"you must be a registered user to see links"

>"you must be a registered user to see links"
>"your account must be approved my an admin to see links"
>"you must post a comment in this thread to see links"
>post it
>"you must press the thank you button"
>press it
>"you must have at least 20 comments on these forums to see comments"
>spam their retarded forums to fit their retarded requirements
>finally see the link
>open it
>it's fucking dead

>"you must be a registered user to see links"
>Go to another site, get links
Damn that was hard

It's the only place Google indexed.

No its not, look harder.
What shitty game you want to pirate that isn't on any other place?

Who said it was a game?

>make thread asking question
>"thread closed, use the search feature"
>find thread similar to topic
>ask question in thread
>"thread close for necro"

>Site made you register to see links
Only shitty-tier yuropoor sites do this for gayming, if not, what software are you trying to pirate?

It's not a software.

What the fuck are you trying to pirate?
Why are you acting so retarded instead of just stating what you're looking for?

Excellent blog, fellow redditor, might I suggest jumping off a fucking cliff?

>not a game
>not a software
some odd fetish porn?

It doesn't matter what it is honestly.

Not fetish, just a rare scene from clips4sale.

>Site made you register to see links
Has been actually a quite common feature in forumkits for some time.

it's specific firmware from githube for making dildo machine overcock

>Downloading porn
ayy lmao

>Downloading porn

hahaha this fvcking true dude

Well it's not on any streaming site either so where should I watch it?

>inb4 buy it

Watch something else

>I want this
>it's hard to get
>"well, just want something else instead"

>you must be a registered user to see links
>go on bugmenot
>if that fails set up a one-off account with 10minutemail

wow that was hard

>"that email address is blacklisted"
wow that was hard

Use cock.li, desu famalama pie

>leakforums faggot

Should have just went to Reddit

I want reddit to leave guys xD

Hey reddit!

I'm reading information on a Reddit right now that I would have never found on the shitty official forums

>le not all subredddits are shit meme xD

Am I supposed to care about what you think?

The Linux way

Epic. I love this new meme. We do not forgive!!

>start a new thread
>thread locked
>warning from moderator: duplicate thread. Use the search function.
>use the search function
>post in a thread
>thread locked
>banned: necrobumping