/csg/ Chink Shit General

Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Chink_shit_general

Roadmi s2 pros and cons Some impedance explanations Annon bag smels like shit Annon gets his tea and a small bonus
Word form threads combined
Coupon script is up and running And for all the newfags form Sup Forums, yes your shit will not come in a week, and if you cant wait do not bother whit chik shit. Wait 2 month then complain ask for refunds.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've been having some successes with the modified coupon finder program (with the stores in random order). testing it out yesterday, i was getting about 75 coupons per hour, bearing in mind the script only outputs coupons that give over 50% discount. unfortunately, when running it last night, windows decided to update and i lost all the output. if anyone else wants to try it out, here is the modified code again: pastebin.com/qq6VNXQ3


third for mangosteen juice

Making my first order on Ali
Should I setup an alipay account or is paying with a card through the regular aliexpress website (it says powered by alipay) secure enough?

You are already protected by it. Im peaty sure almost no one has one.

pay thru card on aliexpress, it uses alipay and is separate, i've used it for years

just out of curiosity, to the chinkshit randomiser guy, what host do you use?


I just noticed AliExpress is not secure by Chrome standards. It isn't even HTTPS.

This is the correct site, right? aliexpress.com/

I'm getting suspicious about hijack. Company of that size should have their shit together considering even Sup Forums can into secure connection.

Should I start a Google sheet to put all of the coupon script output into?

it's secure for login and payment, you don't really need a secure connection for browsing products.. secure for everything is a nice meme but not really necessary everywhere and most people who use aliexpress won't really care.

nice, which script version did you use?
yes please user

Those pros and cons are not for the Roidmi 2s you dope.

randomized with global site output and 50 threads
ran it over night on my rpi

who /chinesegenocide/ here?

Here, anyone can edit. Feel free to add your own outputs but try to avoid duplicating any.


The mobile site is https surprisingly

Wow, true. What are they even doing?! How can their desktop site be HTTP while their mobile is HTTPS? How is that possible?

Banggood or Gearbest?

Which one has better customer service?
Which one has a better discount/reward system?
Which one has more products(in the computing/smartphone/tablet category)?

I don't want to waste my time with 2 sites... I just want to choose one since the prices seem more or less the same anyway...


should i pull the trigger /csg/? i was going to go with another model ($3 cheaper but had my LCD model in description) but they recommended this.

Suck it chinaman, I expect to receive the flash drive I ordered at the price I paid for it

>tfw no kawaii german officer

Wow what pieces of chink shit

Not even an offer of offering some free shit to you, discount or just giving you the item from their own mistake

Fuck Chinks

Need a new phone, really only care about aesthetics and sound quality.

Can any chink phones come close to s7 or iPhone?

man I saw that deal about a few days ago.
What a bunch of faggots

chinks are the worst, I wish we had a jap shit general, yet everything is too damn high


Fuck em. Tell them they're going to send you the product at the advertised price or you're giving them 1 star.

You want a jap shit general because their shit isn't shit.

I'll 1 star them for you, damn chinks

Man we need a thai or korean general. At least you won't get screwed over like how chinks do it.

Ahahahaha gooks are just as bad.

>korean general

Dude, gooks are fucking horrible, I hate gooks and chinks equally.

Japs are cool though, very friendly but just too expensive

Check ebuy for gook monitors.1-3 dead pixels is considered pixel perfect. DO not trust the yellow skins mate.

yeah thats decent, the one linked above also includes the store name which is good.. but you got a lot of output, i wouldn't expect that much from a rpi

they scew you over and make you pay full price

i like both desu, just pick whichever is cheaper each time.. or use both and see which you prefer..



unfortunately the script doesn't check whether the items have a minimum order :(

Keep updating us user, I can smell the drama


>that emoji
Fucken perfect

Poor Cathy is gonna get fired again.

Are there any chink external hard drives (2TB) worth buying? I think my pc is about to die

Capitalism is cruel.

>Still no invite to the gearbest shilling program

buy an internal harddrive and use a chink hard drive case to make it external. orico make good ones.


There aren't any good HDD, They make decent SSD though

fuck i want these

Don't be a faggot.

>Max size 10.5
also, learn how to link.


So is this what i'm looking for?
Where would I get the Hard drive itself?

I assume a lot of them would not be as advertised, are there any stores in particular I should look at?

Of course there is

First reply was meant to be

That image looks like a minature coffin, the proportions seem wrong

Chinks are short.

anyone know anything about chink dash cams

yes something like that and you would get the cheapest hard drive you could find of the size you wanted in your home country. also the chink ssds are good. buy kingdian if you want one.

