So I downloaded this program called windscribe a few days ago so I can safely torrent shit and my trial was up on it so...

So I downloaded this program called windscribe a few days ago so I can safely torrent shit and my trial was up on it so I uninstalled it but it reinstalls itself and blocks me from using the Internet until I have to go in safe mode and delete proxy settings. Anyway I can completely get rid of this virus type program ?

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Self bump

Go to Best Buy to have the Geek Squad do a fresh install of Windows for you, user.

You installed a scamware.

Will that cost anything or delete anything personal on my pc?

I have trend Micro anti virus, that should have taken care of it before it even became a problem

Yes and yes

>"I downloaded this program called windscribe"
Dude, your AV should have picked up on this
>"I have trend Micro anti virus"
>trend micro

The guy at best buy said it was the best they had. Is there something wrong with it ?

Trend Micro is quite literally the worst in the industry.

Well, obviously, since it didn't block your dumb ass from installing malware.


Do do you recommend getting avast antivirus free right now then buy the pro version ?

>Will that cost anything or delete anything personal on my pc?
Duude. Fuckimg dont tell me you have important things with no copy on a computer where you install random programs

Thank dog you werent a victim of a cryptovirus and lost all ur kids photos or ur personal collection of amateur real snuff slave bajoran pron from when you were a prefect...

First buy an usb hdd and save ur crap

cloud is not enough. Being a layman u could still lose precious things.

Like already explained. Fresh install. Just to be safe. And install a good AV at day one

Honestly I don't really have anything important on it, I just don't want to have to reinstall everything but I've spent that last few hours looking at reviews for antivirus and most of them say that avast is the best but on others trend micro has had the highest ratings so I'm really confused on what to get

Spyhunter is probably your best bet. Or uniblue system care.

>I installed a crime-aiding placebo that's actually a virus

Kaspersky and eset are suppose to be bretty good.
But dont rely only on antivirus. They will try their hardest to block most things, but they cant always block stupid.

Slow down there keyboard warrior. No one asked for your greasy ass to go all white Knight and shit. Kys

Where did I ever say I don't torrent just about every fucking thing through a VPN?

>search Windscribe

Doesn't look like malware. The company has its address publicly posted.

Have you tried contacting their support line?

>i have an anti virus therefor i will never get any virus ever
thats not how it works faggot

Well then why am I paying for something that doesn't work?

Get Avira, Avast, BitDefender, AVG or Comodo's antivirus and scan your PC. Also use Autoruns to disable reinstalation after reboot.


it will try its hardest to protect you but when you tried to download a program called fucking winscribe it couldn't deal with all the autism that was radiating from you
>why am i paying for something that doesn't work
>why do i shower and use soap if it doesn't kill every single germ

>>> I have a condom therefore I will never have an unwanted pregnancy
>> thats not how it works faggot
> Well then why am I paying for something that doesn't work?
sterilize yourself

Backup your files. Write down the programs you use. Reinstall Windows. Put your files back in their place. Reinstall the programs you wrote down.

Now your computer is clean and new. Use your newly found knowledge to not fuck it up in the same way. Be prepared to do this exact thing once or twice a year because Windows is a pile of shit.

Legitimately cajoles you to surmise.

So how much will it cost to go to bestbuy to have windows reinstalled, or will a reset work?

If it is using windows 8 or higher, you can do a full clean reinstall yourself. Just restart while holding the shift button.

I recently reset my PC via an option somewhere in Settings (I was running Windows 10). The option allows you to reinstall Windows while keeping all your files intact.

Sorry I'm not running W10 right now, or I'd tell you where the option is in more detail. It should be somewhere under "recovery" or something, and it should be clear by its description.

are you really too fucking braindead to install windows yourself?

I'll look into it, thanks

No prob, I commend you for ignoring all the shitposts, dicks, and trolls in the thread.

I wouldnt recommend keeping all the files, just because depending on the virus, it doesnt get rid of it. And you find it in the menus after doing this

Revo Uninstaller if it's not true malware and is just a little tenacious.

Windows system restore or refresh is another option.

This guide if you can't get rid of it.