/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Why do Linus and Richard hate each other?

just richie hates linus

What was said in the thread that has you doubting Debian? I found it to be mostly full of bullshit anecdotes and memes.

HE payed for HIS computer and they go rootkit his ass up.
These things happen all the time in all first world countries. It's like insanely immoral to do that, hell even just allowing this to happen around u without realizing how bad it is is immoral too. Where's the justice? Like HOW the FUCK is this even remotely okay..... FUUUUUUUUK ME LAD
The linux era is ACTUALLY never going to happen, at least at this rate.

What's with the Debian shills? Debian really is outdated and offers very little compared to other distros.

Please please help me. My Desktop running fedora recently just had a power issue (my household had a black out) now when I boot into fedora it just shows the terminal. Doesn't matter what kernel it boots from its always booting ti terminal.

Please help

I've been wondering this too. I've never used it so I can't really claim to have a problem with it but I fail to see why it's so beloved compared to the other distributions. I can't comprehend wanting to use outdated kernel packages.

If they specified that they were shilling Testing or Sid I'd be alright with it.

And this last part is just me being autistic, but why the fuck do they name their distribution after toy story characters? It really pisses me off.

is mint really -that- bad?

What do the rolling release versions of Debian have over other rolling release distributions, though?

Try reinstalling your desktop environment (or better, install KDE regardless of which one you were using).

You may also need to reinstall your display manager. Then it's just a simple matter of executing startx.

No idea. Brand identity, I guess.

Maybe better support? Debian is more popular than Gentoo or Arch.

Any additional info beyond "it boots to the terminal"? Does it get past the boot loader? What does the terminal show? Can you enter commands and view your files?

>why all the Debian shilling
Because it's the most popular and reliable distro (probably thanks to Ubuntu), minus all the Ubuntu bloat, and plus the care for muh freedom.

Nothing. People like to wave the flag for their team, even if the odds are against them. Same for Linux distros.

>Nothing. People like to wave the flag for their team, even if the odds are against them. Same for Linux distros.

Yeah, I guess. I'm just trying to figure out the advantages of Debian over something else. If it really is superior I want to know why so I can consider using it.

why is dhcpcd a slow piece of shit? It severely slows down my boot time

It boots into rescue mode.

I cant install new environments because it says update cache has a problem or something g

I still don't really understand fonts.

I'm installing firefox in Arch and pacman is asking me which ttf-font package I want to install and I have like 10 options.

ttf-dejavu? ttf-oxygen? something else?


You might need to reinstall. I'll freely admit I've never dealt with this particular issue before. Google is your friend.

You could boot into a liveCD and chroot into your system and try to repair it from there. Reinstall some packages, run an update, execute dnf clear all. It's possible your install simply got fucked but I can't really imagine why that would happen.

ok wtf

Why is Arch installing Wayland shit when I just want Firefox?

Rolling-release/bleeding-edge distros are constantly changing from the upstream, so they're inevitably going to be unstable, and users are more likely to experience bugs.

Most of these distros have a short testing period (or "cooling time") to make sure things aren't completely broken before being released to the primary users. For example, Debian has an "experimental" section for these sorts of things (pic related), so that Unstable/Sid users don't have to be concerned with crazy huge issues.

Would memtest do anything to fix it?

I know how to g3et all my files back - it's just I have re-installed Fedora twice this month and I'm getting sick of Fedora now

...I know an alternative that starts with d

I think I k ow what you're talking about, is it

Definitely not Debian?

I'll be 100% honest - I was never clear on what memtest did. I though it tested the RAM.

> have reinstalled twice this month

You may want to consider a different distribution. Or it's possible there's something wrong with your computer, but I'd recommend you try, say, Kubuntu or Korora on for size and see how those work out for you.

Might I ask why you had to reinstall the last two times?

2 days ago due to laptop not being able to create documents with one charachter in it.
Computer had 20gb of free data left. Yet still wasn't working.

