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After u


This fury needs more photoshoped pins

>not wiating for amd
>not being immortal

lamo plebs

What it needs is a better Crossfire bridge.

Everyone knows that AMD is total shit. Literally everything they've made in the last few years has been awful, but there are lots of retarded AMD shills on Sup Forums who love to pump up their awful products because they own stock in AMD.

there are even more Nvidia shills then ever just look at /Guts/

Stop posting FUD.

AMD might be shit at benchmarks but who cares not everyone as huge sums of money and a no life virgin neckberad like Nvidoits.

All of nvidias pascal's top line up throttle like crazy and have no DX12 or Async they also run hotter than ever before and consume More power then AMD at the very momment

Go back to 2015 and stay there shill.

I might be buying Nvidia if Vega flops but it doesn't change facts.

>pascal's top line up throttle like crazy and have no DX12 or Async

>getting called out
>get filtered
Stay buttmad

amd autist=}}}}}

lots of allcaps shill threads today what's up with that

Idk i only made this one

Uhhh Nvidia has both DX12 and async

They also use way less power and produce way less heat than AMD

Nvidia is literally better than AMD in every way, there is no reason to buy AMD anymore whatsoever.

Thanks for being a tripfag, makes you easier to track

You were proven wrong and went in to damage control mode in the Zen thread about how shit Bulldozer really was

Pro Tip
>It was terrible

So why are you trying to talk shit in this thread?

Literally kill yourself

>didn't read.

you might want to re-read my post from the zen threads in archive from 2015 user as you didn't read.

>all these tears
You think i care about your feelings?

See your still mad then.

Back to
>>>/leddit/ .

O K A Y Champ


literally where? I call you out for being a know nothing bitch

damage control as fuck homie

keep crying faggot

Your 2500k wasn't even out when bulldozer released..
pic related.

>being this mad
wew lad

>Your 2500k wasn't even out when bulldozer released..

Are you fucking retarded?

The 2500k was out BEFORE Bulldozer

The first revenue shipments of Bulldozer-based Opteron processors was announced on September 7, 2011.[26] The FX-4100, FX-6100, FX-8120 and FX-8150 were released in October 2011; with remaining FX series AMD processors released at the end of the first quarter of 2012.

Launch Date Q1'11

Why do you guys argue so hard about this? It's sad.

>Nvidia has both DX12 and async

Pascal's implementation is still kind of garbage, though not as bad as Maxwell's.
The shader bank can be partitioned to do graphics and compute tasks simultaneously, but individual clusters can't take work from both types simultaneously.

The point of async compute shaders is try to keep all the ALUs busy by being able to feed any work to any of them at any time, particularly when graphics tasks are waiting on ROPs/TMUs/etc.

Fucking damage control more amdrone.

Wrong date

It was released on October 12, 2011

Am I the only reasonable person on Sup Forums that is no a fan boi?

If Intel has a better CPU I will buy it.
If AMD has a better CPU I will buy it.

If Nvidia has a better GPU I will buy it.
If AMD has a better GPU I will buy it.

Pretty simple, fuck brand loyalty.

Likewise. I care about performance.

But i care more when amd fanbois are talking out their ass

Not all simply care about performance or brand loyalty. Some just need to look at the price and that's when they argue that their buy was good to make themselves feel better.

In the end long as it can do 30fps gaming idk why everyone spouts so much shit. I got me a 1080 and just reading along.

>keep all the ALUs busy by being able to feed any work to any of them at any time

Even if they cant mix graphics and compute GPUs already do this extensively. Async compute is just providing one more source of work. It's a nice feature, but it's most likely not going to make a massive difference on pc where you won't be tuning to individual GPUs, except maybe on hardware that's already extremely ALU heavy(like the fury). The only problem is that when you're not using it, all that ALU is wasted.

I know that AMD wants to move away from special purpose fixed function units to more generic ALU processing, but I will never understand what possessed them to only put 64 ROPs in Fiji.

I used to be that way, then Nvidia fucked me over with Kepler. At least this time around I'm going AMD no matter what.

I'm not talking about your 2500k
And i only complimented it.


sit down and stop geting mad at me.

here this might make you feel better.
I know it beats bulldozer, stop crying

here is the sythentic benchmarks

as i said in Zen post this your 2500K beats the FX6100 and that is 1/3 more expensive for that reason

why are you back pedaling?
bulldozer was built to beat the i5 of the gen pior

stupid shill.
You didn't read Pic related the first time around
you got triggered by a first gen bulldozer and crying like a bitch


because for the most part GPUs aren't rop bound. and compute shaders don't touch rops at all, so the more compute shaders are used, the less rops are used

generally only shadows and maybe particle rendering are rop bound
if any of the rest of your shaders are rop bound you are probably doing something wrong.

if you want to know the fury and fury x's real main bottleneck, it's geometry performance.

So much damage control.

Maybe you should go back and reread the stupid shit you said and stop trying to take high ground.

Did you not look at the picture?

>It bet the i5s of THAT era for 2 gens

I tell you that you're wrong and you backtrack

>the i5 if LAST gen

Changed your shit and go damage control.

Call you out again and you damage control even harder

>Your 2500k wasn't even out when bulldozer released.

Wrong, and then you KEEP backtracking

I'll enjoy watching you talk out your ass "Kiwi_Dude"

Probably some poorfag neet

See attracted picture And you say I'm the one backtracking?

Nigga you literally don't deserve to breath

Fucking literally kill yourself

People like you actually make me so sad that people can reproduce

I feel sorry for your potential kids, but I hope they will make the most out of your mums basement

L8r faggot

Jesus Christ you're so fucking retarded.


