Goodbye Linux, Hello Windows 10

Linux is okay if you have time playing with it, researching your problems and fixing them by yourself. But when you get older you just don't have time for that crap. I used to be a big fan of Linux and I wish them the best. At this point of my life I just want things to work. Therefore, I have Windows 10 and so far, so good.

Other urls found in this thread: Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB 10014393 Version 1607 Оригинальные образы от Microsoft MSDN En

Pfff windows 10 is so painful and damn too expensive for nothing!

>things to work
>windows 10
pick one

Nobody cares what you run on your desktop.


I might actually consider Windows 10 one day, with all of it's horrid failures, if for only they didn't try to fuck everyone over with "secure boot", making dualbooting with another OS incredibly unnecessarily difficult at best, and impossible at worst.



How much do they pay you or do you do it for free?

Fuck you, OP.

Finally going to dual-boot Linux.

>b-but everything breaks on linux and you have to spend half of your lifetime fixing them

Sure thing


Linux is actually better at being Windows than Windows is. I spent years trying to get my old Windows programs to run on my Windows 7 machine, with no success. Then I installed a Linux VM and it runs all those old Windows programs perfectly using Wine.

Try using POL (PlayOnLinux).
it is basically GUI manager for wine. It enables you to easily have multiple wine versions installed, install additional libs with one click and many other features which enables you to fine tuning your wine experience.

Because sometimes with never wine edition some stuff might stop working, this workaround this problem.

>just want things to work
>Windows 10
nice one :^)

Great astroturfing OP, your EVANGELISM is certainly EFFECTIVE.

are you stupid? you can run VMware on windows too you freetard shill.

Its not my fault your system sucks.

>you just don't have time for that
But you have time to waste having to restart your computer every fucking day to install updates and waiting at that fucking screen "please wait while Windows updates your system" for like 10 minutes, that shit adds up.

Linux just works and doesn't ask me to shell out $100 every few years, its updates and upgrades are free and it has fewer security holes.

*tips Fedora*

Linux is made by a jew

no thanks. I like AMERICAN software made by AMERICANS


You should try a mac.
Windows 10 was making me lose time and work with it's sloppy updates, so I broke down and bought a Mac. I can never go back now. Everything works so smoothly and intuitively that it makes windows seen chunky and sluggish.

>You should try a mac.
Lolno. Macos is garbage and Macbooks are made for retards who want to waste money.

That is what happened to me OP. although I am thinking about dual booting again. I still dont have anniversary update.

thanks for trying :/

>I spent years trying to get my old Windows programs to run on my Windows 7 machine, with no success

That's your explanation? Your too poor to buy better software? Okay well maybe you do belong on Linux.

regressions is a pretty big deal with the wine devs

they sacrifice performance over having programs still work all the time

Whos the deamon tools deamon

>you can run VMware on windows
How's that supposed to help? The issue is that Wine has better support for outdated versions of the Windows API than modern versions of Windows do.

>buy better software
What's that supposed to mean? I'm supposed to give up software that I've been using for years, and pay money to replace it with something inferior? No thanks.

If someone isn't smart enough to get linux working, paying for windows is a bad idea when you can pay only a little bit more and get a stable system, good support, and a much better user experience.

Something happened

Yea you can just lie.

Omg she is so hot.

>At this point of my life I just want things to work.
My girlfriend bought a laptop with Windows 10, and things certainly didn't "just work".
I would say Mac is the choice you should make if you want things to just work.


> Mandatory updates that can screw with your drivers
> Constant surveillance
> Unhelpful error messages
> All the shit here:

> just works

Easily disabled

does it use implementation details of tcp to check return messages from sending specially crafted packets to the hosts or something?

I used to feel the same but with all the dick moves MS has been pulling with Windows 10 it is annoying me more and more. For example on a clean install of Windows 10 I need to make sure I am not connected to the internet when it first boots up as if you are then it auto-installs Twitter, Candy Crush and some other shit. Then I have to have some PowerShell commands saved on the install USB so I can uninstall all the modern bullshit apps along with Candy Crush, etc.

Now in the Anniversary Update I cannot disable the lock screen so when I open up my laptop after changing room I have to click "sign in" even though my account has no password so it is literally pointless.

They are making it harder and harder to disable things I don't give a shit about such as store apps being defaults, delaying updates to when it suits you, etc.

Compared to Fedora or Ubuntu where I install and thats it. All of my hardware works, all I need to do is copy over my dot files and do an update and I can get to work right away and with Chrome on Linux things work just as well as on Windows these days. Honestly Microsoft is making Windows harder and harder to use whereas Linux is getting easier.

I would love to see an official Ubuntu Cinnamon build as I find that to be the best DE but installing it on vanilla Ubuntu from PPA has had a lot of bugs in my experience. I should probably try Mint but I am very lazy

I think both windows 10 and Linux are nice, I run windows 10 on my desktop, fedora 24 on my notebook, centos 7 on my NAS, openelec on my htpc and on the TV in by bedroom.

