/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:


I posted this in the other thread. Can anyone help?

Reminder we have two threads on /t/ - Torrents

Training videos for GNU/Linux (torrents)
Ported videogames (torrents)
We need a thread on /vg/ for gaymers because year of the GNU/Linux desktop motherfuckers, here is the pasta

rare stallman incoming

Fuck off with this shit

>Broken CrunchBang login. What do?
Can you login via the virtual terminal, or some form of recovery? Hopefully there's some way to access your files, if your #! is irreversibly broken.

I'm sure you saw the big goodbye post the #! author made where he recommended Debian as an appropriate alternative. It's pretty simple to do a minimal install and then use a WM similar to #!.

i think i have breast cancer

Friendly thread.

I'm not that guy, but I like that he posts them. There isn't enough Linux gaming info/sources out there. Also what said.

When someone posts a reminder to links which are 2 posts above his own I stop being friendly.

People who play games and want to talk about that do so in the threads for the games, the Linux gaming thread would only be useful as a tech-support thread, and as such has no place on /vg/ or Sup Forums

>implying people can't be updated when new content appears
>implying /fglt/ doesn't help each other too

threadly reminder to support a libre, crowd sourced computer.


I'm looking for a new distro currently but am having trouble choosing.
I want something that isn't completely advanced like Arch but can still be customized to be very secure.
I would choose Debian but here most of the packages on there are incredibly outdated so it's making me rethink my decision.
Any other recommendations?

just use the more up to date repos on debian, and you'll be fine.

>completely advanced like Arch
Arch isn't more advanced than others

>can still be customized to be very secure.
Any distro should be able to do that.

>most of the packages on there are incredibly outdated
Don't use stable

How would I go about doing that?
Sorry, I'm a complete fucking noob.

Use Debian, edit one text file, have fresh packages just like Arch.

openSUSE Tumbleweed is very up-to-date (more bleeding edge than Arch in some cases) while being retard proof and out of the box.

I don't use it because of the bloat but it gives you a lot of options.

Read this web page very carefully and thoroughly: wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting

(basically you replace ALL instances of "jessie" with "testing" in the /etc/apt/sources.list and then 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', but there are other things to be aware of, so you should still read that page)


If someone could answer this it would be awesome. It's such an annoying issue.

This is the kind of think I ask to be reminded often.

I am serious when I say you should post this on every thread.

whats that

>CortexA7 dual-core
What were they thinking?

I think everyone here has seen your post, bro. I don't think it's a very common issue, so no one has a solution for you. It's probably related to a package that got updated, or a driver issue, or your hardware. But who knows? I'm just guessing.

Does it still happen when you reboot? Is it only the terminal that leaves this trailing effect? When did it start happening?

How do I use an autism font with urxvt?

Downloaded the tewi font from lucy-overlay in gentoo and want to use it with urxvt

What lines do I add to ~/.Xresources?

It's happened since I decided to use OpenBox instead of Plasma as a window manager. It was happening the moment I installed Arch which was a week ago. It happens to every window; they just leave a trail behind for a very short amount of time. Rebooting does not fix it. It also sometimes fixes itself where it doesn't happen at all, and then there are moments where it just won't stop leaving trails.

Hello friends. What's your preferred way of backing up your system?

I'm running Debian Testing, and I'd like to be able to reinstall the entire system exactly as it is via a USB or single file in case something goes wrong. Is this possible?


forgot to mention that I use this with Gentoo and it werks,

Just make sure you don't have anything mounted tbqh


>use OpenBox instead of Plasma as a window manager.
That might be the problem

Perfect, thanks. So just to clarify, in order to restore my system, I would do as minimal of an install as possible, and then tar -xvpf /fullbackup.tar to put all my files back?

>works with more than debian
who woulda thunk it.


Make sure you have enabled bitmap fonts. Check the copypasta in the OP for how to enable them.

>can install gentoo
>can't install a font

with gentoo I just delete everything except the folders excluded and untar it with a livecd tbqh

it's as full of a backup as possible, exclude home if you want to keep that in a different backup or don't want to delete

I know, right?

Thanks family

How is Manjaro in current year? Is it more comfy than Arch? I don't want to have to "maintain" my system as I have actual work to do, but I would like to stay relatively up-to-date and have a lot of packages available to me.

Even retards can install Gentoo

>I just delete everything except the folders excluded and untar it with a livecd tbqh
Will do. I love that everything is a file in Lunix.

what did she mean by this??

>I don't want to have to "maintain" my system
I can't follow you, what do you mean?

check Arch news every time I want to update my system

deal with breakage

I just misspelled it on purpose, it doesn't mean anything, but apparently it's a real thing already: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LUnix

how do i figure out which login manager im using?

Get an external drive and set something up to clone your main one at the end of each day or whatever.

I freely admit I don't know how to do that. Something about shell scripts and polkit rules.

Post a screenshot of it, and we can tell you?

does anyone know if it's possible to enable gallium nine on a per-executable basis?

Running pacman -Syu once a week is considered maintainence?

I can do that in Manjaro as well.

So what's the issue? Either try arch or fuck off.

What is the most stable linux distro? And what is the cleanest windowmanager, that has the taskbar etc. on bottom?

depends on your distribution
for debian based look in /etc/X11/default-display-manager
for RHEL / fedore
for suse

> a just werks distribution
Can't speak to Manjaro, but any of the *buntus and Fedora are good in that capacity. Or Debian, but you have to use Testing or Sid if you want to have anything resembling a current year system.

