What's your opinion on site owners and publishers whining about adblockers?

What's your opinion on site owners and publishers whining about adblockers?

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If I like their content and visit regularly, I whitelist them. If theyre loaded with tons of banner ads and tracking js or they block me for using an adblocker I don't visit.

They bring unwanted attention to them.
Vast majority of Browser users don't even know about adblockers.

They are whining about pennies anyway. And they are likely to lose more when whining.

They're little bitches

Maybe include advertisements that aren't intrusive, or take up half the page.
Or, maybe not include advertisements at all.

I remember years ago ads were just a small little window on the side, or a banner on the top of the page. How can you expect people not to block them with the way they are today?

I block ads because they are usually a hindrance to the actual use of the site. If they don't have/switch to non-intrusive, more ethically done advertising, they can go fuck themselves.

If you depend on ads to make revenue it's because you're trash and you don't even offer a product or service (or you do but it sucks); any asshole can write a rant about the Olympics and call his work free press or whatever, bottom line is that your work is useless and shouldn't exist. Also ads are cancer because they're designed wrong and aren't sensible enough to whether or not a site is SFW; I browsed some SFW sites without blocking ads and got "Do you want to have the biggest fucking dick and bang hot sluts? Click here!" ads with pictures of big dicks.

Fuck 'em.

It's fair to them to want revenue to the content they provide, and if whining about it gets someone to turn off their AdBlock or whitelist them, then go ahead.

What isn't acceptable and will lose you visitors is being a toxic fairy and not pleading to turn it off but employing anti AdBlock measures or being arrogant or condescending when asking others to view ads for your content. If you're humble without a hint of sarcasm or passive aggressiveness, and provided you aren't using cancerous ads in the first place, maybe I'll whitelist you (probably not)

They can fuck off. People don't deserve to be paid for their work.

They brought it on themselves with shitty, intrusive ads.
GIFs, Flash, sound and whatnot.
Not to mention malvertising.

Static, self-hosted, hand-picked ads or GTFO.

>What's your opinion on site owners and publishers whining about adblockers?
I don't care. That's pretty much the extent of my opinion.

I see no reason to give them any attention at all.



I think the people saying they should use less intrusive ads are hypocrites because they aren't going to unblock random websites anyway.

Plus adblockers result will make ads more intrusive as content and ads are going to mix. So the dumbest thing you can do is give adblocker to the masses. So people promoting it are shooting themselves in the foot. If only a handful people use adblockers everything will stay fine.

They should kill themselves

>So the dumbest thing you can do is give adblocker to the masses
We're already seeing how it's going, and it's the smartest thing to do. Adblockers being more accessible means the advertisement industry has two options: sponsored content, which only works if the user clicks and reads the ad masquerading as an article, or more invasive ads heavily relying in javascript.

Since it seems they're choosing the JS route, eventually adblocking will also cover noscript type functionality. This in the end will only benefit the users, we already see pages that are 10 or 20mb of scripts, and blocking the JS on those means sites will break just like they did when flash was cast aside, which in turn means going back to lighter pages with less and less reliance on heavy JS.

They don't have to rely on Javascript. In the future ads will all be inserted on the backend.

They should just find a different hobby.

simple, the internet was developed to allow the free sharing of information then the marketers jumped on board and tried to monetize it.

so fuck all those jews that are trying to force you to look at their sites whilst being bombared with a shit ton of ads.

I can see why they're upset about it on account of losing revenue, but on the other hand I wouldn't be using an adblocker if their ads weren't so intrusive, obnoxious, and malware enabling. Sup Forums's ads don't flash and sing and make my load times skyrocket, so they're whitelisted. I'm not going to watch a 30 second ad for a 2 minute video.

They were the reason for adblockers to rise. They have no one to blame but themselves.

who cares they probably use it to cough all those fgt twitch streamers cough fkcthat

can you really blame them for being pissed, especially if it's a site where ads are their only revenue source? that doesn't mean i don't use adblock, but I 100% understand that every website i visit hates me for it

Depends on the sites content and ads. I whitelist every site that has decent original content and bearable ads.

Every page that has self-playing videos or pop ups that open a new tab can go fuck themselves though.

Have fun paying to use ANY websites

>then the marketers jumped on board and tried to monetize it
Which actually allows free sharing of information, since servers and content creators need a bit more than air and good will.

I had Sup Forums unblocked until I saw a video ad pop up

I remember when people hosted sites and didn't expect others to cover their costs. The internet was so much better back then.

>compromise the security of your browser to have access to our content

I don't want your content then

Journalism is dead and doesn't deserve revenue anyways as it is.

Flash ads = block. No exceptions.

>Static, self-hosted, hand-picked ads or GTFO.

Basically this.

>having flash installed at all
The only site i still see using it is twitch, been months since i needed it.

>tfw ad containers started using randomly generated IDs

Asshurt bitches. All of them.

They are in denial.

You can't FORCE a machine to fetch resources.

Are we going to ban curl and wget because the site is not being used 'properly'?

Should search engine crawlers be required to run every script on a page?