>damage contorl
>off topic.
>US dates

>implying i live in the USA
>implying i care about the US in any way at all.
>implying i care about AMD's CPU's
>implying My links are not fact
>Impying You can read.
>implying bulldozer is anything but binable crap.
>implying i didn't just sell my budget FX6100

First: I live in New zealand
Second: I'm talking about Nz stock release in northland NZ not USA
Third: I never gave a shit about the USA or its
release dates because i don't live there and it never releases here on that date because we are a day ahead and we have different release dates.

Anons can't read trip or post with out asking a questions or read any posts at all on where i'm from or what i'm on about.

know time zones or anything.

enjoy your 22 trillion US debt I guess.

US release are what is relevant because most reviewers are US

>enjoy your 22 trillion US debt I guess.

Nigga I am Australian and I still had the 2500k before bulldozer

I also never implied you lived in the USA

Stop trying to change everything

Every time I call out your BS and actually show that what you are saying is BS you fucking backup and try to change everything

Just fucking man up and reap what you sow

you're literally pathetic

You showed me your 2500k with out reading my post and kept talking about it even when i agreed with you on the first post.

>You told me you proved me wrong
keep saying that because you can't read.
saying that samething over and over and posting US intel dates doenb't mean its true for where i live.

I didn't change a word from my last statement on the zen topic
You guys changed it from Nvidia to this intel 2500k for some odd reason based on the zen post i agreed with all anons ane was posting on sopmething else.
with so i went out of my why to give you misinfomation as a test with the 2500k since you user are already talking about it.

to see if you cunts can't read then i posted a pic of my post proving i wasn't compearing a 2500k i was talking about agreeing with the 2500k beating bulldozer

then you faggots just started crying for no reason and begging me to post proof on your theroy so i did and when i told you to stop crying you did a full tantrum

Look in the mirror if you want pathetic and your not from my cunt or city so don't talk about shit you don't know or get hit.

WISHED AMD RX 480 4GB was actually released

FUCKING PRICES OF 8GB is jacked up to fucking $300 and its only the reference cards

It's like the fucking founders edition of Nvidia, that fucking bullshit fucked up the pricing.

Any news of sapphire nitro rx 470 and its pricing?

It's unbearable if its another $250+ card

>trying to act tough
>still damage control
>still completely missing how retarded you are

Im over wasting my time talking to a complete idiot

Fucking kiwis man. All that sheep dna

I am still mad as fuck that AMD knowingly lied to everyone about the $200 4GB reference 480. They literally never actually made any 4GB cards, they just flashed a few 8GB models to get the monkey off their back, fucking bullshit. There will never actually a $200 480 and they knew it. Fuck them I hope they go under. They also lied about the power consumption of their card. What they did is something Nvidia would do, which makes them just as bad, so fuck them. PC gamers are getting cucked so hard.

>WISHED AMD RX 480 4GB was actually released

It was
it just sold in limited numbers because AMD never had the real 4GB 480's on release ((hence the bios reading 4GB when really its 8GB because no real 4GB 480's where made))

this time its not going to be bios limited 8Gb reflashed to read 4GB version It will be the real deal.

Nvidia can do what it wants there is nothing to compete.

>pesist on talking about one CPU
>get BTFO
>Call out Names and ad hom following other ad homs.

Here your (you).

so when exactly will those 480 4gb will be released then?

>zen samples get leaked
>gets beat by an i7 still
>barely beats an i5 4670k
amdfags on suicide watch

People as retarded as you cannot exist.

Go back and read my original post. For real you cannot miss such an obvious comment

>you got btfo

Yeah thats totally what happened in this argument.

Oh wait. Just because you're too stupid to miss the point infront of you does not mean you're right.

Back track and damage control some more

I'm getting a headache even thinking about how someone can be so blind and ignorant

Im out

And no just because you get the last word doesnt mean you win.


>never got a real 4GB 480
they did get cucked.
not on purpose As offical channels said on the webcast amd did after Q2 earning results they talked about the RX 470 and RX 460 then the usual dribble about VR

It was just a small release no details on 4GB on official channels thanks to the PCIe Issues.

too much of this nvidia 1060 spamed every where no-ones interested in talking about the 4GB 480.


whats the official price of 470?

Im not seeing it yet since I might opt that one instead

since nobody is talking about 4gb 480

is it dead? no more production?

Nvm just saw Nitro+ rx 470 at $269

>dumb kids continue to believe that processors haven't stagnated to the point of being all exactly the same over the past 7-8 years
How does it feel to be fooled by any bullshit companies tell you, kids? You should be ashamed.

who's even saying that?

p4 to q6600 was a huge improvement
q6600 to i5 6600 not so much

>pentium 4
>2000 was 7 years ago
Children, please, just stop posting on the internet. You're too dumb and immature to make any fucking sense. Just do me a favor and listen to people smarter than you and stop questioning them.

>price on RX470
I'll google it. I missed the price in the webinar

there was a hint of price for the
Unknown, its all quite at Amd offically.
however unoffically some at Redgaming think the RX480 4GB will be out Q1 2017 they seem to think that the factory making 4gb 480's is temporary making 8Gb versions for some unknown reason and nobody know which factory is making the 4GB versions and why they swicthed it to make only 8GB versions of RX480's instead. its just a rumour anyway so take it with a grain of salt.

because people wanted to know the rumors of the 490 its uncvlear what is happening or if they will have one to hear anything about the 4GB RX480 is like pulling teeth.
I heared the rumor from someone close to AMD still not sure if its confirmed because everyones now talking vega and i'm unsure if its the same thing because of the confusion with HBM2 and other nonsense.

the soild rumour is vega is more than one set of cards.

Your argumentation makes no sense I hope you are a troll, anyway you are filtered.


q6600 was released 2007, 9 years ago