Linux icon thread

Post your favourite icon theme.
>mine is Arc

Other urls found in this thread:

Numix Circle master race



Arc + Paper for app icons

Arc + Moka

I still miss the good old days of faenza, even though it looks dated by today's standards.

Does anyone know of a high resolution osx icon pack?

who /masalla/ here?



the Moka icon theme

I still use Faenza. Its directory icons are giving me the least eye-sores and it goes along with everything. On top of that it's really complete, despite not being worked on for 5 years.
All the others are either too flashy or incomplete.

Too thin.

I use GNU/Stallman.

Dis senpai

This senpai

>falling for the flat icons meme

As a windows guy, those don't look half bad.

They're too obviously inspired by Material Design, though..

>as a windows guy

Nobody said buff yet..


Fuck off with your Vista gradients, Grandpa.

whatever the fuck came with Korora, I don't give a shit

kek, there's a fucking butt plug with eyes.

Text-only masterrace reporting in.

I just use the default Xubuntu one, all others have way to many missing icons and it triggers my ocd