I say fuck the whiners, shit is what it is.

Idiots who want a quick and lazy buck without working a proper job in their life, who came late to the Internet game and think they are entitled to monetary gains on a medium whose main purpose isn't to provide monetary privileges but to serve as a communication medium.

AKA "journalists" and bloggers. The most retarded worthless collectives on this planet.
They can crash and burn and i won't bat an eye.
There was an Internet before there were ever ads.
There is monetary gain to compensate server costs without ads.

There is a guy who gets 16k a month off Patreon for creating 3D porn of Lara Croft fucking a horse. 16k a month for making horsefucking porn.
If he can get such revenue, yet site "owners" whine about ad-blocking,
then what does that make idiots who whine about ad-blocking look like?
If a 3D modeler who creates crappy horse fucking vids gets more money than these idiots, what does that make them?
I'd say it makes them deserve to crash and burn and die from hunger.

If it was so easy to make 16k a month you would be doing it right now.

literally entitled shitheads.

If I disable java, am I also stealing ad revenue because his java extension ads don't run?

am I also stealing if I don't install flash so I don't see his flash based ads?

>i only recently used the web for the first time

But want if I want the biggest dick possible?

This exists? Awesome man I'm gonna check it out.

Good shit still exists. Just look at The Wire UK. Very good, intelligent music site

They're pretty much the record labels that cried about digital distribution and by extension music piracy years ago.
Most of them will die, others will adapt and do fine or even better than before.

Whether I adblock or not doesn't really affect their revenue. If they have shit like full page popup interactive ads and I couldn't block them I'd just outright never visit that site anyways.

The same way I feel about publishers whining about piracy.
I don't give a damn.

I genuinely understand what you mean user, as a writefag myself, but I prefer to go adless as ads create a market where the most clickbaity content bubbles to the top and my shit is drowned out anyway. The ad race hurts sincere content creators. It's just not worth it, to annoy the visitors for some small amount of interbutt money. Creators have to suck it up. After the advent of blogging, the electronic written word has become cheaper than air. Imagine if book publishing were the same, and if anyone could just shit out their half-baked fanfiction onto a Barnes & Noble shelf. The "creative industries" are already driven by a large portion by popularity and public whims, anyway and ads help to deepen that divide. If you intend to bundle your content with ads as an unwritten (and even written) TOS, by all means, do so, but you really can't be shocked when users circumvent your unenfoceable rule, like the "Press here if you're 18+ buttons".
Also is right, with the rise of alternative funding platforms, like Patreon and Kickstarter, you have other ways of funding your craft that selling out user-data.

>Patreon and Kickstarter
Canwork for very clear projects (goals and time) and ideas that are already popular with the public. Something like journalism or literature seems next to impossible to fund if you lack a strong public presence which would boil down to the same fight for popularity or extreme niches like dinosaur erotica.

Besides, I don't see it as a battle of two extremes. There are many sites that manage to have ads that don't massively interfere with user experience and it seems in the interest of anybody to support these unless we want the actually free internet disappear.

Say there won't be any ads tomorrow, the only people who will be able to provide content will be a very limited number of hobbyists, pay to login sites and everybody with money to promote their own shit. Do you want to read about Windows 10? microsoft.com/reviews got you covered!

>Say there won't be any ads tomorrow, the only people who will be able to provide content will be a very limited number of hobbyists, pay to login sites and everybody with money to promote their own shit (people with jobs).
So basically, 95% of the Internet.
Well damn user, i sure want to give a fuck about those 5% who can't do anything without ads, but i can't, because they are a vocal minority, and they can go suck dick to pay for servers if they want.

I dont care but just now Video Blocker addon on FF updated and with that nuked my filters and changed UI.
I am so mad now I dont know if I will use youtube again.
How is this allowed
fucking fuck

People with jobs beyond providing the content*

Why do you want your future artists to suck dick and flip burgers while the future tech reviewer works 8h a day and is bound to be a lot less productive ... and that if there is no conflict of interest and business relationship with the party whose products get reviewed.


>Why do you want your future artists to suck dick and flip burgers
Because that's the life of an artist, always has been through history and always will be.
They suck dick to get the equipment/premises for their "artistry".
They suck dick to get their art seen.
And then they suck my dick so i can pity them and buy their "art", only so i can later use it as a more luxurious substitute for toilet paper when i feel like doing something differently and pretentiously.

They should get real fucking jobs and not try and make pennies off of shitty ads no one clicks anyway.

As long as websites cannot guarantee that their ads are not malicious, I will keep blocking them, simple as that.
If a website reviews all the ads they put up before putting them up, sure I won't mind.


Hiro added malware ads to the 404 page once.

Even if a site reviews shit, the ad domain source can get hijacked by a hacker, or the ad itself on the site itself can get hijacked,
and the damage will be done before the site can ever respond.

I'd rather keep my own computer safe because it has become a vital part of my job, than guarantee some stranger ad income.
If these fucking idiots really think they can pull the ethics/morals veil with people whose own livelihoods are certainly more important and at risk when it comes to computer security, they better go attempt that shit in another dimension or on some other planet where Humans don't exist.

