Batman runs Linux

> Batman runs Linux

You have ten seconds to justify using microshaft wangblows.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry to be the one to break your spirits, but that is more than likely Windows.

This is not linux, this is BatOS

It also has /dev/ in it. So definitely BatOS.

But I can't play any Batman games on Linux.

> forward slash

If nothing else, I imagine it's a Unix-Like OS

>installing a batnet

>the "appeal to authority" fallacy

Actually batman has said that all of his tech is independently developed to insure it can't be used against him.

Although he does admit to learning from other people designs and incorporating their ideas.

I expect him to have a group at Wayne Industries develop form scratch in binary.


It's probably a custom Linux distro. A lot of independent or "in house" operating systems are based on Linux.

custom linux with ntfs partitions

>Runs Linux
>is a pedo

hey, he isn't much different from Sup Forums after all

So anyway, getting back on track.

What OS are those guys in the office using? It looks a lot like windows, but it's not quite.

>implying it's not built from scratch

An effort to make Windows Phone look awesome..

Yeah no, Batman would obviously be using the superior Plan 9 Operating System


What is this?

it's LexCorp's OS. It looks like a mixture between Material Design and a game.

a game menu*

>A closeup.

A third OS enters the fray!

I don't have Lucius Fox to deal with all the bullshit that is Linux.

This is just a Mac.

Just 12 megabytes of her data? Did Bruce choose to hide something?

because my parents aren't dead

Its the BatOS Megabat 2.0. Developed by the engineers at Wayne Enterprises for bat purpose only. Unfortunately you will not be able to find it at any of the stores. To get a copy of the BatOs Megabat 2.0 you will have to write a personal mail to Bruce Wayne, or you can buy it from me just for $10000000.99.

What does the trump smiley have to do with windows?

fuck me, that actually looks better than what I've seen on the desktop threads.

you do realize you can label your drive 'L:/' when you mkfs

but it is clearly a trump smiley
Here. I will show what I mean

Half the people on this board don't even know how. You give anons too much credit.

>Picture says L:/
>Dumbshit winbabby says it's L:\
Now wonder retards use windows

are you sure?
even if you don't know how, ls /bin/ | grep label could show you that there is applications for this.

That's a forward slash:/


When I saw that I instantly wanted hexagon buttons.


Looks like aircrack-ng running top left.

> Batman installs Linux on Batcomputers
> Superman visits batcave
> can't figure out how to use it
> 1
> 2
> 3 4

Win babies shouldn't even be here. They belong on Sup Forums.

The why does it use the Unix file system?

A lot of custom OSes are Linux-based and/or Unix-like. It's just easier than doing everything 100% from scratch.

The movie is a lot better if you assume that's why they're fighting.

In the end, is batman vs superman good or not ? I heard bad things about it but I still have hope...

The Ultimate Edition was good.

The non-extended version was narratively a disjointed, incoherent mess.

It doesn't make a lot of sense and the characters do pretty much the stupidest things they can but it's a good film to watch with friends. I enjoyed it.

Batman won't share his WiFi with superman

the fight starts over the fact Batman won't give his WPA2 key

fight ends when Superman realizes he can just brute force it, passkey is "Bat"

Still haven't seen it, but from what I hear this makes for a much better plot


> Tell me - do you leech?

> You will.

>LexCorp's OS

I dont know why...but it feels like this is Umbrella Corporation but with a different name...just a strange fealing...

It's capeshit user, they're all just as bad.


>720p scene encode

fuck you
