well in that case I'd go with 4K as long as you can get constant 60FPS. Otherwise lock to 1080p 60FPS.
You've done it now nvidiot
poorfag detected
The human eye cant distinguish over 45fps and neither over 900p resolutions
nice bait
If you have a 60hz monitor should you use vsync?
ya if u dont want screen tearing.
for fast paced (competitive) games you might put up with tearing to avoid the input lag, but nvidia now has fast sync to fix this
100hz 3440x1440
There's a direct trade-off between performance and quality. If one goes up, the other goes down. If you want to play a game at a high FPS, high resolution, and high quality settings, you need ridiculous hardware to keep everything running smooth.
Obviously higher quality is preferred, but only if you have the money/hardware to support it.
what game besides a fucking moba would 144hz not be amazing for?
Dream monitor is a 4k 21:9 120/144hz monitor at 35" or larger.
But I think a faster refresh rate is more useful overall.
My reaction to 120hz: Nice, now I can play CS a little better
My reaction to 55" 4k 60hz gaming: holy fuck this is the next level. Literally it was as good as VR