Websites should block adblock users instead of bitching about them. They'll never change my mind.

pro tip: You can prevent websites like Forbes from showing up in your google results with this extension.

The internet wasn't created with making money anyway. Also it is up to the user to decide whether he wants his computer to render specific elements/connect to only some servers or not.

Some of sick and tired of the ad companies shit. Too much JavaScript, virus distribution and resource waste; they're reaping what they've sown.

I have never agreed with a post as much as this. Bravo user.

In the words of my most favorite Internet celebrity, "go fuck yourself".

You remember those emojii ads?

HELLO HELLO HELLO on every page

Adblock was the response.

completely irrelevant.
i pay for internet access.
i choose which content i access and how.

I think all big websites should just block adblock users.

Fuck them.

Fuck the greedy little shits right in the fucking mouth and shut them up.

Fuck the idiots that saw the internet as nothing more than another place they can market their bullshit and make money.

Fuck them.

>this thread again
Fuck off AdSense.

Pointless. Blocking ads is a part of the market now, it can't be fought or banned across the board. They need to adapt to this new market or make way for someone that can.

I already pay my ISP money so I can browse the internet. I dont want my bandwith to be used for ads


Don't plaster that shit everywhere or spam it over the top of the article I'm trying to fucking read.

It gives me a lot of satisfaction to manually block even those little messages they have that moan about adblock.

the article overlays that insist on an email address for a newsletter are the worst in my opinion.

We ought to do a network of static sites without all the bullshit, to prove that it can work without 29 mb of js and offensive amounts of cookies and obnoxious crap.

You already do pay to connect to the internet in 99% of all cases, numbnuts I do pay to use literally EVERY website in the form of my service provider.

If their ads weren't intrusive or malicious, I wouldn't block them.
It only takes one instance of this happening to get your system shrekt.

The only people who whine about adblockers are retarded bloggers who can't afford 10$ hosting.
Everyone else just asks politely.

>whitelist site
>it starts lagging as hell

I used to have to clean minor malware and the occasional virus injected by ads regularly. Now that I block ads unilaterally, my system stays clean to a degree I once thought was impossible. Fuck sites that don't understand this. Outsourcing to compromised ad companies was their own fault.

Profesional drawing of most websites these days whining about adblockers

We'll just go to the free sites instead. And there will always be free sites.

The big companies know this, that's why they'd rather lose money than their visitors.

That and videos that play automatically with sound. Also pop-under ad. fuck that. I disable ublock for most sites but I teall ya, once they pull any one of these annoying as fuck ads and I'll never disable ublock for that site ever again.

I laugh at them

>have a bot which crawls the sites and copy pastes the content into text file so i don't have to deal with their shit

Irrelevant, I will block them no matter what, and if I cant, I will be ignoring their site.

Sites can go fuck themselves.
If their content isn't shut, put a paywall

>What's your opinion on site owners and publishers whining about adblockers?
They can suck a mean dick!

If you do those things for the sake of money,you don't deserve to get paid.
Artist that has profit in his mind can only produce worthless art.

I don't give le fuck. I barely use anything other imageboards and StackOverflow.

whiners gunna whine

theyre delusional and/or hypocritical

ads are cancer, period.

It takes my time to view ads, and be distracted by ads that mess up or obstruct websites, or fucking with my windows. It takes time to pause or mute videos that automatically start playing. They track, steal, and sell my personal info, they install shit on my PC harm it in other ways which takes maintenance which eats up my time and money. The ads also ramp up my video card and CPU sometimes which costs me electricity.

The ads use bandwidth, sometimes quite a lot, and bandwidth is a finite resource that I have to pay for as well.

So basically you could say these people are stealing from me.

Everytime I try to run without adblockers for any length of time my machine gets fucking raped.

So no, I'm not going to watch advertisements.

If someone blocks me for using adblockers I blacklist their sight, avoid recommending them, and bash them whenever they come up in conversation.

They have the right to put ads.

You have the right to use an adblocker.

They have the right to tell you to fuck off.

You have the right to look for the information somewhere else.

Simple as that.

This is the only reason I use an adblocker.
It was like 2010 when ads started to just be cancer and hijack my screen.

>my sun


ABP or ublock?????

ABP for me.

ABP on my desktop, RequestPolicy on my netbook.

Superior uBlock

ABP is a sellout as is the request policy guy. The request policy guy its add-on get bypassed on windows machines lmao
Get rekt for not using superior uBlock faggots

The problem that I see is that normies block all ads and don't bother whitelisting, they literally don't give a shit. All of my tech-literate friends and a quarter of my normie friends use adblockers and don't whitelist sites.

I think they're bitch niggas for pulling shit like that. Don't fucking block my access to content just so you can throw a ton of java shit and pop ups and garbage on my computer fuck you

Sites with really fucking annoying ads that slow down the loading and the page in general can go fuck themselves.

I have my adblocker disabled for Sup Forums and that's literally it.

>calls people normies
>has friends

fuck outta here normalfag