I want to run Fedora but I have never been able to get the fonts not look like total shit. Have you had any luck?

Although I do have Linux installed on my laptop and my other PC, I feel like it's a meme and only really helpful to a small number of use case scenarios. For me personally, Linux is better for dedicated devices such as my RPi and home server but beyond that, I don't really benefit much from switching over to Linux other than 'another user experience' and to show strangers how 1337 I am in the terminal.

I don't even care, my Windows 10 copies are free LTSB iso's. I can defer updates, telemetry, and everything updates and works on it.

Fedy has an option for better font rendering.

It's mint with lamb.

"Who has time to educate themselves?" - the post

What! We have to install a dummy GUI application to get better fonts on Fedora!

very cool. thanks!

>"hello windows 10"
>just when windows 10 got the worst possible update ever made

As you get older, running into computer problems is much more rare.
I couldn't imagine the pain it would be to switch back to windows.

Hello Pajeet, have a nice day.

No matter how shit it is, I get paid more to claim I like it.


Microsoft first forced their shitty backdoor on everyone and later leaked the keys, see:

On top of that the problem you're pointing to is not directly fault of the linux kernel:
>The flaw actually resides in the design and implementation of the Request for Comments: 5961 (RFC 5961) – a relatively new Internet standard that's designed to make commonly used TCP more robust against hacking attacks.

>Windows, OS X and FreeBSD are not believed to be vulnerable because they have not yet fully implemented RFC 5961.

Yeah, let's blame linux for implemening recent standards while their competitors lags behind! (or tries to push their closed technologies to lock their users).

The windows fanboy community: the only community who condemns honest mistakes but can forgive bullshit pushed on them if it's on purpose.

How fucking dare you have personal needs and preferences faggot

This is ironic considering windows is shoved down on everyones throat independently on if you like it or not.

Well it can be done manually but fedy is much quicker


>I just want it to work
Yes user, I just want my computer to restart itself without asking me in the middle of the night, I love how windows formats all non-ntfs partitions with updates, you probably didn't have anything valuable on that 1tb, do you


Personally I'd go back to Linux if they just improved their hardware support

I have a laptop with Intel and the hardware support is pure beauty. Everything works so nice and the xf86-video-intel works excellent for me. No complaints. If you want good hardware support pick a distro like Arch, Gentoo, Manjaro, Fedora, etc. Debian and the derivates are not that good. I'm gonna dualboot with Arch on my desktop today.

>Personally I'd go back to Linux if they just improved their hardware support
This is very hard if the marketshare remains small because then the hardware companies can ignore it, that's whyMS's anticompetitive tactics can be very effective as long they have the money:
-First use an anticompetitive measure to make harder a competitor to earn users.
-Try to be subtle to be able to pull this some number of years and meanhile you'll create the illusion that competing solutions are worse.
-At this moment you should have prepared a good ammount of money just to pay the fees.
-Make sure that only an small percentage of people (generally the tech savvy one) will know about what you did but the averge joe will not care.
-Get your reputation back by investing a lot on advertisement, you can pay shills to manipulate opinions if necessary.
-At this point the competitor/s should be very weak but you already planted the idea that your products are the only viable ones (through forced incompatibility but at this point no one cares anyway).

The fact is that this becomes an egg-chicken game. If you want to see better hardware support it'll depend on the amount of users, if you want to see a change try to support it when possible and show there's demand to hardware manufacturers.

Fuck around with badly programmed shit insted of using a normal OS which has more than 2% marketsharw..

Both osx and windows are from india these days.

Then get Ubuntu instead of Arch. Duh.

And Windows is image related.

>freshly installed latest build
>had to force turn off pc after the first updates were installed

I guess I don't know how old you are, but I'm 24 and I've been using Linux for about 8 years now, and every time I use Windows I end up having issues that I don't have enough control to fix. Windows update will hang or fail and the only thing you can do is keep trying, maybe restart and try again.

You could say that with Linux you have to research how to fix things, but nobody gave you a class on how to use Windows, we all learned it just by using it and figuring out how to fix problems when they happened, and don't lie and say they don't happen.

I have no problems with people using Windows, I'm a pragmatist, I've still got a Windows desktop sitting at my desk for when I want to play some games or need a Windows only application, but, to steal your line, "at this point in my life", I'd rather have the ability to quickly diagnose and fix problems than pretend they don't exist and keep clicking the same button until it makes go.

If you don't mind me asking, by the way, what was your setup? Desktop/laptop, were you trying to switch between integrated and dedicated graphics, what distro and DE/WM were you using? What seemed to give you the most problems?

Don't sweat it brah, OP is a shill, and a pajeet.

>goodbye linux, hello windoze.
>from the things that don't happen file.

