/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

Previous thread: IRC: #/tpg/ on irc.rizon.net

Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (e.g. Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).
If you're looking for purchase advice, READ THE BUYERS GUIDE FIRST. Then post, stating budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
Don't buy anything OTHER THAN T, X AND W/P SERIES if you want the Real ThinkPad Experience™

Recommended models:
T420 - 14", normal size
X220 - 12.5", ultraportable
Why ThinkPad? (also applies to other business laptops)
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap.
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet.
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels.
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models.
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop.
>Easy to repair, upgrade and maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model. Spare parts are easy and cheap to obtain.
>The best trackpoint (that red thing in the middle of the keyboard). Great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad.
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support.
Used ThinkPad buyers guide:

xsauc buyers guide:

EPP discount for new ThinkPads (USA & Canada only, usually 15%+ off):

Helpful links and resources (Wiki, lookup tools and wallpapers):

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm looking for a thinkpad for my parents as a media player for their TV so they can watch 1080p movies. Would the X201 be fast enough? I have the T420s and that one would definitely work but it's maybe a bit too expensive for just a media player.
Any other models that would do the job?


why does my w520s gpu keep on going up and down in clock speed?
It happens in the max performance mode, and in the balanced normal mode

xinput list

then disable it with xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 0

replace 12 with the number of your device obviously

Doesn't this completely disable it?

yes it does.

What you are looking for is something like this I guess
if trackpoint active then
delay 1s
disable touchpad
else if trackpoint inactive then
delay 1s
enable touchpad

(sloppy pseudo code)

So my workplace has this in the storage, and plans on throwing it. Says it's a T400 and got like cetrino CPU. Should I let them get rid of it or ask to keep? Not sure I want this old laptop, its power brick is huuuge too.

>Get it for free
>Sell on ebay

ask to keep and stick libreboot on it

I'd try to get it and sell it for $100 or so depending on features.

>tfw typing on my new x220
This is without doubt the best keyboard I have used so far. Incredible. Working on my desktop now feels wrong, thanks Sup Forums

You can libreboot it.

Which Thinkpads reject Third party batteries? And is there a way to circumvent this?

Why don't you just buy a Raspberry Pi, install Kodi on it and use any shit you have around as a remote terminal? Would cost far less, be less of a mess and you can save the money on both hardware and electricity bill to buy a Thinkpad for comfy activities.

I think beginning with the **20 series.
And no, just buy genuine parts, third party parts for the recent models won't likely last a year, so it's not worth the investment.


Thoughts? Is this overpriced?

I just gave my Mum my X201t because her old laptop is practically dead
My brother now uses it more than she does so I'll probably help him buy a X201


second time I see that laptop on this board , I gotta tell you that I love those stickers.

fucking shit taste

>got an used T430 some time ago for under $200
>came with a hard drive that's pretty much broken above the 60gb mark
>it had two shitty 2gb RAM modules inside, one of which caused errors in memtest occasionally
>it had a supervisor password

I recently got around to removing the password using some trick and I'm ready to invest some money in it. An SSD and some RAM are due. I'm thinking about getting a T420 keyboard for it, is it really worth it? Also, how difficult is it to connect an external GPU to it?

Get an 850 evo and 8 gigs of ram should be sufficient.

T420 keyboard is nice if you can get all the buttons working, but my understanding is this requires flashing a custom BIOS, and the t430 keyboard's only real shortcoming is the lack of 7 row layout

Egpu setup is possible but you will have to connect to an external monitor.

Thanks for the suggestions user, I don't think I'll mess with the keyboard as it doesn't seem to offer much benefits.
Also, what is the downside of using a cheaper SSD? I'm a poorfag and I'd rather choose the least expensive option.

kingdian S820 series is good for cheap chinkshit i have heard.

No downside really. Just make sure you're backing up your data elsewhere.

Another T601F user reporting. AMA

What's that?

**30 series rejects both third party batteries AND GENUINE LENOVO BATTERIES FROM THE PREVIOUS **20 GENERATION.

You can bypass this with the battery auth embedded controller fix.

Though this patch is primarily concerned with the **30 to **20 keyboard swap, you can use the same methodology to only fix the battery auth if you want (in fact, the battery patch came first and allowed for the keyboard fixes).

Readme here:

After you clone the github repo, before patching between steps 6 and 7, rename
>and rename the other 5 preceding patches to .patch.OFF as they are concerned with the keyboard swap. That leaves the only valid .patch file to be the one concerning battery validation.

