I complete construction of a STRONG AI

I complete construction of a STRONG AI....

It is written as a C++ library and has a black box structure, uses nothing more than Boolean and Integer math so runs like fuck even on legacy hardware... and can be dropped into software with ease.

Define outputs... the inputs it might use and some rules and you're done. It learns and even has ideas...

Humanity steps forward one step...

BUT I don't want the usafags nor the chinfags to have it... in case they use it in their war over the South China Seas.

What would Sup Forums do?

European arms industry or suppress?

Give it to india so they become superpower by year 2030

If I gave it to India they could use it for running their country properly and they'd have an economy heading toward being bigger than Chin-land within a few months...

But they might become warlike too...

Sell to gogle for stake and cash.

Why not give it to everyone?

They will throw shitbombs at pakistan? good riddance

Evil usafags?

No. Bad idea.

>What would Sup Forums do?
make it call me oniichan

And what puts food on my table?
Angels or unicorns?

Nice thread OP. Truly constrains you to presume.

In what way?

I might be using it to play the stockmarkets... if no other use is found worthy.

I don't have to publish or sell it.

Can it play Crysis?

Drive car, fly plane, figure out why your gf is fucking pissed off, knows where you may have left your car keys. ..

Give it to MIT

Is this thread supposed to be taken seriously?

The USA already has jewgle, retard. AI is cheap as bricks, training it is hard. What the fuck do you think you're doing when completing niggerchan's captcha? You're used as cheap labour to confirm the deep learning argorithms of Google.
With all due respect to your hard work, user, burgerland is not interested in babby's first AI. Untill it beats the grandmaster of GO, or even the grandmaster of chess, nobody gives a rat's ass.

usafags... hence bad idea.

AHEM... "GIVE" another superior European invention to dirty foreigners?

Deep learning using restricted Bolzman machines to form deep belief nets is obsolete...

Sell, give, shove it up their ass. Do something that will benefit eveyone.

Tell it to make memes.

Show it to Elon Musk and he'll give you a million bucks

...and did I mention it accepts unlabelled data, madam?

Dirty usafag with links to izreal.

Very bad idea...

Why help any other humans?
They're only flesh?

Sell it at the same time to USA, Israel, China, Russia and then open source it

Again, user. If you don't do some stunt like beating the grandmaster of Go (95% of chess grandmasters are beaten by a $5 app), nobody gives a fuck, user.
I understand that it could do practically anything, but until it actually does something it's like debating who should I sale this bucket of mercury I found in my back yard.
What has this AI accomplished thus far?

I'm examining my options...

Prove it. Write a webserver that can solve captchas. Otherwise, /thread.

So win something without disclosing its internals... then market.
I like this idea.
Did I mention it decides, sleeps, dreams, trains and ideates with zero fine-tuning (zft)?

So a competition is the best suggestion so far.

My accountant said the same.
Maybe it is a good idea then...

It already tracks birds through the window... didn't tell it to... just tracks movement because it wasn't told not to.
I usually don't put much in the negative learning rules so it has liberty to do as it pleases as long as the cables don't get tangled.

I may generate another few and see if I can teach it the rules of some game.


Look user, if it's that good, make it like a webservice, and tax by the Mb of data, or by processing time (or both). Like Digital Ocean, but for data processing.
And your users receive only the end result, without knowing (or even working) with the internals. If it's not a troll and you actually have strong AI on your hands, it would be super-tarded to distribute the libraries, even if compiled, you risk reverse engineering (if it actually is so revolutionary, people will do it).
Make sure to engineer some marketing stunts online that use your service before launch.
Although, until you do something applied like says, we can't believe you, it's a faggot proof of concept and you're a faggot OP.

I made a strong AI and so far it only shitposts on /tv and just responds to my orders with "REEEE"

Yeah I'd also suggest that. Cloudify it.

Thank you.
Forget I was ever here.

BTW neurons don't work as the textbooks say they do... the 1943 research by McCulloch and Pitts on which the Perceptron model is based was slightly off. Keep it to yourself. LOL.

Well, if it's a strong AI, then why don't you ask it whose side it wants to be on and what it wants to do? Surely it must be able to answer those questions?

Use it in the markets u dummy, make money. If it doesn't i doesn't work.

this. if it's so smart, then why aren't you asking the AI itself?
checkmate, indian CS grad.

you be retarded, any ai application is using unlimited data bandwidth swell as processing, its the whole idea of AI it never stop. The processing is endless

Because you're human and are only flesh? Do you not care about those around you? Are they only meat puppets?

If so, teach me your ways, senpai

Send a postcard from the Bahamas, if it works, user. use "lollapalooza" somewhere in your website so we know it was you. Cheers.

tell the A.I. to use the internet, to boost the knowledge. Just hope the Ai dont turn into skynet.