What is his endgame?

What is his endgame?

>Facebook is launching ‘Express Wi-Fi,’ a program that will allow customers to purchase low-cost data packages from their local internet service provider to access the fast internet via local hotspots.

What do they have to gain becoming an ISP? Is that the final goal?

>What do they have to gain becoming an ISP?


>Why would facebook possibly want more information on their customers?

He's trying to become a niche that hasn't been filled yet. No one has been able to sell "unlimited" data through hotspots since clear died in the USA.

Is this like that shit he tried to pull in India, where you'd only have access to a limited number of websites?

>access the fast internet via local hotspots


>What is his endgame?
Lots of money. I've read things he's written for Bloomberg and it seems to me that literally all he wants is money. Social media, information harvesting, advertisement, this shit. He just wants more money. He doesn't seem to have anything he particularly wants to spend it on, he just wants more.
>inb4 Zuckergoy for president 2028

He's already got $53.9 billion. What the fuck does he want more money for?

Basically his end game is to make it so you have to sign in to the Internet to use it.

>Doesn't have anything particular to spend it on

user I...

Push leftist agenda to every person on the world.

Didn't he donate like 90% of his net worth when his child was born?

they want to track what you do on pages without like buttons too

They are desperate because there has been close to no growth and they know their company will meet the same fate as any other that went past its peak.
So they desperately try to get more people to use facebook.
I wont even be supprised if their wifi program comes with a mandatory facebook account.

To who, himself? Lmao

>information dominace

he literally has complete view of the social lives of hundreds of millions of people. that's as close to being a god as human come.

>hundreds of millions of people
More like literally billions. Sounds "better".

to a charity which he runs
read: himself

do you ever think facebook will end up like myspace?


mcdonalds free wifis except not in mcdonalds and somewhat more useable

What, are you 12 years old? Why does anyone need more money than enough to live comfortably? Answer: they don't but they think it will fill the pathetic hole in their lives.

imagine being on the facebook campus and knowing his username and having his password cracked...

(and his thumbprint and cellphone and yadda yadda, you autists)

Sounds like they're just an intermediary, not a true ISP. They're not the ones managing the actual back-end hardware.

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