15" T60/T60p 4:3 shell with AFFS screen (UXGA or SXGA+) and 14.1" 4:3 T61/T61p) mobo in it. Basically the last machine you can cobble together with a nice 4:3 screen.

Just bought a t510 for 250 CAD. Tell me how I did

I7 620M
8gb ddr3 1333mhz
Nvidia nvs 3100m
500 GB hhd I'm upgrading to 256 ssd.
1080p screen (is nice)

Using it for school. Lots of statistical / data processing work in SAS and some other stats programs. The program days I should have 16GB ram and 1 tb hdd lel. I think I'll be okay.

Thoughts on this cop Sup Forumsents?

Rough price, but the T510 is a nice machine.

Yeah thought so too. I lurked my local Craigslist for weeks and this one was the best by a good amount. My city is overran by Chinese but they couldn't manage to bring in their machines I guess

Why not simply use a T61 then?

T61 was only offered in 16:10 widescreen or a max SXGA+ 14.1" screen and only in middling-quality TN panels.

>Raspberry Pi
Why didn't I think of that before. Thanks user

Is an ultrabay battery even worth it? They seem to be quite expensive and only add about an hour or so. Whats you guys opinion?

Looks like a lot of work to go from 4:2.5 to 4:3

I'm assuming you're managing the library.

Get a Roku3 and Plex. It's as easy as it gets.

You misspelled "samefag".
I have to say though, the Chinese kitten is cool but putting stickers on your laptop isn't.

It isn't really. And if you've never used a AFFS/IPS panel you don't know what you're missing.

X201 will be fine.

Bullshit, I own a x201 but for me it struggles with 720p already

You're doing something very wrong, my fucking X61 can play 1080p vids.

Is it worth getting the 4k screen on the p50? I've read there were some issues with screen tears and scaling.

Also, is the m100m sufficient to play 4k vid or should I upgrade to the m2000m?

I'm waiting for my T420s to arrive from the UK over europe, it was shipped 3 days ago and now eBay tells me that my purchase is under review for potential prohibited items, wtf? Which prohibited items can be on a thinkpad?

Just finished installing Arch on my X61 touchscreen tablet, what are some essential packages to install?

That's because of the Global Shipping Program, don't worry, the same thing happened to me a week ago. I received an email stating that it was dispatched a day after that one.
It's still pretty stressful and stupid, though.

That's comforting to read man, thanks.

who's also using the only master race thinkpad ever?

+classic keyboard

>winshit on a ThinkPad
How did you even find Sup Forums?

I'm feeling a little sad that I will need to spend loads of cash on my T530, to get an ssd, thermal paste and a new battery. But I think it'll be worth it, it feels so damn robust and it's nearly silent even though it idles at 56 degrees celcius.

That looks really comfy.
I wonder if you'd be able to fit an eGpu behind the screen.

Not a thinkpad or even a business laptop, but I feel like you guys would Appreciate the design of the CR-48

Also included bottom to top is

>you guys would Appreciate the design of the
No fuck off we don't

I like my Thinkpad

Looks very stealthy. I'd like it if not for the buttonless trackpad, I need physical trackpad buttons, but it looks neat at least.

kek Posts like these always crack me up. I'm glad dude, me too

Me too.
Which one do you have?

What's up /tpg/
Just got my new t420 about a week ago, i5 with 4gbs ram, HDD and shitty battery
Got the machine for 175 USD, how much am I looking at spending if I want to upgrade all of these things? RAM probably to 8 gbs, HDD to SSD? Battery and RAM aren't essential, but lurked long enough to get the feeling an SSD is. What do you guys think?

This is now a Thinkpad battlestation thread

>you share a thread with people like this


I can't play GTA V on linooox, so you can take your winshit meme and stick it up your ass, faggot.
Nope. But to be honest internal GPU is good enough for all gaymes I play

I'd go msata ssd + 2 HDDs, 8gb ram and quad core i7.

>inb4 fag

>I can't play GTA V
Enjoy your NSA OS so you can play your kiddie games.

>he bought a thinkpad for gayming
>he then proudly posts in /tpg/
What a time to be alive

S-sorry user, no EqualizerAPO alternative.

>kiddie games
You sound insecure. I like having fun with my friends. How about you? Do you even leave your parent's basement?
Prove it, because AFAIK my dd-wrt based router has never detected any kind of unwanted traffic coming from my thinkie. Of course my w10 is properly debloated.

Faggot confirmed.

