My budget for my gaming rig maxes out at $1700. I got every part I wanted (i5-6600k, 16GB DDR4, Noctis 450, Z-170A...

My budget for my gaming rig maxes out at $1700. I got every part I wanted (i5-6600k, 16GB DDR4, Noctis 450, Z-170A, NZXT Hale 550W, other stuff I dont remember).

Unfortunately, I couldnt afford a 980ti without going over-budget (unless I bought used), so I settled for a 980. My question is, should I return my 980 and go for a used 980ti?

Bonus question, will a 6600k be too much for my 980 to handle?

>yes this is a first time builder

Other urls found in this thread:

>buying old gen

get 1060 or 1070

On that budget you easily could have squeezed a 1080. You're really bad at this user.

>buying legacy hardware

how in the hell did you spend 1700 on a pc WITHOUT a gpu

You could have got a brand new aftermarket 1070.

I guess this is the right place to ask, but I have a friend who wants me to build a PC for him. Is the 1070 better than the 980ti if both are roughly the same price?

wtf nigga, you could have gotten a gtx 1080 and what's up with the 550W PSU at that budget


You're bad at this, OP...

Is this bait?

>16 GB DDR4

Post your list right now. The parts you've posted just off the top of my head should barely even be around $1000. How the fuck can you not afford a GPU?

>Buying 980 when 1070 is much faster

>You could have got a brand new aftermarket 1070.

whoah, you mean nvidia ACTUALLY produces the reference cards?

t.retard of the day.

yet u replied.

Benchmarks put them almost exactly the same right now

they're virtually same performance, but 1070 is newer, 2gb more vram, and more efficient

only way a 980ti makes sense is if it's ~25% cheaper

This is my list

I only had like two hundred bucks for a video card, assholes.

Ur a legit retard man
You're gonna esd the first component you open, just end your life its cheaper

Where to start

Why in gods great name would you need to spend $115 to cool an i5? A fucking 212 Evo would have done the job just fine considering i bet you're not overclocking.

> $130
>for 16 fucking GB of RAM

If going used, then yes get a used 980 Ti. However, I suggest buying a 1080 or 1070 instead. Hell you can even get some used if you get lucky. If you can't get a 1000 series depending on your budget you can get a used 980 Ti and it will be a step above the 980, but really try not to buy old hardware generation if not used especially for a main gaming rig.

youre paying way too much for that 980

DDR4, meme case and probably some meme peripherals, Sup Forums is dumb.

DDR4 is cheaper than DDR3. This isn't 2015.

other than the RAM and outdated videocard, there's not anything THAT bad about it

PSU is too expensive for a 550W and you're spending too much on your case vs the total build cost (over 10% budget on case. you should spend half as much and put that extra $70 to a better video card)

Not OP poorfag here. Was watching some videos, never built a PC but I'm pretty sure I can do it. Is this build ok? I have to buy Windows, does an i5 require fan or is stock fan ok? Also might downgrade to Gtx 950 because poorfag.

I basically build your setup a couple weeks ago, getting a 1070 and I paid the 'BE EUROPEAN' Premium and only had to pay 1400 euros. Even bought a 512 GB Samsung PRO SSD for 240 bucks. How the hell does a 980 burst that budget? With that amount of money you should be able to get a 1080 for 750 bucks.

If you're not overclocking, which you shouldn't be with that CPU, stock is fine.

Go 2x4 instead of single channel for more bandwidth.

There's plently of other recommendations I could make but I don't know what your budget is. If you can only afford a 960, please just wait a little longer, save up, and get a 1060 or something. You'll probably regret it otherwise.

unlocked intel CPUs don't have coolers, so yes you need one

drop the 960 and get a RX 470 instead, or even RX 480 if you can afford it

get two sticks of 4gb of ram. it's worth the extra $5

don't buy windows you retarded faggot

>have to buy windows

Get an RX 470, 480 or 1060. 960 is a terrible choice.

I'd suggest 4x2 instead of 8x1. Unless you are going to get another 8 eventually. The non k i5 should have a cpu cooler with it. I'd shoot for one of the new gen graphics cards if you can, might have to wait a while though.

>Go 2x4 instead of single channel for more bandwidth.
He's not running a fucking APU. He doesn't need more bandwidth.

Cool I'll checkout those other cards and get rid of the cooler thanks.

I don't have a computer at the moment so how the hell would I fresh install Windows?

That build is fucking terrible

>I only had like two hundred bucks for a video card, assholes.

are you retarded? what is the reasoning with limiting yourself? you should also never pay more for your cpu these days than your gpu


Can't do 470 that's a $200. I'm so broke actually probly downgrading to Gtx 650. Am I missing something? Do I not need to buy Windows? It comes with it?

>you should also never pay more for your cpu these days than your gpu
Sure thing Intel shill

save a bit more money to get the 470 you will regret it if you dont

why did you waste all that money getting DDR4 ram when you could have gotten an i7 4790k and 32GB DDR3 for less.

I'm mostly just playing league and overwatch, getting i5 over i3 for multitasking (also sometimes make music needs cpu). I saw YouTube videos using i3 with Gtx 950 in overwatch just fine so I figured it's ok. Also I'm poooorrr lol

dude go 1060 or 1070 instead of 980. u stupid

>i3 with Gtx 950 in overwatch
on all medium/low at 1280x720 maybe

Or I was considering the new RX 460 4gb? It's cheap as hell with dx12 support?

also can someone explain this aftermarket gpu shit? is it worth it?


Dude I'm pooorrr and all I play is overwatch and league lol. Looking at RX 460 too. Anyways thanks for the help guys

>I am a complete idiot who can hardly hold a conversation because of how obnoxious i am to be around
>I try to convince myself that i am not retarded by screaming on the internet when i see something slightly wrong in a desperate attempt to seem knowledgable
>Even then, i can't form a coherent argument so i resort to using memes so stale they are being dug up in time capsules.

Either that or you are just a retarded AMD fan boy who just hates anybody who recommends nvidia products. I really cant tell seeing as we are on 4chans autistic daycare board.

>Or I was considering the new RX 460

lol are you purposefully trying to have a shit pc??

what website pls

Budget PC man. I'll upgrade later in like a year, but I literally have no computer right now. I'm on my fucking phone lol. 460 4gb is new and affordable and has dx12 vulkan surely that's better than a Gtx 950 ?


Ah, nice. Where has this been all my life?
thank you

I thought that, for a second, but couldn't find it anywhere

If he only plays League and finds a 460 for $109, he could do a lot worse. Not many budget options at that price range. 750 ti is too long in the tooth. 950 a bit too expensive and questionable longevity.

Download windows 10 trial from microsoft and put the file onto a CD or USB. Install it from that then use KMSpico or MStoolkit to activate it.

What the? Holy shit man, saving me $100 if this works

O-oh... ok..

If you can get the 980ti for 325ish then go for that, otherwise go 1070. I ended up buying a 980ti because i got a waterblock for cheap as hell, too.