Homescreen no cleaning edition

>no homescreen threads

Show us what you got faggots
R8 and H8


I think its better than avarage, considering hes made it possible with what appears to be touchwizz?

I would have given you 2 or 3, but it's completely stock

6/10, I don't like the icons with it

The most boring homescreen in the world


hello is this the cell phone desktop thread

oops (。>﹏

This homescreen is ugly af, but K-on is cute so i guess its ok

I dig the look, but I really just don't like Samsung stock icons for some reason

Ugly but functionally sound I guess/10
Unironic autism/10
Ironic autism/10

>Hurr hurrr no boxes, it's bad
Happy now?

I told the witch doctor I was in love with you

I like the clock/date thing


I like you

Ugly! Get a new launcher. The wallpaper would be alright if it was only the front part.
Looks nice!
Looks efficient! Not the prettiest.
Boring indeed, just like the music.
Not a fan of that launcher. :\
Gross! Too crowded, app choices are revolting.
Looks nice!
I would drop the clock box.
Kinda retro, very cute!
My favourite in the thread so far. Cute wallpaper and I love the clock!

Unfortunately I'm not on my phone and I don't have a homescreen shot on my computer... so here's the consolation image I got when I tried "riced android homescreens" on startpage!

Just kidding, here it is.



Reminds me of the kind of rice that was popular in 2012 and 2012..brings me back, haha.

It's not bad..but it could use something more.

I like your cell phone desktop ^~^

Best one in thread comin through

>2 clocks
>2 battery icons

Is it opposite day?



Im not an autist who just looks at the phone, i use it too and i need a big onw on the homescreen and i need the noti bar one too

>2 clocks
>2 battery icons
>"best one in thread comin through"

pick one m8

First time posting

Stay jelly of my perfect homescreen


you funny guy

Faggot tripposter

Moto G 2014

Not bad..

What's the green thing for?

Favourite in thread so far

Why does nobody put their apps in folders in a scrollable dock????
Had to reside cause file was too big.

I personally hate it. The icons stacking one above other... If i had a colorful flat icon pack, i think i should stick with folders.

Afternoon laddies


Clean and comfy/10Damn/10

Good timing I hope

0/10, are you even trying?

How'd'ja did that user?

I haven't posted here, but I do use a similar setup, except the scrolling dock thing.

For example, I've changed the folder icon for my music apps to a music note, the messaging apps (SMS, E-mail and Telegram) to a simple letter. I've done more changes like this, but I'm too tired to list them all.

The result is a clean-looking, but efficient dock.

Just a question, are you rooted?

That actually looks really nice imo. What's in Games?

rate mine fgts

What's there to rate?

It's a 1 or a 2/10, no more. Pick a better wallpaper.

Pretty ugly desu.
Try different launchers, less crap in notification area, and a better wallpaper.

faggot it's from half life
I also use gestures. icon look like shit on the homescreen

Good gosh buddy that's one ugly screen.

Icons look like shit on your homescreen because you can't make it work.

Also, I don't care where your wallpaper's from, but it's incredibly blurry.

It checks my servers at home and if all is good it is green

God this irritates the shit out of me, and it should make black people ashamed. There is nothing in this world more denigrating to an individual than having no expectations of them whatsoever, and by extension, giving what amounts to a participation trophy to this black kid for something that is probably simpler than assembling a moderately challenging Lego set.



>it's from half life
No shit. That doesn't make it any less boring or ugly.

>inb4 minecraft

How many anime games do you have for that emulator?


I only have Rhythm Tengoku and Pokémon.

What icon pack, family? Those are some nice colours.



Yes, android is so much better with root access

do you run your phone on max brightness or something :^)


How is pocket edition even fun?
Which Pokémon(s)?

Thanks. I really like how everything matches in your homescreen, it's great.

Then why are you using ABP? It's inefficient as fuck.

Thanks thats what I was going for.

Because its simple and easy, i only use that phone to tether my s6 edge, hence the pdanet

Pls r8

Gonna make my own widget eventually but this is me for now.

Having buttons like that makes it look unbalanced.

Yeah, I'm not actually keeping either box. That was just to make fun of "muh boxes"

material is life

i don't like the icons placement, also edit your drawer icon to match the others
this is nothing special but for some reason i like it a lot. did you shot your own pape?
love the pape and PRAISE MATERIAL

It's the default on kitkat(?) phones.

Fuck user. Charge your goddamn phone.

It's catching up with the pc version and is fine imo. And for Pokémon I have fire red, emerald and gaia.

I don't understand why you guys use backgrounds with so few colors, and then just vomit color all over the screen with your icons.

When you have bright icons and a dull wallpaper, I think it clashes a bit.



fuck your gps spoofing

maybe it depends on the phone, but mine is on minimum brightness and i can still see clearly both the icons and the wallpaper so it appears colorful. also material design by specification uses vivid colors, i guess it comes down to personal taste

I hope you don't actually use this.


>that icon choppyness

I like it,also can i get the original wall?

Cleaning is cheating... :(

Huh, that's neat about MCPE.
Thanks, looks like a good one.

>lundi, août 8


Could we get the wallpaper?

Just did the custom widget for my homescreen.
Bask in the minimalism.
Cyan - Battery - Messenger on tap
Magenta - WiFi - Phone on tap
Yellow - Cell signal - Chrome on tap

>on Reddit
>homescreen thread
>people posting the shittiest homescreens, a few people have nothing but an app drawer button
>offer advice
>downvoted to hell
>banned from /r/Android

what the fuck kind of shit is that


>no notification bar
>no app drawer
>no dock
My nigga.

7/10 Looks alright, I would prefer a digital clock.
6/10 I like the icons, maybe i should consider replacing the stock ones again.. I dont like the taskbarand the layout triggers my autism
6/10 excellent synergy with wall and icons.. would do 7.5/10 but the taskbar is a problem, battery life % differs in font and probably size from the clock, that is a hard trigger
8/10 Too much unnecessary info for a minimalistic style, I do respect that the info is there to match the 5 appointments to make it symmetrical. (Probably)
9/10 great. The on screen buttons always triggered the fuck out of me though..
Filled, right aligned taskbar is not my style..

Also OP here, literally the only thing stock about my homescreen are the icons and screen indicator. It looks like tw launcher but its a modified version by Audax.

They were probably offended by the tone they assigned to your comments.

That's honestly the coolest thing I've seen all day. How could I make one?