>he bought a thinkpad for gayming
No, I didn't. Why are you implying things I haven't said? Are you buttmad because my T430 handles GTA V at steady 60FPS?


idiot undergade b& spotted
You can take your le funny may may meme responses and return to reddit

>playing anything besides emulators

Clearly underage - I stopped online gaming because it began to take too much of my time. It pulls you in due to the highly interactive and fast paced elements of it.
Offline gaming? Pause at any time.

Now, since online gaming didn't bode well for me, I need to project my personal and singular experiences onto others:

You can't be productive and well-balanced if you play video games online. Only playing games offline is acceptable - particularly older ones that are emulated.

Posts hidden.

Faggot confirmed.

But this is for creating music with DAWs right?

If that can be used as a system-wide parametric EQ i'm installing Linux right now.

I did very little research, honestly.

>because it began to take too much of my time
And what does it have to do with me?
I spend 30 minutes every day MAX on gaming. To your information I use linux on all my machines in my company, including servers and embedded devices.
>You can't be productive and well-balanced if you play video games online.
Wow, because everybody must be as retarded as you are, you insecure little shit. I got my own family, house, car, friends and a lot more activities to take care of. I only play gaymes when I have enough time.

>Do you even leave your parent's basement?
>plays online games to interact with "friends"
What point are you trying to make? Are you sure you're on the right board?

That's the issue, there's also eq10q which would be perfect but they're meant as plugins for DAWs, not for general usage like watching movies/youtube/etc.

If i find one i'm migrating to Ganoo/Linux asap.

Should I get a T400 or a T420? are they that different? I can get a T400 in great condition for £70 and don't really wanna pay more

I fucked up. Only T420 seller in the area and I blew it.
>Go to the sellers shop
>He tells me to come back at 7:30pm
>Don't have a car, have to bus
>Agree to because nobody else sells it for less than $350
>Come back, their store doesn't have a working debit machine
>Says theres an ATM 5 mins away. Say's he'll wait for me
>Walk 20 mins to nearest ATM because he thought I had a car
>Won't accept my card
>Next ATM is another 20 mins away
>Give up and go home

Should I go in and give him a BS reason or just buy one with a dock for $400

keep asking him you aspie fuck, shit happens normies know that.

It's in a shop? Go in with the cash and he will sell it to you. Stop being a pussy


"Hey everyone! Look at me and how succesful my life is! Btw, my username is Anonymous! So next time you see me, bow down in respect! Also, since we're on Sup Forums I'll just pretend I'll have multiple PC's and servers running (all Linux OF COURSE). And my gaming rig? A ThinkPad on steroids becaus I could easily afford a proper gaming PC but I chose the T430 instead because it's surperior in every way. Just look how convenient that dockstation is."

>I only play gaymes when I have enough time.

exactly, that is the same issue I had. So why continue gaming at all?
I barely even touch the emulators, or pick up the controller.

Have you ever realized how ridiculous it is to have to force yourself to find time, only to waste it on a childish hobby you've just refused to let go of?
>everybody must be as retarded as you are, you insecure little shit

reported for rudeposting, expect the van in 15 minutes

>I only play gaymes when I have enough time
>plays 30 min a day max
kek must suck to work 18 hours a day to survive

>thread about thinkpads
>somebody posts his thinkpad

>oh, why is he responding to my shitty posts? why is he trying to tell me I'm wrong? haha
literally kill yourself. You're seriously toxic.
Why read books? Why watch movies? Why play games?
Just kill yourself already. Why should we have fun at all?
You do realize games are not only cs:go, LoL or some other stupid shit for kids?
Good games have the same value as a movie.
>talking about wasting time
>while shitposting on Sup Forums
Yes, you clearly know what you're talking about. Just leave.

>/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

>doesn't even have a car
Why are you wasting money on a computer?

Sup Forums is that way ->

I'm sure the thought must have crossed your mind at some point, but people probably wouldn't shit on you so much if you didn't default to shitting on everyone else whenever you post. It makes you sound like you have serious buyer's remorse and are calling everyone else's Thinkpads shit so that you feel better about your own purchase. Especially when you get all autistic about defending it like you're doing now.

Your low intelligence is just wrong.
I hope Trump will decide to forcefully abort such abominations as you.

not him, but honestly when I stop to think on it, I would rather have a thinkpad than a car

at least you could manage your life with the computer, in regards to college, bank, email, keeping in touch with people

I didn't call other thinkpads shit, I just said T430 is master race, which is true. Are you new here, newfriend?
Better go on and watch some memes instead.

fix'd for you

If he literally doesn't have any kind of computer or smartphone at all, sure.

If he's just buying a meme machine instead of saving that money to get some kind of personal transportation that opens up a plethora of opportunities for him as a human being, his priorities are all wrong.