>the Arch community

Another reason not to use Arch.

> most stable

Probably Debian Stable, but it's boring and outdated.

I'll bite. What should I have said?

Agreed. I was honestly shocked at how terrible the Arch community is.

I simply asked how Manjaro was and alluded to the well-known fact that Arch isn't the most stable distribution out there. It's not my fault that you got triggered and upset.

default kde is pretty ugly. what themes does Sup Forums use?

My downloads are slower on linux any ideas on why?

we don't use kde so we don't have that problem

systemctl | grep .service

will list all services including your login managers service

More stable than Manjaro.

you on wifi? linux might not have the best available drivers for your wifi card

Is that a documented case or is that guy just making it up? That seems like it would be a major error.

Nah on ethernet

I want to give Arch Linux a shot, do I go with the regular one or try Manjaro or Antergos?

If you have some experience with Arch Linux, then I'd say go balls deep and try straight up Arch Linux.

If you're trying Arch for the first time. My recommendation would be Antergos, it's basically an Arch Linux installer, so you get the feel of arch without having to go through the trouble of installing it for the first time. Once you're more experienced, then you can install plain Arch.

If you want to try Arch you should start with installing Arch. You're not gonna try out Debian by installing Ubuntu either.

Should I use XFCE? I am going to put ubuntu on my laptop, and would like a nice, customizable, clean windowmanager.

XFCE is a DE, not a WM.

If you're going for XFCE, just install Xubuntu

For what you're looking for. XFCE does sound like a good choice for you. Another decent option to look into would be Cinnamon.

i just installed did a fresh install of xubuntu on my laptop xfce is very fast and customizable.
Would recommend

Just using anecdotal evidence like you.

Manjaro's reputation was murdered for the expired SSL certificate fiasco. If they were responsible for what that guy is claiming nobody would be using it anymore.

And if Arch is as unstable as you make it out to be no one would be using it, yet it is one of the most popular distros on Sup Forums. I goes as far to argue it's even more stable than Debian testing.

Daily reminder. lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2015-July/039443.html

To be fair Sup Forums is far from a collection of average computer users. It's a collection of tech enthusiasts, so it's to be expected that some unstable software would be supported by enthusiasts. Sup Forums isn't the pulse of the Linux community.

Sup Forums is a collection of frogposting windows users, maybe 10% is using linux overall

>buy thinkpad
>buy SSD
>install ubuntu
>get used to it
>install audacious around 5 minutes ago
>discover it has winamp theme compatibility

How can I finally be free from microsoft? The only reason I don't use thi machine all the time is because I occasionally go back to type out an essay on my old windows machine with Word.

Can usb devices be accessed from within a virtual machine? If so, I think I'll be able to switch for good.

>Can usb devices be accessed from within a virtual machine?

>yet it is one of the most popular distros on Sup Forums
monkeys following the herd
The lack of a graphical installer doesn't make a distro magically better than others, but it makes you cool.

WTF I hate Arch now!

If I map my network drive by using the system's IP address then won't that fuck up as soon as DHCP refreshes?

it's not only popular on Sup Forums

WTF I hate WTF I hate %s now! now!

Leave me alone.



any distributive that doesn't use any newfangled layouts, just some good old desktop/panels/dropdown start menu?


have been using Ubuntu quite a lot about 5..10 years ago, then they switched GUIs (from Gnome to Unity I guess - excuse inexact terms, I'm not up to date on terminology)
I didn't like that, so I switched to using Ubuntu+Gnome shell

used that for some more time
tried installing plain Ubuntu, then Ubuntu+Gnome just now (16.04 both), didn't like both

any recommendations - should I try Ubuntu MATE? Seems they stick to old ways
I considered Xubuntu/Lubuntu as well

inexperienced to mid-level user

1. you could use playonlinux, it works almost perfectly (some of the extra copy paste functionality doesn't work because nothing on linux uses that)
2. you could use something else. kile is a much better alternative IMO.

Dualbooting is a waste of time and virtual machines uses too much resources.

>any distributive that doesn't use any newfangled layouts, just some good old desktop/panels/dropdown start menu?
for the last time DE != distribution

Isn't the Linux community a collection of tech enthusiasts?

What's with all this Linux Mint cancer? If you want an Ubuntu derived distro, go wit Bodhi or Trisquel.

Bodhi doesn't come with anything but a web browser, file manager, terminal emulator, and an image viewer if I remember correctly. It's based on stable Ubuntu LTS. It has it's own DE which I don't like, but the point of Bodhi is you generally get to build your distro from the waist up, instead of the ground up, ideally for newcomers that don't want a lot of bloat that "noob" distros add. It's community is also full of older people who have decades of experience with linux, not some underage frog poster on Sup Forums that uses Arch with anime wallpapers and i3.

Trisquel comes with more bloat, but it's a fully free distrobution.

Are all Arch kiddies this sensitive?

I'm not claiming that Arch is flat out unstable, but Manjaro lags a week or two behind Arch for testing. It should theoretically be more stable. That's why I'm asking this thread about their experiences with Manjaro.

I thought about going the wine route, but I don't know if I want to.
Doesn't enabling usage of windows programs pose a security risk?

Would I be okay on my t430 with 8gb of ram for a vm, or should I get 16gb of ram?

>Are all Arch kiddies this sensitive?
No, just me. I'm a special snowflake.

People go to distrowatch and pick a distro on rank 1-5. The mint hack basically made Mint even more popular, kek.