/csg/ Chink Shit General

Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Chink_shit_general

• user doubles down on his demands after seller refuses to send product he bought user doesn't take kindly to chinkery • user bought a 16Ah Xiaomi Powerbank • user bought a chink tamagotchi features frog, whale and penguin pet • BUNKERanon returns, with 10 ceiling LED lamps he bought off AliExpress for $60 each doesn't trust chinks to get a Diesel pump control system right
• Real human bean gets some driving gloves • user's Smart Charger USB hub works fine • user takes plunge on 2.5TB HDD for €28 Yestern Igital • user that custom printed a degenerate weeb bag shares seller link for those interested • user forgot to post what it was • user bought some $20 fake Yeezys from DHgate Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Xiaomi Launches Electric Screwdriver: Wowstick 1fs



I'd rather buy that Xiaomi Liquor

Stock it already GB!

As well I want that Xiaomi Pen.

rough mock up
do i pull the trigger?

jesus christ I'm embarassed that I have to share a planet with people like you

remove the watermark

Since you can't buy Piston 3's anymore, what is the new IEM meme?

Wanting the absolute best sounding chink IEM.

Rock Zircon


>Habeeb Onawole
>Habeeb Onahole

Ok csg ive bought a lot of stuff recently. Phone faggin so hard to cap my orders, ive bought
-Two cases for my lg g3
-xiaomi 20000mah power bank
-10 dollar microphone with stand that goes to a 3.5mm microphone jack
-some lame princess mononoke forest spirit figurines to give to my weeb friends (one for me to keep)
-Bottom case shell for my x220 and
-battery for an x41 tablet
Now the seller of the x41 never shipped my order, i had to wait until processing time ended even after ectension and the order has been cancelled, but i havent gotten my money back? Ive messaged the seller saying "hey when am i gonna get my money back" etc etc and they replied with "ok"
What can i do? Have i been chinked?

Xiaomi Hybrid


I've heard good things about that cooler: efficient and pretty silent. Should I do it or is my money put better in a Cooler Master or a Zalman?

Also, it's my first time ordering anything from Taobao. Can those sellers be trusted?

Xiaomi is pretty big there.

If you're going to order pc components from Taobao get some Gentle Typhoons

I picked up my Redmi 3S from the post office today. I want to be able to install the unofficial international ROM from the .eu site, but the stinky chinkies haven't sent me my unlock code yet (even after three+ weeks of waiting). This[1] (via this[2]) tutorial has information on how to unlock it without the code, but has a bunch of links to older versions of MiFlash and adb/flashboot. Would it still be safe to do even with the old versions of shit? Because I can't find a newer version of MiFlash that isn't downloaded from some shady site.

[1]: forum.miui.co.in/forum/mi-devices/redmi-note-3/tutorial-guides-aa/35165-redmi-note-3-snapdragon-unlock-the-beast
[2]: forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-3/how-to/unlock-bootloader-waiting-permission-t3349886

Is there a powerbank that can charge my chinkpad?

Deepcool is reputable enough but nothing exceptional. Just average cheap stuff.

Did I get chinkd? I thought they were meant to be pink in the xiaomi 10k?


Why'd you take it apart? Where'd you buy it? Also the easiest way to check if they're real is looking into the USB port and checking for a tiny MI logo.

Panasonic is the best.

Bored and it goes back together. Gearbest. Thanks for the mini logo tip. It is there.

Sanyo has just overtaken Panasonic with Sanyo NCR18650GA (3500mAh, max. 10A discharge)

Also the PCB matches the one Xiaomi uses so it's a legit for sure.
When the logo's there and you got it from GB you have nothing to worry about, they don't sell fake Xiaomi stuff.

opinions on dhgate?

I thought Gearbest was legit for Xiaomi I just wansn't expecting panasonics(fake or not) in there

am I going to die /csg/ ?

don't forget the LG Chem 18650 MJ1 (also 3.5Ah, 10A discharge rate)

Can you buy single items from alibaba?

GTF batteries are the same as the Ultrafire ones...
There are red ones marked as 9900mah too

In reality it's more like 900mah


senfer ues

That's pretty standard they've used Panasonic/LG Batteries since 2014

Deep cool is fine. GammaX 300 or what that cooler is called is decent. Better than stock anyways.

Yes from some sellers but why?

Some new socks from Matchup socks at Ali

I've done it. I've successfully chinkified my mom.
After i showed her what got from the rice fields she was baffled what you can get for so few euros. Now she wants IEMs, sunglasses and watches.
Does anyone have a good watch and nice sunglasses for women? For IEMs i'll buy her Zircons, maybe sport version since she likes to run.
For sunglasses i thought of some Vetheidas, should be fine, but recommendations are welcome anyways. I only have no idea about chink rip off watches for women. Please help.

What happened to piston airs?