Aliexpress needs some seller protections. Not just for poor cathy but for the buyer- having the seller scared of you seems like a good idea at first but it means that anything but a 5 star is basically a death sentence for the seller, and sometimes things do go wrong.
It seems aliexpress doesn't even have the kind of system that will allow a seller to back out of a deal. Sellers in civilised countries have some rights

Xiaomi's got your back senpai

No I mean it seems like a dollhouse sized coffin. The image isn't of a coffin that's far away but just really small


>having rights
pick one

shut up vicky

I'm saying it'd be better for the buyer since it promotes honesty

>mfw A$2 chink earphones arrive
>mfw they sound ALMOST as good as my dying 3 yo vmoda remotes

Only issue is build quality. Cheap plastic and thin wires.

Not having that good rights is one of the reasons chink shit is much cheaper than the EU goods we get at the stores.

In practice they have the same rights as third-party sellers on Amazon. It's perfectly possible for the seller to refuse to ship an order on Ali; if I do raise a dispute all I'll get is a refund on my 60p and (hopefully) the opportunity to leave a one-star review.
The same applies to online sellers in the UK - if they put something online with an incorrect price they are well within their legal rights to cancel any orders made at that price, at the expense of some bad PR and losing customer goodwill.
The difference is that there are literally hundreds of thousands of sellers on Ali, so any given seller losing even a small amount of customer trust is as likely as not to be a death sentence for them.

What is it going to be?

Yes until someone else then makes a new aliexpress where the buyers have all the rights again. Then as a customer do you want to shop where you are treated above the seller or where they can fuck with you abusing seller protections?

Pretty easy to see why they will stick with the current system, it's working.

Sorry for sounding dim but what's the final field (cheapest)?


Why not both? I'm not talking about sellers being able to fuck you over, I'm talking about the facilitation of honest trade.

This obsession with 5 stars is not healthy.


2 years is a tad bit too much even for a consumerist like me

I bought the same thing
I'm not getting shit am I

SARS and cancer

It is a 16Ah meme


They find ways to chink us now, your idea would just give them more even more opportunities to do so.

A seller accidentally setting a discount way too low and getting completely 100% fucked, probably losing the shop and livelihood as well, is not a fair market. Giving the seller the basic right to not get completely assfucked because they did one mistake is not abusing seller protections.

any news on Vicky? is >she still alive?


The cheapest item in the store.
Some shops give nice discounts like $5 from orders above $5.01 but if the cheapest item is $30 it's probably not a good coupon

No, fuck them, they fucking started raising prices this month.

They don't loose jack shit, they just get a new account, with the same fucking people and everything.

Everybody selling the exact same shit from the same factory over on Taobao, a lot of them have multiple accounts with prices a tad different from each other to drive customers to their main account.

Ordered from 3 different stores, all shipped out from the same address.

it gives the cheapest item on the store however it doesn't work so well (ie sometimes there'll be a minimum order number and it'll just be showing price/piece)

With seller protection they wouldn't need to make 4 different stores just in case they make a mistake and one gets shut down.

If you love it so much just go back to amazon, personally I'd like the sellers to have the least amount of rights possible. If I could have Jack Ma go to their factory personally and force them to ship the orders I would to get a good deal.

I see, thanks guys

Her ashes were used to fill fake lithium batteries, RIP

I don't know. They're only out by about £1.50 per order on this though so they may just bite the bullet and ship them out

I got some .30cent earplugs from aliexpress, surprising they didn't muffled the sound. I've used them while watching a shitty movie at my local cinema

They make different stores not for mistakes, but to fucking artificially create the illusion that the item is worth a certain price point.

They do it all the fucking time in south east asia, china still uses the haggling system, they inflate prices on multiple accounts giving the illusion something is worth 20 bux, and then have their main account price the thing at 15~18 bux when they can make a profit at 10.

Why do I know this?
Cuz I live where people do this, and know people who explain it to me.

Ratings are shit, you can buy a couple thousand ratings with a couple of bux, you can even have them spaced over a month or even longer if you pay more.

5 star ratings are also shit, even if they shit arrives broken, they will ask for a 5 star rating and give you a discount or some other shit.

An ad designer told me that a big mall ordered a couple thousand cards in pink for $320 USD, the factory's machine was fucked and they printed everything in brown, told the mall "lol sorry 40% off" and the mall took the offer.

U r 1 cheeky cunt m8

How shitty is SingPost? Worse than PostNL?

Awful, at least for getting shit to Europe. I recall someone in a previous thread saying they weren't bad for west coast USA/Canada though.

They look like Piston 2's