>installed el capitan hackintosh
>stable after installing all drivers
>no annoying things everywhere, everything just works, no ads

>installed win10
>have to disable 100 checkboxes so that it does not spy as much as normal
>preinstalled "apps" are just junk and behave like mobile shit, even though this is a desktop OS
>MS tries to force me to use their programs instead of better alternatives all the time
>the whole OS looks like it was designed in excel and paint
>have basically no control over updates

Don't worry user, it's just the curry suckers are out in full force because of the secure boot fuckup

nigga its in the repos

>Goodbye Linux, Hello Windows 10 Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)10:11:42 No.560270
I use Debian for my main everyday and work and it's easier to use than Windows for me, I don't have time to relearn Windows, I knew Windows back in the XP days but since then I haven't used it and it would be a huge learning curve to go back to Windows

>not using Windows 10 LGBT Edition

Link? I'm on 10 Pro...

what is the most minimal login manager (besides not having one at all)

You need a subscription to download the iso from MSDN ( Just search the filename on duckduckgo to find a torrent. It has all the performance enhancements of Windows 10 without all the bullshit modern apps.

link pls

Link to the torrent I'm using: Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB 10014393 Version 1607 Оригинальные образы от Microsoft MSDN En

Didn't verify the checksum yet so proceed with caution.

>install windows
>use IE to download firefox
>Click first link bing provides
>hastily download firefox
>realize when its too late I just downloaded and installed some fake chromium bullshit malware

Yes, it's my fault for being hasty, but it also shows that IE and Bing, and Microsoft in general is total shit. I kept the partition, but now I primarily use Linux ever since.

>using bing
Go to your run dialog and run iexplore.exe redirects you to the official site.


This story is beautiful; I nearly shed tears.

Your story of finding your way to the world was incredibly inspiring to me. This is why I tune into /r/PCMR everyday. Hoping that one day I see such a heart warming story such as this one. Bravo, bro. Bravo.

I've upvoted on all of my alts, and once Starbucks sends me my next paycheck, you better believe I'm giving you all the Reddit Gold you deserve.

Thank you.

Linux is great if you have a modicum of computer skills. If you aren't trying to rice everything and just want to do work it's fine. Install a mainstream distro like Ubuntu or Linux Mint and use a popular DE like Unity or MATE/Cinnamon and you're fine. It gives you access to the kernel. It has low resource usage and it's fast!

Windows is great. It's has it fair share of issues but since it's had a lot more of the user share it's being patched up a lot. Linux is fine if you aren't using bleeding edge technology and if you run stable software.

>Windows is great
I'm honestly surprised that statement came from a board where Windows Users are literally satan.

NEETs spend their time whining about operating systems. If you are busy actually using your computer it doesn't matter. But I do prefer Linux for programming. Windows I use as well, just for about anything else.

i think i finally found my preferred DE. ive been jumping around between openbox/fluxbox for awhile now because i thought i valued minimalism but really all those do is make everything more difficult and take away cool features that actual DE's have

so now im on cinnamon and i'm starting to see the light

Cinnamon as a DE is close to Windows, so if you're used to Windows I can see a windows user getting the hang of it easily.

is there any Sup Forums certified tools for arch that can help with fixing battery issues?

in ubuntu im getting ~4 hours of use with just chromium + youtube open. with arch it says 1 hour 56 minutes, less than half of what ubuntu is doing.

arch install is basically clean (antergos + gnome)

Ask in the friendly linux gen and look into browsers that don't eat up battery life.

oh you're right. i thought this was the friendly linux gen.

Whatever works for you OP. We run Windows, Mac, and Linux at my company and let everyone choose what they want to use. All the devs are on Mac or Linux (or Mac running SSH into Linux), the business and creative teams are a mix of Windows and Mac.

Thanks for letting us know you're retarded.

I know how you feel OP. Linux is a meme. I mean fuck, doesn't even run games properly. If I had a shitty old laptop maybe I'd stick Linux on it for web browsing. For my home PC Desktop I will fucking use windows.

It just works nigger

25 euros / key

Spotted the Microshill

>battery life
Choose one.

>The windows fanboy community: the only community who condemns honest mistakes but can forgive bullshit pushed on them if it's on purpose.

I don't think I'll every comprehend the windows fanclub. I've only seen it here. Everyone I know just tolerates it when they have to use it along with every other OS. Linux is different in that it you get to tweek it but it is also very frustrating at times and can be tricky. It's not kind to noobs. MIcrosoft makes everyone groan. But I've never heard anyone be against linux except here. Most users of windows I know just leave the settings and settle for a seriously laggy slow as shit user experience but they don't complain until it's unusable but they never rave about it either.

I think the people who post here against linux are trying to be upsetting to people who like it and enjoy it and they actually don't give a flying rats ass about any operating systems at all. They just like their applications and as long those work they don't care about application switching times and multiple desktop settings and file and app opening and closing speeds and the number of operations running and waiting in line to be processed. They just want to get under the collar of people who like having fun with tuning their machines.