About a week ago cause my Desktop kept saying an error has occurred on all 4 kernels after Fedora 24 update

Is poobuntu the only option for a laptop? It's the only distro where the keybindings and hardware all werk without having to pull some hacky shit.

>Arch is still on Linux 4.6

Where's muh bleeding edge software?

What feature does Linux 4.6 have besides a higher number?

fedora, absolutely

Tumbleweed is on Linux 4.7

Arch isn't bleeding enough.

Seconded. I run Fedora 24 on my laptop and I am immensely satisfied.

Security patches, better hardware support, general improvements. Not every new release carries some dramatic, big change.

I found out someone having the same problem as me. But the guide the dude posts on this requires you to use the fedora Gui to download drivers?

What's Sup Forums's recommended method of cloning (or rather, moving via cloning then deleting) several partitions to another drive? I've got a dual-boot Linux/Windows setup that I'm planning to split into two separate drives. Should I use cp, rsync, dd, or something else to move my home, usr, etc. partitions onto the new drive? I'm only moving the Linux partitions. Boot is on an SSD so I don't need to worry about reinstalling the MBR, I don't think.

> fedora gui
Try using DNF.

Or you could reinstall one last time to get back into a GUI and try to fix it that way.

I may have messed up my MBR.
How do I fix it if I don't have a back up?

Is Manjaro the only distro that ships an i3 exclusive flavor?

I want a Linux system with nothing but i3, but I don't have Ethernet to do NET installs.

Manjaro's devs maybe idiots but the distro itself is fine.

Why Bill Gaytes loves Linux?

Security patches don't work that way

Just installed Arch Linux coming from Windows 10, now I'm in search for a desktop environment to install. Any suggestions Sup Forums?


Screenshot of your desktop?

What the fugs happened here?

Stallman got very upset.

>inb4 manjaro

Nice. Is there an xfce applet that displays memory in MB/GB values?

i don't post much here anymore so i don't know about the debian shills, but i can say that i'm using it on pretty much all my computers and i find it to be very logically set up and rock solid
it's not as easy for a first timer as something like ubuntu, mint, fedora or any of the arch installers that set things up for you
things work in a little more of an old fashion way that's for sure

Kinda, it gives you a bar.
However if you hover over it it shows it in MB

I've been procrastinating since 1 and it's 4 now

I need to configure a kernel before compiling it
I've done it before but for some reason I'm scared again

how do I know exactly what I need?

I have trouble getting my graphics card to work

using Mint 18 cinnamon and R9 390
I can boot using nomodeset or recovery mode just fine, but i don't know how to enable or force to use the GPU instead of onboard

When i try to boot using default i end up with an Xserver error (segmentation fault)?

i've done a lot of googling, updating and purging so far
i even asked for help on reddit but nobody has responded in three days (i've asked here before when i had a different problem)

I don't know what i can try or do next

sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda

yes, as example, the infamous blacklist (4 and 5 are considered "dangerous" and blocked by default)

is this some sort of new bait?



After that hack they use GPG and SHA256 to verify rather than just MD5 alone, plus they stopped using plaintext HTTP and switched to HTTPS. Also, they offer no codecs versions of linux mint.

I just got a raspberry pi 3, and I'm thinking of installing ubuntu-mate. Is it possible to rice? Just asking. I've seen people do it but I'm not sure how they did it.

>>After that hack they use GPG and SHA256
Too late, it's current year.
>no codecs versions
Then what is this? linuxmint.com/release.php?id=22

It's been a billion years. I've got a shitload of free space on my HDD and was thinking I'd put a linux distro on it. My ye olde memory of doing this was that re-partitioning a drive with existing data on it is likely to cause everything to die in a fire. Is this still the case or can I actually modify the size of an existing partition without it being a big deal?

