
Does anybody here use 2 browsers? Currently using Firefox as my main and Palemoon for private trackers. What 2 do you recommend?

Firefox for almost everything.
Chrome for gay porn.

This. Firefox for everything and chrome for porn, gay included.

Opera 12.16 as my main browser, SeaMonkey for sites that break in Opera 12.


Water fox for powerbrowsing, saving loadsa tabs and tab groups
Iridium for casual

I use five browsers regularly.

How are you using those two if they use the same settings?


I use four browsers.
For simple browsing, I have links/w3m.
For webdev, I have Firefox and Chromium.

Probably different profiles.

Firefox for almost everything. Chrome for flash-insistent sites and full-page translations

Chrome and opera.


Chrome for everyday tasks like work and YouTube (I study Appalachian literature) and Waterox for other things, like logging onto a parent's email or McAfee account to do shit (I take care of their PCs remotely) and for a YouTube downloader extension that I use to save music videos.

What can I say, I love me some 60fps K-Pop vids. But, Sup Forumsee would know all about that.

Oh, and why Waterox? Because it takes the good basis Mozilla made and removes the bullshit while still being up to date.

lol, links/w3m are you posting from 1995?

I use SeaMonkey and Otter Browser daily but also some others less frequently.

>chrome for porn


Midori as main, firefox for when the rare page doesn't work in midori.

So far only doesn't work in midori though, so firefox is opened pretty rarely


I wish that fucking furry would stop riding his own dick, thinking his browser would survive without the addon economy of Fx.

Fucking faggot.

Former long time Pm user, soon being forced to go back to Fx.

Chromium for downloading files over 1GB from MEGA because fuck you Kimble I'm not installing your Firefox addon.

Firefox for everything else.

i use firefox, chrome, chromium, opera, opera beta and opera dev.

Wew lad
