>Distro it's based on >Desktop Environment or Window Manager or both >File Manager >Internet Browser >Mail client >Torrent client >Video player >Music player >Image editor >Audio editor >Image viewer >Document reader >Text editor >Word processor >Terminal >GTK/QT theme >Icon theme >Font >Font rendering
Ian Green
dumb himeposter
Jacob Brooks
Hime is cute
Isaiah Adams
Pick everything yourself; inspired from Android's Aroma installer.
With neat GUI and everything so it's newbie friendly.
Cooper Butler
Hime a shit
Jose Miller
>debian would be ok >Aqua/Quartz/CoreImage or how it's called >Nautilus or something >Chromium >Geary >Transmission >MPV >Lollypop >image or audio editors shouldn't come by default >Image viewer stock gnome one >Document reader Elementary OS one >Text editor >Word processor >Terminal read above >GTK/QT theme Elementary >Icon theme read above >Font Helvetica Neue >Font rendering doesn't the DE include it?
Bentley Martin
it already exists, its called gentoo, and you can already pick any of those things you mentioned
no need for a new distro
Charles Jenkins
you a shit
Brandon Brown
>Based on Debian
>DE/WM LxQT/Openbox with PyTyle
>File Manager Dolphin
>Browser Firefox
>Mail Thunderbird
>Torrent Transmission
>Video MPV
>Music Clementine
>Image Editor GIMP
>Audio Editor Audacity
>Image Ahoviewer
>Document Evince
>Text editor Gedit
>Word processor LibreOffice Writer
>Terminal Elementary terminal
>Theme Arc
>Icons Elementary icons
>Font Droid Sans
>Font rendering Infinality
Jayden Martin
>>Distro it's based on Ubuntu LTS >>Desktop Environment or Window Manager or both Cinnamon >>File Manager Nemo >>Internet Browser Firefox >>Mail client None >>Torrent client None >>Video player SMPlayer >>Music player SMPlayer >>Image editor None >>Audio editor None >>Image viewer Viewnior >>Document reader evince >>Text editor Geany >>Word processor Libre Word >>Terminal GNOME-Terminal >>GTK/QT theme Adwaita >>Icon theme Adwaita >>Font Montserrat >>Font rendering Infinality
Eli Baker
>Distro it's based on gentoo >Desktop Environment or Window Manager or both emacs >File Manager emacs >Internet Browser emacs >Mail client emacs >Torrent client emacs >Video player emacs >Music player emacs >Image editor emacs >Audio editor emacs >Image viewer emacs >Document reader emacs >Text editor emacs >Word processor emacs >Terminal emacs >GTK/QT theme emacs >Icon theme emacs >Font emacs >Font rendering infinality
Caleb Morgan
Only good post ITT
Charles Parker
>Distro it's based on Devuan >Desktop Environment or Window Manager or both IceWM >File Manager PCManFM >Internet Browse GNU IceCatr >Mail client IceDove >Torrent client Transmission GTK >Video player VLC >Music player Audacious (+ non-native Winamp skin) >Image editor RawTherapee >Audio editor Audacity >Image viewer GThumb >Document reader Calibre >Text editor Leafpad >Word processor Abiword >Terminal Xterm >GTK/QT theme Redmond >Icon theme Win 95 >Font Fixed >Font rendering N/A
Asher Price
>based on Arch >DE/FM/IB/all the other shit you put User choice because it starts with nothing
Why would you use anything else unless you're a complete noob that barely knows how to use Ubuntu?
Ryder Morgan
>install arch >install emacs
Kevin Ross
Did you dedicate your life for shitposting and crying about a distro you couldn't install?
Eli Taylor
>Distro it's based on Windows ME >Desktop Environment or Window Manager or both KDE >File Manager ES File Explorer >Internet Browser Netscape Navigator >Mail client Gmail web app >Torrent client Azureus >Video player VLC Media Player >Music player Spotify/iTunes >Image editor Adobe Photoshop >Audio editor Magix Music Maker >Image viewer ACDSee >Document reader Foxit Reader >Text editor Sublime >Word processor WordPerfect >Terminal PowerShell >GTK/QT theme Windows Vista >Icon theme Windows 3.1 >Font Calibri >Font rendering ClearType
Nicholas Turner
>couldn't install what, what? Can you read? Seriously, kids, it's pretty bad when you are supposedly an adult and cannot read with any fucking comprehension. It's pathetic. Every single one of you, go back to kindergarten and start again.
Samuel Cooper
Debian Testing GNOME Nautilus Firefox + privacy tweaks Icedove Deluge GIMP GNOME Image Viewer Gedit GNOME Terminal Arc-Dark-OSX Super Flat Remix Sans Fontconfig and a fonts.conf
truly a stable experiance. download ANUS OS TODAY. THE ONLY OS THAT P L U N G E S YOU.
Tyler Cox
But Linux is only a kernel, user.
Gavin Thomas
Kevin Bennett
I'll steal OSX and make it open source, hope Apple didn't sue me, maybe I'll move to China.
Jace Lee
>tfw it is unanimously agreed on that 1 is the worst
Hudson Cox
Or maybe just reverse engineer Red Star OS to get that look?
>distro it's based off of none, directly GNU and Linux with Linux Libre patches applied >DE or WM probably my own DE/WM or Enlightenment with Wayland >File Manager Dolphin >Browser Mozilla Firefox >Mail Client Mozilla Thunderbird >Torrent Client rtorrent with rtgui >Video Player MPV >Music Player DeaDBeeF >Image Editor GIMP Krita and Inkscape >Audio editor Audacity >Image viewer feh and Gnome-Photos >Document Viewer Libreoffice, Firefox and Evince >Text Editor Emacs >Word Processor Libreoffice and LaTeX >Terminal Wayland Terminal >GTK theme Arc until something more modern comes out >Icon theme Adwaita >Font Apple fonts >Font rendering Freetype2 with Apple macOS like font rendering
Mason Turner
>Arch Linux >i3 and Working Unity. >Ranger and Nautilus >Vimb and Firefox >Mutt and Thunderbird >Transmission Remote (Client Only)+ Daemon >MPV >mpd+ncmpcpp and Default Music >Gimp >No default one >Ranger and Gnome Image viewer >epdfview >Nano or Vim and Gnome Editor >None or Lyx >Termite >User selected >User selected >User selected >Terminus. >None.
Valley Girl is a qt
Also >Bridget is best grill.
Owen Jones
>Bridget is best grill. Is a boy and you know it.
Carson Russell
Arch Xfce Thunar Chromium none Transmission-gtk mpv with some front end deadbeef none none viewnior mupdf mousepad none terminator numix-frost elementary droid sans RGB, sight hinting