I use this notebook for uni for some time now but it's kinda sluggish, especially viewing videos/streams. Starting my browser/programs also takes some time. Is there a way to speed it up?
I thought about using lxde/lxqt as DE, maybe with Ubuntu minimal (is the "bloat" even relevant for the speed my system operates?).

>feeding the pidgeons on Piazza San Marco
I thought RMS knew better than that

For the collectors.

I just bought a cheap 230€ asus laptop for a complete tech illiterate coworker of mine, dual core N3050 celeron and integrated graphics, 4gb of RAM

Since I know nothing about DEs, what buntu flavour should I throw on there? Something he can figure out by himself since I won't be helping him with it at all after I leave here.

Does anyone know how to safely change the UID on ubuntu if the home dir is encrypted??

resizing a partition with a filesystem on it has always been risky, defrag the partition and backup anything valuable just in case

it should be fine

CentOS or OpenSuse /w Gnome 3

That's was my gut feeling, cheers.

for what? centos isn't recommended for desktop usage for obvious reasons

which one has better Nvidia Driver support

I used to use Fedora - played a few games on it - still will. Just Fedora is fucking up and i just don't really like it - there is a ram issue and Nvidia Driver issue that just won't fix

I have severe screen flickering on 4.6 which was "solved" by downgrading to 4.5.*

It's said to be fixed in 4.7, so I'm sitting here waiting until 4.7 hits.


what terminal are you boys using also why do I have a black line halfway through my terminal going down but only when I use vim?


When I had windows I heard no fans

When I have manjaro I hear fans


Yes, in testing. I'm going to sit it out now


The line is maybe related to your colorscheme in vim. Try a different one.

Why do people use urxvt over xterm?

Hey /flt/ i allways have a problem with my shitty broadcom wifi card drivers not working on ubuntu, only option for drivers for it are nonfree and it doesnt work even when you reinstall it so os there a different distro of linux that i have a better chance of the drivers working or am i just fucked?

it just werks

I don't actually get the question but you can use broadcom in many distros

because your computer sucks and relies on some sort of software for proper fan control
fast, customizable
gives you elitist creds
seriously though it's a very nice choice if you're not using a desktop environment. if you are however what's there is usually the best choice

Which is the most riceable desktop environment? And how much resources does KDE really take? I'm running 8GB of RAM with 16GB of swap (if that matters at all)

debian netinstall with firmware included works in most cases, i've at least been able to get all wireless NICs ive come across work with it

You can use KDE without problems then. I like it and heard good things about it running on Arch.

>fast, customizable
So is xterm.

kde works fine on most computers now, it was just in the past that it was kinda heavy for low end computers

xterm is probably more annoying to customize, and if i remember correctly rxvt also has some nice key combinations for various things

xterm is customized the same way as urxvt does it: Xresources, key combinations are supported aswell

Can you suggest me program for recording desktop, on Arch?
I need something where i can select part of screen to record.

Try gentoo.


>on Arch
how is this relevant

oh, well. there must be something people see in it then, i guess it has more features

I'm gonna dual-boot ubuntu mate and use it as my main OS, how much disk space do I need? I'm gonna keep it on a 180GB ssd alongside with w10.

OBS is good for that stuff, if you just need something simple make a terrible bash script with ffmpeg

If I remember right, on GNOME you have a key combination to record the screen (byanz).

Probably less then you need for Windows. I suggest using Windows for gaming and using Ubuntu for mostly anything else. So everything between 20-40 GB would be enough for Ubuntu. Especially if you consider that you can access your Windows-Partition under Ubuntu but not vice-versa.

Should I use the opensource drivers for my GPU or the proprietary ones? I'm running an old Acer Aspire 5560G (about 6 years old now) and all the DE's I've tried run really choppy. Scrolling is poor on Chrome and FF. Don't have the same issue with Windows though.

Also how can I find out what driver is currently in use right now?

thanks user

How many of you /fglt/ards are actually balls deep in GNU/Linux?

i just wanna let everyone know that i have arch