How would you improve windows 10?

Edge - .webm suporte, top suites when clickimg in search bar like in safari
Cortana - offline mode and hud integration for tasks and software menus/options (Cortana export as pdf, Cortana play naruto 132, Cortana insert a new chart pie)
Privacy center - settings to turn on/off all telemetry and spyware on windows 10
Gaming/performance mode - turn off unnecessary services and boost performance
File manager - metro app with tabs
More metro apps - task manager , notepad, paint, etc
Better minimal design

Turn it in windows 7.

make it fully open source and cross platform compatible
create a secure flash replacement
remove anything that integrates with windows

Jesus fuck why do people use this operating system.

Make it open source

For what purpose?
Cant you see metro apps were designed to be used on touchscreens in the future ? Windows 10 is pretty cool and comfy. There are still things that could be improve like Cortana for example.

Because it is comfy as fuck in a tablet.
Better than android and ios . Cheaper and more useful

Release the source code
Port dx12 to Linux
Reverse engineer drivers

I wouldn't necessarily I'm happy the way it is

There is always room for improvement

>How would you improve windows 10?
Too bad you can't, it's closed source.

>How do you improve a turd?

You don't. A turd's place is in the toilet.

All that shit you just listed and no mention of your OS not fucking spying on you.

did you read it?
>Privacy center - settings to turn on/off all telemetry and spyware on windows 10

I did , privacy center and stuff

I actually didn't kek
captcha: STOP

Start menu needs to be more like Win7
Installing classic shell on Win10 makes it an almost perfect OS, other than the botnet crap which got backported to the older versions too

get out you cia nigger

Make it open source and let more competent people improve it.

1) I would remove all forms of telemetry with the exception of the opt-in ability to send in crash dumps/bugs
2) Make all stock programs/apps/features able to be uninstalled at will, as if it was the OS for a personal computer
3) Create the ability to switch between/turn off metro/desktop at will


wow almost took that bait

Quick delete/roll back button/function.

The most intensive thing I do on a computer is music production and I've been using Windows since I was a child. I can't think of a reason to switch.

Less fucking telemetry.

Start from scratch using XP as a base.

Add tabs to the file manager.

In terms of UI or at the OS level? Because NT 5 is fucking slow these days.

Remove Telemetry
Remove Backdoor

Do I really have to say it?
>install gentoo

Destroy Microsoft.

Windows XP was shit. It sucked so much that they had to delay Vista for several years to rewrite it almost completely and release as a service pack (SP2) because it was so insecure.

Reintroduce a functional start menu for one.


install gentoo