I bought one of these for my qt3.14 it came in one week, she loves it, you can also seach ali by "orders" so you know what other people are ordering, so you can get a jist of what normies like.

Do you people really walk around with those?

They're still good

Like alibaba. You negotiate with sellers directly.

Good for bulks esp. socks, shirts, underwear etc or if you're a reseller. Might be cheaper on aliexpress if you buy 1 or 2

Link? Looks like the perfect size bag I'm after.

That watch looks.. special, i guess? Anyways, thanks. I already searched for "by orders", they have some very nice stuff, but i thought about some rip offs of expensive watches, like a Nomos rip off, just for women.

aight thanks

Are they Panasonic cells?
If they are, its genuine

Are they better quality than Panasonic?

Hey /csg/
I ordered the top chinky magnifying glass, and got these lame ass glasses that make you look stupid,
I decided, there's no fucking way im waiting anymore days, so i decided to make it compact.

Took both those shits off the glasses, each containing 2 lenses, x2 and a smaller x3,
Decided to take one of the smaller x3 and put it inside the other one, so now i have 8x zoom.

Can see some nice shit.
I recommend anyone doing it, since its so simple and cheap to get to 8x zoom(the standard for jewelry and clock work is 10x from what i know)

Did I defeat the chinks?

My Danbo from MuhammadAliExpress has been in the sky for two days now.
Did he die and go to heaven?

also should I use a PO box to order to?

Guys i want to buy a RC Car (or an helicopter) to play with my cat, what would you recommend?

go here and login and if it redirects you to a download page you've got your unlock permissions.. the unlocker uses a login instead of a code now

no, why would yo uwant to

the JJRC H8 is currently $10

Sup csg

anyone tried buying dynamic microphones from chinkland? I'm looking at these 4:





I also need an audio interface that can take XLR. What I buy?

>Mi pens are out of stock on mi.com
>Pens are 38 Yuan on Taobao

BM-800 duh

not sure, never ordered any chink shit before so that's why I asked

I will look it up thank senpai

>go here and login
I'm gonna assume you mean the unlock tab of en.miui.com. I logged in and it gave me a download link and instructions. Does that mean I'm set to go with the official way? I'm really confused.

BM800 is a condenser microphone

I'm looking for a dynamic microphone

>Schott 8625 Glass Capsule

Sup Forums, help
I'm searching empty implantable glass capsules, like the rfid ones used for dog's chips

i've already tried on Alibaba but the fags there dont seem to care to reply



What the heck is this thing?

their only advantage is the higher discharge rate, which doesn't matter for battery banks
it is only important when you want to use them in a quadcopter, mouth fedora or something else that draws lots of power
overall quality and reliability should be the same for all of them, since they are all being made by the industry's leading manufacturers

Has anyone tried ordering tea?
Tried this one and it was meh.

are there any good microphones that i can velcro onto my headphones like the modmic?

>trusting chinks with anything you put in your mouth

Just read the description, senpai.

>Dear Buyer, if you use the 40 USD coupons, you need pay the shipping cost.
>different product need different shipping cost,
>please contact us before you buy it.
>thank you.
>thank you.
>thank you.
>Very thank you~

yeah I'm still lost

my headphones have been flying since sunday, have faith m8 u havn't been chinked yet



You still have to pay the shipment of items ordered with a coupon.

Seller gave out $40 discount on over $43 orders, probably by accident.
After that he quickly pulled all items from his store.

There's probably a few people who managed to use the coupon in time.

Also what do you lads think about this $0.50 VR item?


Make sure to order her a few vaguely sexual things and gauge the reaction.

Did you look at your own link?

I'm so not going to by my mother a triple XL dragon dildo "the terminator" with 900W vibrator engine.

What do you mean senpai?

do it nerd

link is in the op

gotta bump

Left to right

My pants, my sport shoes, my matress.

Any good usb 3.0 sd card readers?

>Porn movie resources
Wtf are you even ordering here user?

Oh oops, didn't see that there. Thanks.

If you remove the outer shell you'll find that those are probably recycled laptop batteries, or 08500 batteries inside of an 18650 shell.

can any user recommend some good pc camera and mic

Buy a chink $2 tenga egg and when she sees it yell "I HAVE TO USE THOSE BECAUSE I CAN'T USE YOU" and run away crying.

It'll work, trust me.

cool user
you should look at your semen

I agree, look at your semen and post the results.

...i might do that.

2 more requests and i'll do it

Do it, faggot.

My fucking zircons just bit the dust after 2 months of use. Thinking about getting those new piston pod things, can anyone comment on them?

we're all waiting

Do it.

Don't do it! My request is negaive -1 so you are back to needing two again

You should deliver, user

What makes you think this wasn't just bait from another user to trick us and he wasn't OP for the magnifier glasses post?