Daily reminder Sup Forums, if you:

Daily reminder Sup Forums, if you:
>Don't block ads, and think "content creators" deserve money.
>Don't use a unix like operating system (or cygwin)
>Don't know your way around the terminal
>Think arch is more customizable than debian minimal netinstall or ubuntu minimal, or manjaro minimal.
>Think gentoo is a meme.
>Think GNOME is "efficient" and KDE is "customizable".
>Spend 2 hours a day changing terminal colors for no reason except for upvotes on /r/unixporn
>Think arch is for advanced users.
>Use your browser with the mouse shortcuts (vimium, vimfx, qutebrowser, dwb)
>Watch any "youtubers" or "Lets players"
>Own a prebuilt desktop

Other urls found in this thread:


Well said OP. It's fine to use vimfx for keyboard shortcuts, right?

>He hasn't used TempleOS

i only watch classic game room and similar stuff.

get on my L E V E L

young and hung

Meme plus no networking

>Content creators deserve money

Refute this.


>being this stupid

>reddit is now better than Sup Forums because you can hide in obscure subreddits

feels bad

Go home Terry



>forcing this meme so much


Wow great thread OP

>>Don't block ads, and think "content creators" deserve money.
People who host content they've made on websites they pay for ARE content creators. Why would you mind a 20x200px box on their site being ads for something when you're gonna ignore them anyway if it gets them some dosh?
>>Think GNOME is "efficient" and KDE is "customizable".
If KDE is not customizable then I don't know what the fuck is.
>>Spend 2 hours a day changing terminal colors for no reason except for upvotes on /r/unixporn
But this is Sup Forums behavior

Then what?

>implying id like malware infecting my browser
>implying kde isnt bloated as fuck

>obscure subreddits
like /r/poop or something else?

Come on, that doesn't really count.

Oh? do explain

More like /r/picsofdeadkids

That might be the edgiest sub on the site, great if you want quick source of edge.

>Use your browser with the mouse shortcuts (vimium, vimfx, qutebrowser, dwb)
What's wrong with using mouse gestures with one hand while you're fapping with the other?

Keyboard shortcuts are more effective

Or while you're snacking? Or while you're reading something and want to lean back and relax while you read it instead of being in an upright posture and having your hands on the homerow?

There are plenty of situations in which the mouse is significantly more comfortable than the keyboard, and in those situations I don't see the point in gimping yourself

Cygwin is a unix-like environment emulator for winblows. Except it's kind of useless as you can't control your system the way you can with a normal bash terminal and everything has to be recompiled from source with fixes to work on windows.

I don't see the point outside of some niches, just use *nix and if you really need windows for something use a VM.

It might feel that way but would honestly contest that - hinting is more of a convienence than anything. I find it's pretty much always faster for humans to click on something than to press the hint key, read the hint string, and then type it.

Hinting exists pretty much only to eliminate context swaps (e.g. going from keyboard to mouse and back over and over), becuase those *are* costly - but the point I'm trying to make is that you can avoid context swaps just as much by staying on the keyboard as you can by staying on the mouse, and staying on the mouse for things like clicking your way through a website is honestly faster.

>>Don't use a unix like operating system (or cygwin)
Unix like doesn't matter for shit. All Unix like operating systems sans OpenBSD and Ganoo/Loonix are awful, and Cygwin is an unusable pile of garbage.
>>Don't know your way around the terminal
People who say "know your way around the terminal" don't. It's just an application launcher for bash, which is in tern just a general applications launcher with a really awful built in awk clone.
>>Think arch is more customizable than debian minimal netinstall or ubuntu minimal, or manjaro minimal.
I don't like Arch, but it's objectively more customizable than any of those because they either don't have a user repo system, or they come with default shit.
>>Think gentoo is a meme.
It is.
>>Think GNOME is "efficient" and KDE is "customizable".
KDE is, but I use Xmonad and Spectrwm personally.
>>Spend 2 hours a day changing terminal colors for no reason except for upvotes on /r/unixporn
If you have fun customizing how your OS looks, then you should do it. Kill yourself, OP. You're just mad someone made fun of your rainmeter skin.
>>Use your browser with the mouse shortcuts (vimium, vimfx, qutebrowser, dwb)
Don't know what you're implying here. All of those browsers are shit and crash all the time, and the vim syntax is a pain in the dick. Firefox and Chrome both have better default keyboard shortcuts.
>>Watch any "youtubers" or "Lets players"
Nothing wrong with Louis Rossman and Computerphile.
>>Own a prebuilt desktop
Own a desktop.* Fixed that for you, Sup Forumsirgin.

