Black on white, vs black on gray, vs white on black

which one do you use and for what?

personally I use black on gray for coding and reading books - because white on black hurts my eyes for some reason, and most websites and software use black on white so switching from white on black to black on white is really painful.

Other urls found in this thread:***

Try grey on grey
Also nice trips

I find white text on black background really irritating, and after a while I start seeing after-images of text, and hate websites that do this.

dem trippd

>3 choices

Black on white > black on grey > other nigger color schemes

Dark grey and light grey + redshift after sunset
default during the day

White on nigger.

Turn down the backlight on your monitor.
This usually fixes shitty colors as well.

Black on "dirty" white (slightly grey, yellow, brown, what have you). Your pic is too much grey I think. Anything is still better than x on black, which has been measured to be less readable than the opposite.

I like #666 (I'm not edgy, I swear), on #f7f7f7 or #fff. High contrast irritates me. Le ebin hacker colorschemes are cringe inducing and usually awful. #fff on #000 especially. #fff on #444 is okay though.

white on black for reading, multicolor (specifically vim elflord scheme) on dark gray for coding.

it's hard to get good text color differentiation on a white/bright background.

White on black for ebooks on my phone. Black on white hurts my eyes when I read in the dark.

>Black on white

dark background and light foreground for everything.
preferably not full black or white though.
something like #181818 as backgrounds and #eeeeee as foregrounds

White on black during the day, white (slightly orange tinted) on black during the night or in darkness.

Black on gray fucking never. What's wrong with you. You can change the shade of the text if it's too much contrast, but you should always the background black or white.

Text shouldn't be #FFFFFF and neither the bg #000000. But yeah, I prefer dark background.

Black on white for reading, just turn down the brightness and open your blackout curtains

Grey on grey for ebin eyestrain cause "lol who need contrast"

White on black for programming so everyone around me knows I'm more hardcore than they ever will be

>background shouldn't be #000000
But #000000 saves power on OLED screens...

No! Gotta be hardcore.

>But #000000 saves power on OLED screens...
On desktops..?

The white on black option VERY hard to read for people with astigmatism that don't have a very accurate prescription.

Light grey on dark grey is easiest on the eyes.
Black on off-white (paper in 4000K light) is easier to read, and also very comfortable.

Lower the brightness or turn on the light. Black on white is easier on the eyes. Even if you don't notice it, when compared to black, white 'bleeds' and makes the text more fuzzy.

>white 'bleeds' and makes the text more fuzzy

See my post here Get your eyes checked out. With good sight, it does not bleed.

Black text on grey, with a twist: set up the terminal software so that bold text is white on grey. Makes man pages look cool.

OP, white text on black is the highest contrast you can achieve short of making the white text blaring truck light oming from a pitch black abyssal background, you dip.

Check contrast here:

fuck white, fuck black, grey is where the money is at

also Faith In Strangers is a better album

>making your monitor into a fucking lightbulb is easy on the eyes

>white on black
gee I sure love burning out my eyes

I use light grey on black. Dark background I find less irritating but I see blur with white on black.

Gray on black.

I use white on black for everything I possibly can. I use an extension to convert sites to it, if they don't have a native dark theme.

My wife loves black on white.

black background but never white text - usually greys and darker colors

this if you don't want to be blind

Light grey on dark grey. Black and white are irritating to look at.

Light grey on slightly darker grey.



Black text on a white background. Everything else is a meme.

It's very easy to lower the brightness on my phone so I obviously tried that, and white on black is still better.

There's more white 'bleeding' for black on white, stupid.

Trick question. Green on black is the only correct answer.

White on grey

Yeah, I know; but the sound of Luxury Problems is nice as well.

>Faith In Strangers is a better album
nah senpai

Not him, but it really picks up in the second half.

>What is contrast the post

bg #000000
fg #b2b2b2

black on white? 409
white on black? 189

Black on some shade of white. Completely white is too bright imo.

What CSS are you using?

It's a greasemonkey script that adds a button which allows you to switch between dark and light Youtube.

red/orange on black.

>in4b edgey.jpg

Why does it need those sites as well?***

youtube lights out

No could probably edit it if it bothers you.

>black on gray

It's actually pretty easy.

The human eye that the Allah created has two kind of receptors. One is for light ( not black or dark) and the other for the color.

White on black will activate both the light and color receptors.

Black on white will only activate the light ones. And that's why its better -less work- for your eye and your Allah made brain.

Mohammad fucked pigs and let pigs fuck him up the ass.

"On OLED screens." Are you retarded? Its as simple as it can get. If the laptop has OLED screen, yes it does.

I use the good old orange on dark background for everything.
I find it soothing and comfy as hell.

the problem with that is when i load a page, the screen turns white first and only when the page loads it turns back to black. it hurts my eyes so i dont bother with websites...
unless there is a way to deal with that?

>there is a way to deal with that
Write CSS for it.

What do I have to learn to write CSS?

Nothing just look at
And copy.
Use inspect element to know what you want to change and stylish will take care of the rest.
It might look horrible but you get better eventually.

Damn that looks nice

Just illuminate your room then. What's so hard about that?

Or use redshift/f.lux to lower the colour temperature at night.

But with black on white, you do not care about the white, but about the black. And that is clearer defined.

>want to not strain your eyes
>just turn on the light
Nigger what