Have you ever lied about a problem with a product to return it our get a replacement?

Have you ever lied about a problem with a product to return it our get a replacement?

I recently got a new IPS monitor for the work I do but it came with two dead pixels near the center of the screen and it's driving me crazy. I can't get a replacement with only two dead pixels so I said that I was also having issues turning the monitor on occasionally. I was given a return label but the company said they'll investigate the "issue" when it arrives.

Could I get called out on this?

People return monitors for dead or stuck pixels all the time.. Why would you lie about it?

Actually most companies require a minimum amount of dead pixels to eaten a return. For example Asus only allows a return if a monitor has six or more dead pixels.

This is why you befriend people in retail. Got a friend at Microcenter, I bought three IPS monitors for eyefinity then an additional 144Hz Freesync monitor.

The Freesync monitor had two dead pixels, I told him about it and I brought it back to the store and we opened up other ones testing and found one that worked 100% without any defects and I took that one home.

Some months later one of my IPS panels developed a stuck pixel, it would come and go, but again I spoke to a friend from Microcenter and we exchanged it no problem.

Next time you're at a store and a retailer is overly talkative, engage them, strike up conversations with common ground.

I lied about having autism to get government assistance, if that counts.

I wish I could've gotten the monitor from retail, but it was so much cheaper online.

Fuck Asus

My XF270HU came with a dead pixel and they told me they won't fix it unless it's in the dead center or you have 19 of them. Thankfully Amazon was good enough to replace it for me.

Those are subpixels. I have one defective and I hardly notice it.

Quite often actually. A lot of nights I wander Walmart after work, impulse buy something, then return it 13 days later and buy it online for less if I think it's worth it.

As far as I know you can return anything to newegg or amazon, they don't give a fuck.

Don't forget to cum on the product and wipe it off before you return it to Newegg or Amazon.

They probably have better relationships with their suppliers to get returns/replacements because their would be a cost to them in replacing your shit otherwise.

>my 8 year old monitor has ZERO dead pixels

How the fuck do you get dead pixels?

By having a monitor with dead pixels.
>b-b-but muh anecdotal evidence

Nigga shit just happens

Why did you kill those pixels OP?

also try jscreenfix...

They're definitely dead not stuck

Press F

once accidentally ripped Sennheiser earbuds apart
just glued them back together with superglue
you couldn't see anything
they looked perfectly fine
but no sound
I returned them and got a new pair

I return everything that isn't as described directly to the seller
Dealing with manufacturers can take months and often just gets you another defective replacement from their RMA pool
If the seller doesn't like it he maybe shouldn't sell questionable quality products

I have real bad luck when I buy tech.

>buy monitor or tv >guaranteed dead pixels or stuck pixels that won't unstick

>buy components or laptop >COIL/CAPACITOR WHINE EVERYWHERE

Luckily everywhere in the UK tends to just replace for you instantly with no BS.

That said 10 years ago I used to get stuck and dead pixels all the time on things I bought monitors/tv/phone/handheld consoles etc. now it's much much rarer

The idea of dead pixels on a monitor NOT being a defect even if it's just one is ridiculous though. There's not a single person who'd be okay with a dead pixel on an expensive monitor when you sit 2 foot away from it.

>being this retarded

>Buy acer predator x34
>dead pixel slightly left from the center
>send it to RMA
>comes back with a negative cause theres only 1 dead pixel

Fuck my life. I'm returning it since 14 day money back guarantee.

I'm surprised they let you send it back in the first place. That's just wasting a customer's time. Rude.

No matter, im getting my money back, they offered me that i get store credit so i could replace it....

What the fuck is this shit?

my pb278q have like 10 dead pixel, of course they die after warranty is over, i will never buy a overprice monitor again (i know that's a lie though).

I get $31 Walmart gift cards like this:

> Find/steal a pair of Apple earpods, they have to be fairly new looking.
> Take them to Walmart
> Go to electronics section and find the earpods
> Take both to cs counter
> Say you'd like to return them but don't have the box/receipt
> "why are you returning them.lmao"
> Say you didn't know the in-line remote was incompatible with android phones
> Be sure to say "in-line" and "incompatible" (big words scare walniggers)
> They will ask you for your I'd and give you a $31 gift card, which you can use to buy anything in Walmart or buy any other gift card (except visa)

You can do this 3 times every six months at each location.

Dell told me that even 1 stuck pixel warranted a replacement. The visiting tech was also a total chill dude.

i'm guessing you'll get away with it even if they find nothing wrong with it and think it's user error/fraud, it's easier for them to just take it back

>Asus only allows a return if a monitor has six or more dead pixels

> Find/steal a pair of Apple earpods
> Be sure to say "in-line" and "incompatible" (big words scare walniggers)
nigger using big words to scare other niggers.

I'm just a dirty nigger with a slightly above watermelon vocabulary.

Holy shit, did you actually go to school?

Only on the days I didn't have to go with my mom to the welfare office.


Doesn't every store offers the if you find it cheaper online you get that price thingy?

>live in commie Europe
>can return any product within two weeks for any reason

I lied multiple times to get my 5 phones fixed with warranty after I bricked them. I like to fuck shit up and experiment.

in soviet america product returns you

I fell from my bike in winter once. I had my iPod Touch in my pocket with the headphone on top. I fell on it and the headphones made a dent on the backside which caused the display to fail in a circular region. Sent it to Apple and got a new one the next day. I didn't really lie though. I just didn't say anything about what happened, I just told them the display failed, which is kind of true.

But I don't have any too :o

I have to threaten to assrape my local micro center supervisors to get any returns

They also act extremely pissy about doing pricematches and will try to make you wait in the hopes that you'll leave instead

It's probably more that they are taken seriously and not talking to a retard themself that they give you a gift card.

I had to deal with HP business a couple of times. Best damned service I have ever had. Their customer service turned up at my door with a new monitor and set it up for me. I was kinda shocked about it to be honest.