Windows Aniversery Update

Windows Anniversary Update

- Takes 2 minutes to open a new Explorer window.
- Context menus are empty

- No longer misses the first 3 keystrokes of the password when logging in.

Pretty good trade-off imo

Other urls found in this thread:

-it doesn't recognize anymore some external hard drives (well working and tested under other OS)

- it resets all your privacy settings
- it resets all your default apps
- unable to change default apps in the settings (for some)
- it installs "get office" and "get skype" and other bloatware again
- windows defender constantly is in your systemtray now, if you want that gone you'll have to disable it, making the OS scream at you with notifications

Happy Anniversary!


Does it actually wipe your Linux partitions or is that just a myth on the Internet?

I don't want to find out the hard way despite having backups.

>- Takes 2 minutes to open a new Explorer window.
>- Context menus are empty
u wot m8

Not him but my start menu has gotten slower. Takes a second of pause before opening after the update

I don't know but I booted W10 yesterday and for some reason clicked check for update assuming it had already installed because I booted it a few days ago.

Anyway it starts auto-downloading it and the only option is to update and shut down/restart when you're done with your session.

So I configured my laptop's power button to shut down rather than sleep and thankfully it didn't update. I don't dare boot W10 again.

It's because downloading ads is slowing it down.

Are you using an SSD?

I am and my shit is instant. Using Win 10 Education with some tweaks. I did a clean install, though, because I can just wipe my boot SSD whenever I want.

My question doesn't deserve it's own thread.

I've put Win 8.1 on my t510. Can I update safely without accidentally updating to win10 now that the I missed the free update?

Windows Update will install Win10 and encrypt your data. You have to pay full price for Win10 to get your data back. Win10 will also encrypt the data on any connected external and network drives.

i have a thinkpad L420 with debian / windows 7 / windows 10 and after the 10 update it booted straight back into 10, i did not see grub2 or any boot options and this is what i saw when i looked at msconfig in windows 10, the timeout setting should not be less than 3 (seconds) but there it is, being 0

was slightly annoyed and then when i tried for 3 hours to try to get back into debian only to find out that the ext4 partitions (debian and swap) were both unallocated i was less than impressed.

thankfully that L420 is merely a terminal machine that i use to remotedesktop into other systems and occasionally take into the backyard for multimedia while i do smiting so it is not as big a loss as it could have been. now had this been my rendering machine...

Fuck the new start menu
Bugs galore
Random slowdown for no reason as if the drives have spun down even though they haven't
Random waiting for files to open as if the AV scans them for 10 god damn seconds
Same slowdown with programs even though it's on an SSD

IDK, all the other shit drives me up the wall, but I suppose it's further along in moving all the settings to the new settings program

I'm sure I'll get loads of idiots coming back to my store demanding to return their computers. As if getting a different one would help.

>- Takes 2 minutes to open a new Explorer window.
Nope, mine opens immediately.
>- Context menus are empty

However new Sticky Notes app seems to be broken for my tablet, without any option to reinstall or repair it. Hope PowerShell will help me.

Is ms trying to drive me to Linux? Cause it's working.


Second monitor now appears black when I load up windows, have to turn it off and on again to make it appear.

Fucking microshit.

Chronic Linfag here
Worked for me. I still run WINE though but office 2010 works just fine for me

>he fell for the win10 meme

>- No longer misses the first 3 keystrokes of the password when logging in.

so it wasnt just me? wew
still not updating though.

>with debian / windows 7 / windows 10

Most of these problems in this thread are from user error or shitty hardware, not the OS itself.

50 rupees have been deposited into your account

This to be honest
If you're not even smart enough to change this then might as buy a chromebook

Windows November Update

- None

- Not Anniversary Update

Enough of this ssd shit. I own an ssd but this shouldn't mean that the pajeets at m$ get to just write shitty software.

Clean Win10 install from two months old, I haven't installed much either.
I'm this guy btw

wew, its 2016 and people still don't have the bare minimum ssd for an OS partition.
even the cheapest shit will cut it, its $40 for 80GB for fucks sake.

>Cons here:
Skype preview - Even though I'm still supposed to use this dated spyware.
Dumb apps reinstalled - E.G Candy Crush

Settings didn't reset
autistic optional "bash" feature that installs semi-free GNU/Linux subsystem, thanks to Canonical in collab. with microjew.

TL;DR >5 year old hardware will have a hard time keeping up because corporations just don't give a fuck about optimization anymore, all they care about is making money and having the "product run".

wait, 5 year old hardware is still pretty good.
like sandybridge-e, nvidia kepler cards and crucial m500 ssds

It was an underestimation, how about +8 years?

How about the Intel Core Duo/Quad CPUs, AMD Phenoms || Athlons? I know a few people who run W10 on an AMD Phenom X4 or X3, and its plain sluggish, even with 8GB of RAM.
Old SSDs are fine, specially MLC SSDs.

I was more or less referring to low or mid-end old hardware that's incapable of keeping up with unoptimized shit.