>using bash
This is how I can tell you don't really know your way around the terminal

>debian and ubuntu don't have a user repos system
What the fuck do you think PPAs are?

>It is.
Fantastic justification

>All of those browsers are shit and crash all the time
I use qutebrowser as a daily driver and it hasn't crashed on me (unlike firefox, which crashes frequently)

>Firefox and Chrome both have better default keyboard shorcuts
Absolute bollocks. They barely have any.

>Own a desktop.* Fixed that for you, Sup Forumsirgin.
Oh shit, it was a troll all along. Fuck, you got me good.

>the terminal


t. winblows babby

That sub is dead now, because we can't have anything problematic when ad revenue is on the line.

>>using bash
>This is how I can tell you don't really know your way around the terminal
I use whatever is on the OS by default, since I'm not an aspie who thinks arguing about shells on shitty webforums will make me cool.

>Fantastic justification
OP made the initial claim, meaning the burden of proof is on him.

>I use qutebrowser as a daily driver
And now you're giving me an anecdote. I used to use dwb daily, and it crashed constantly, then I moved to qutebrowser, and had the same issue. I now use Firefox, which doesn't give me these problems nearly as often, but like all browsers, it crashes. You're lying if you say your browser has never crashed on you.

>Absolute bollocks. They barely have any.
They literally have several just to do the same thing. Ctrl-L and Alt-D for example. They've got a keyboard shortcut for basically everything I use a browser for.

>Oh shit, it was a troll all along. Fuck, you got me good.
Yeah, just claim I'm trolling. That's way easier than actually trying to back up your opinions with a reason.

I think his point is that calling it "the" terminal instead of "a" terminal is a bit strange. Calling people names on the internet won't make people take you more seriously.

>I'm not an aspie who thinks arguing about shells on shitty webforums will make me cool.

Then why are you doing exactly that?

I'm not, hence why I said I use whatever is on the OS by default.

You're right, KDE is customizable. The only thing it can't do is resemble a desktop other than Windows 98.


Go to slashdot and tell me about that 20x200px ad.

Fluxbox, Openbox, Xmonad are customizable, turns out when your configuration is limited to retarded GUI menu's you can actually customize it.
At least you have coreutils and you can get openbox with cygwin

Yes, I know that it's really bash doing all the work not the 'terminal'. In fact if you want to see how easy it is to write a terminal emulator go to st.suckless.org
>implying any scripts will ever switch to Sup Forums meme shells like zsh

>>implying any scripts will ever switch to Sup Forums meme shells like zsh
I don't know what kind of fantastic confusion is required to lead to such an incomprehensible conclusion

Nobody "deserves" money, because money is a spook.

>Why would you mind a 20x200px box on their site being ads for something when you're gonna ignore them anyway if it gets them some dosh?
Because ads aren't just pixels, a lot of them use inefficient js or flash which really slows your computer down and can deliver malware.

>Think gentoo is a meme
It's a meme, though. Having < 5% more performance but throwing away ~50 bucks for compiling enery isn't worth it.

>mouse shortcuts

The fuck is that

The rest is right, though.

>Why would you mind a 20x200px box on their site being ads for something when you're gonna ignore them anyway if it gets them some dosh?
1. They're incredibly distracting, visually annoying, etc. The other day I was using a browser on somebody else's PC and literally could not find the right download button admist all of the shitty “downlaod now!” ads. Installed an adblocker and found the right one immediately

2. They're a huge drain on resources

3. They're a vector for all sorts of attacks including tracking your browsing habits, delivering javashit or flash payloads, 0days, etc.

There is no right to profit

>le ebin funroll loops maymay
*tips kek*

Daily reminder Sup Forums, if you
>Care what OP thinks
>Do something inconvenient or use something inefficient because Sup Forums says whatever you prefer is bad
>Stop doing anything you enjoy because Sup Forums says whatever you like is bad
you should probably consider suicide.


