What is the Dark souls of programming languages?

What is the Dark souls of programming languages?

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Something only a little difficult that morons believe is the epitome of challenge because of memes and a desire to validate their incompetence?
x86 Assembly


>Meme souls


>Not using Dark Souls as a programming language

What is the programming language of Dark souls?

machine code

>aspergers the post

Obvious Haskell



haskell is just shit

get out

Obviously C if it wasn't your first language.

It looks like like all other commonplace {RPGs||imperative languages}, but the amount of quirks it has makes it a challenging if you want to {{play it like you're used to||achieve the safety you're used to}}.

>initially hard to learn, and never truly becomes comfortable; always requires caution
>allows users to fuck up, doesn't hold their hand
>clunky, flows needs accustomed to
>fun to write in
>sticks to its original formula, barely changes
>die hard community that projects hate outwards
>tons of imitators
>networking is painful

it's definitely C

Hard, but satisfying with a ridiculous amount of concentration and practice? C

C is really easy, it's basically the day 1 babby's first programming syntax of every C-based language + a few extras, smug newfag

Any form of esoteric language like: brainfuck, Malbolge, FALSE, Unlambda, Thue, INTERCAL, Befunge-93, LOLCODE etc.


Shit only faggots use? JavaScript.