Cons: seems to break moonlight streaming so no playing walking sims on the iPad in bed for me for the time being.

Not a Sup Forums guy, but this anniversary has fucked me up.

Taskbar doesn't auto-hide when a fullscreen program is running. At first I thought it was just youtube fullscreen that was fucked, but even fullscreen games still have the taskbar visible at the bottom.

Any ideas on how to fix?

Most if not all the cons are easily solved with a clean install. Fuck updates, they bring more trouble than it's worth.

Wait for MS to get their shit together. Nothing more can be done.


So it's not just me, then? The AU definitely caused it (left my PC running while I was at work as I'm torrenting GoT for my family, got home and the AU update must have auto-installed after the popup timed out)

Did some googling about the task bar and I couldn't find any recent posts regarding it and AU.

>Any ideas on how to fix?
Backup and reinstall like all things Windows.

to change default app you gotta switch the other option to i think it was called select app by or something like that.

dunno how they managed to fk that up though.

doing a fresh install using the latest iso fixed all my problems, shit runs super fast and smooth now

ITT: Freetards shilling linux through the medium of not knowing how to use windows

Friendly Linux General can eat a fat free horsecock.

How do OS bugs equal not knowing how to use something? Retard.

When those OS bugs seem to only be experienced by freetards. Retard.

I run Windows 10 on one core of a 10 year old Athlon 64 X2 3800+ with 2GB of RAM. It runs at least as well as Windows 7 did, if not better.

I run Win 10 32-bit just fine on this shitheap of a netbook. You should be fine.

Taskbar and start menu freezes 10 times a day, had to make a .bat to restart explorer.exe

You need to just clean install from ISO. It's apparent that the upgrade processes breaks Windows 10 far too often.

no problems here
on the other side is does not help when a retard operates a os better switch to ubuntu which is even more idiot proof compared to windows 10

Does it? Dammet.

Had to do it using Control Panel.

Get the new windows they said.
Don't be autistic they said.
It's great they said.

Well I didn't. Who's laughing now?

convince me

>Legacy codebase for years.
>Company post Ballmer infected with Indian cancer.
>Indians break Windows and suck up all Microsofts profits.
>Year of the Chrome desktop.

>windows defender constantly is in your systemtray now, if you want that gone you'll have to disable it, making the OS scream at you with notifications
Not true at all. The notification icon is its own seperate executable for whatever dumb fucking reason, appears in the startup programs list and can be disabled with no negative effects or affect on Defender itself.

If you need convincing then you're still in denial.

>no negative effects

Yeah just turn that shit off I'm sure the clusterfuck of proprietary linked garbage will function correctly.

Does for me and someone on github seems to have the same issue. I've just emailed the dev, hopefully there'll be a quick fix. Tried reinstalling geforce experience etc. Might have to just suck it up and stream to my crappy laptop for the time being.

- Takes 2 minutes to open a new Explorer window.
- Context menus are empty

I had this issue w/ a nvidia update or something like that, its caused with incorrect context menu shell additions disable the highlighted lines.

Use remotr instead, it works pretty good for me. Used it on my iPhone 6s.

the biggest bug for me is nvidia drivers/ direct x / fuck know, causing audio latency clicks/pops/crackling

i tried a live usb of linux and i didnt notice it and sometime in the past on windows 10, i didnt notice it, now im noticing it all the time

>tfw the anniversary update still hasn't shown up when I'm searching for updates
A-am I safe?

Seems like as good a thread as any. I want to move a hard drive to a new comp with a retail version of windows, is there a way to do so without having to lose all my data?

>the biggest bug for me is nvidia drivers/ direct x / fuck know, causing audio latency clicks/pops/crackling
>i tried a live usb of linux and i didnt notice it and sometime in the past on windows 10, i didnt notice it, now im noticing it all the time
That's called DPC latency and it's usually caused by corrupted network card drivers. Run something like LatencyMon to identify the bad driver.

If the OS is in another hard drive, you just plug in the HDD you want to move.

The drive I'm moving has the OS on it, but apparently there are issues moving an installation of windows to a new setup? So I was looking for a way to move the drive, OS+Data, without having to do a whole reformat if that's possible.

I've done that before and never had any problems. I'd backup important data just in case.

My wallpaper keeps resetting by itself.

Alrighty, thanks my dude.

There's a known issue with Pascal cards and DPC latency, although it has supposedly been fixed for single-GPU system, but not for SLI yet.

>only to find out that the ext4 partitions (debian and swap) were both unallocated
Happened to me too. The update made another tiny partition for Windows on my system and I suppose it made room for that partition by deleting partitions it couldn't resize.

No it doesn't. I dual boot Ubuntu and Win10. Updated to the new update, and Ubuntu still works perfectly.

>2 minutes to open a new exporer window

Just opened 6 of them in 15 seconds

get something that isnt a toaster m8

>- Takes 2 minutes to open a new Explorer window.
>- Context menus are empty
That's a personal problem for you.

more like poo in looser error

I am just salty that they manage to make the start menu even worse. Why does it need to have all apps open all the time?