>Why would you mind a 20x200px box on their site being ads for something when you're gonna ignore them anyway if it gets them some dosh?

If I know every ad on a website is a small, static, unobtrusive image, I'll allow it. But so many ads try to put some popup over an article telling me to subscribe, or play sound, or make me wait for a video to load, or try to install malware. And I'm not going to put up with that shit.

> and KDE is "customizable".

of course it's customizable you can fork the whole damn project and rewrite it if you so choose :)

>cygwin makes using windows ok

Force your superiority complex elsewhere, autist.

This is the first one of these that I actually agree with. I'm impressed.

What about WM like windowmaker or twm?

Gentoo IS a meme.

you linux hippies really need to get a fucking job.

everything runs off linux you fucking retard. mac datacenters? windows datacenters? hah. have fun learning xcode and extorting kids for micropayments faggot.

>Why would you mind a 20x200px box on their site
it's distracting
malware risk
increases traffic+page load time
can slow down browser
shitty video/audio ads that play in backgorund
>you're gonna ignore them anyway
i'm sure that's why smart people pay billions for it, and get a good return on it

Friendly reminder that if you unironically care about le website wars, you are the ultimate form of reddit.

>thread full of desktop linux bullshit rants
>justifies autism with references to to data centers that loonix desktop neets will never see in their lives

Go away redditor.

You're not autistic (except terminal colors) and have a job.

>Daily reminder Sup Forums, if you:
>Don't block ads, and think "content creators" deserve money.
I block ads but then I'm not a dumb faggot.

>Don't use a unix like operating system (or cygwin)
>Don't know your way around the terminal
>Think arch is more customizable than debian minimal netinstall or ubuntu minimal, or manjaro minimal.
>Think gentoo is a meme.
>Think GNOME is "efficient" and KDE is "customizable".
>Spend 2 hours a day changing terminal colors for no reason except for upvotes on /r/unixporn
>Think arch is for advanced users.
>Use your browser with the mouse shortcuts (vimium, vimfx, qutebrowser, dwb)
>Watch any "youtubers" or "Lets players"
>Own a prebuilt desktop
Literally don't care about any of this shit. I'm here to stay. Deal w/ it.

You're a big ol cocksucker, op.

I can see why not to use gentoo if you have a 20 year old processor, but energy? really? The lights in your house are probably on most of the day.

Also, can you tell how to do the following with a binary distro:
remove polkit, consolekit, udisks, pulseaudio, and systemd and still be able to use decent software (suckless.org is not decent, kate and dolphin are excellent software)
use ffmpeg over libav
use libressl over openssl

All of the above are near impossible on a binary distro unless you build from source, but at that point why not just use a source distro.

The main advantadges of gentoo are USE flags, this let's you produce smaller binaries and wayyyy lower memory usage.
iThe performance increase isn't the main reason, however it can make certain packages alot faster, see this

Yeah, I guess rainmeter skin is pretty bad (pic related)

Those are fine too, the one's I listed are just examples.

Please tell me something worthwhile that uses zsh.

Tell me how arch is more customizable than debian minimal netinstall? Anyways, the AUR wouldn't even exist if Arch's repo's weren't so small, debian has 40k packages, arch has 15k. Also, Have you ever heard of checkinstall? it makes packages (deb, rpm) when you build stuff from source.

>I think X is for Y, but X doesn't do Y well, so X is shit!
Gentoo ain't for speed.

>There are people who think "install gentoo" is shit posting and not a way of telling someone to lurk more and learn something before posting inane shit.
>These same people get mad when they ask a stupid question and get told to lurk more.
>"stop with lel epic gentoo meme, I'm cerial ;_;"

wrong picture, here's the one I meant to upload:

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot.

>>There are people who think "install gentoo" is shit posting and not a way of telling someone to lurk more and learn something before posting inane shit.
it's both.

It's not shitposting. It's not ironic shitposting. It's a valid reply to retards, like you. If you weren't so entitled you expected strangers to wipe your ass, you would have realized it a long time ago.


Am I cancer?

I feel pretty proud of myself, I only watch youtubers. No lets players though that's degenerate.