Backpack Thread?

Tell me Sup Forums what do you use to lug around your shit thinkpads through out the day at your school and why don't you have a Macbook?
>pic related

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Somebody recommend me a backpack that can fit an HP Elite desk SFF tower and zip closed.

I have been using the same giant backpack from the army for years. I really think I need to get something moire sleek and less OMG YOU MUST BE A VET.

I only ever carry around 3-4 Notebooks, A 14-inch notebook and a menagerie of cables.

How are these? Are they a good build quality for the price? I'm tempted to get one.

I'm a vet and I wouldn't be caught dead using some issued crap bag the army gave me. But to each their own

A hefty bag


> implying I leave my attic
might as well consider yourself a normie, user

They are said to last a lifetime

Why it needs replaced.

what is the point of that? are you just joking?

carrying that around with you would force you to only move from locations that are already set up for you. You aren't going to carry around cables, a desk, a keyboard, and a mouse with you either are you?

My x200 fits nicely in here.

5.11 Rush MOAB 10 tacticool bag. Has a laptop slot and even a super secret CCW slot that you can access without taking the bag off.

Is the fabric shiny because of your skin grease?

do women avoid you?

>buying shit made by poo kids
plebeian tier asf

nice bag I'd definitely carry an AR Pistol in that.

I'm about to buy this bag, looks cool and has good reviews.

It has a really accessible velcro slot in between the 2 compartments that easily fits a full sized handgun

>california patch
>concealed carrying

Tacticool OD green 3-day pack so people know to avoid me because I might be unstable. Works good. No distracting unnecessary conversations with strangers.

Messenger bag with 15" laptop compartement that also doubles as backpack if needed.

hipster shit

their pussy turns as wet as an ocean when they hear my intrests are shitposting on Sup Forums and anime.

What's a good messenger bag that can store a lot and doesn't look like a woman's purse?

Why use a messenger bag for carrying things? you'll just wear your shoulders out.



i already carry regular backpacks on one shoulder, i'm well on my way to destroying my shoulders

That's definitely a nice bag. But would need a decently sized laptop sleeve

im happy with my Hatchet backpack

spent a long time looking for something that was thin enough and still looks nice. It was surprisingly difficult to find.

good price too

It can fit the fuckhuge older MBP. The slot for it is also adjustable.

I've literally never seen Trigun

dont worry, its shit

One of these. Fits my XPS 13, lunch box, book and notebooks with ease.

hows the keyboard on the xps 13?

What you'd expect: low travel and little feedback. Similar to a MBP's. I thought it would bother me more actually, but it's fine for typing. I like it less than my thinkpad's, but I make less typos somehow.

have you used the keyboard of the never thinkpads? how do they compare?

Only used a T410, sorry.

I stopped caring about typos when my work started giving out lifetime subscriptions to Grammarly. Love being able to correct just about everything automatically.

For once my wife's Nordstrom credit card will come in handy. I am looking at the Incase Icon. The one in OPs picture.

So a 15inch would be fine in it then ?


I'm going to steal one from work.

Swiss Gear

Had mine for about 5 years, in use nearly everyday and still looks brand new.. good zips, size, compartments and padded back/straps.

Best £50 odd quid ever spent. Not to mention I lost the key ring clip and they sent me the piece with no drama.

Duffle bag it .. under your gym kit.

Make it known you are going out of town on a weekend. Then bring a roller suitcase. Roll on out at end of day.

I have a swiss gear backpack that I bought with my very first XPS laptop back in 2006. The thing is still together and showing minimal signs of wear. My only issue with it is how big it is.

Hi, Sup Forums

I need help finding a backpack for all my uses. I need a backpack that can stand up to my parkour skills and insane rollerblading. I need to hold all my electronics and weapons for when I do night sweeps on our corporate overlords. It needs to be comfortable and stylish and tell people that i'm serious AF.

Is there anything that can keep up to my radical skillz?

i'm planning on buying this:

They are on the larger side, but it'd exactly what I need for work as an on-site engineer so it's usually packed with cables, drives, tools, laptop and personal items and then I've a smaller backpack for other stuff!

Very spacious, good padding, comfortable, inexpensive

is that some kind of furry logo

I suspect so.

I can't shill the Goruck GR1 enough.

I don't have a single complaint so far.

I've liked STM bags in the past.. but i'm really tempted to be a total sellout and get a Hershel bag.

Stealing is bad Tyrone.


if you have a pen you can unlock it

If you want to look like you larp

What do you mean user?

Cocoon SLIM XL

I've recommended it on here before and was called a shill, but it's a fantastic backpack with this "grid-it" system built into the front pouch so you can keep all of your shit organized vertically which lets it be very thin and still hold a bunch.

underrated post

those things cost a ton though

I got mine 6 years ago and its still awesome.

Jesus, at 300 dollarydoos I'd hope you'd have nothing to complain about.

Just got that exact bag last week user, it is super slim the only complaint I have is that the laptop compartment is closer to the back than the shoulders so you have to get them out of the way to remove it

Looks clean and feels good with the weight I have had in it + electronics pockets

I have one of the stand alone grid it things I like it a lot but I just throw it into the main compartment of my messenger bag.

Who here is funding this?

You can easily unlock zippers with a pen

Not sure if this is what you mean but they have this advertised for the bag, not sure if it actually has it though. Might do a review when I get the bag.

i want this

i want to put my plate in this

plate is 6lbs by the way. I'd only carry that and my laptop. what do you guys think?

actually never mind maybe i'll use this if i can find a listed price:

Not my pic. It's great for groceries and ... sigh ... /out/. One day, I'll go innawoods. One day.

Do you guys ever actually use the molle

This one from Mission Workshop

Are there any good modular bags (like those tacticool ones) that can fit a 17" laptop?

I have the 17inch Laptop Backpack one
Really comfy with the strap pads and I like having my laptop separate from my other shit.
I also have two regular Kånkens and I wish I could get the stupid strap pads for them but no matter what they sell out in a minute when new stock gets put up.
I really like the size of the regular ones though....

oh fug thats unique patent

Yeah pricey. I did one of their ruck events and got it half off. Don't know if they still offer it but when u did it if you rucked 50lb plates you got a 50% discount.

I love molle I have so much stuff leftover from the army. Radio pouches are now used for power banks and pens.

>double stack on zippers

I gonna patent a quad stack of zippers!!

I'd buy it


I have an Echo, the smaller pack. Went down on my bike after some fuckwit Mexican threw a huge cardboard box out of the bed of a truck. Slid on the bag at 15ish mph, bag was in okay shape and my back and laptop survived the fall. They replaced the bag as part of the battle scars warranty.

I have my trusty Swissgear backpack from before they began cheapening out completely. It's 10 years old but hasn't failed me yet.

Are you allergic to pussy?

Pretty durable. I use it for work. I can store about 25-40lbs worth of binders, folders, heavy books, etc when traveling. Doesn't hurt my shoulders for pretty long time when under full load. Fits under my seat in when flying. Worth the extra dough for something that's going to last a long time.

I had a strap break at one of their events. One of the reos gave me a newer bag of my choice and a shirt on the spot.

Bumping this thread, what are some /fa/ options that are useful for laptop carrying?


That's so hot though.

Good luck getting a girl to talk to you with that weeb shit.

Laptop +paper notebook=wew+lad

>Simple bag thread
>Getting triggered by an image

Why you mad user?

Somebody call the WAAAAAmbulance!

>implying you are so alpha
Go back to school kiddo

Samefagging that post limiter hard today

that looks pretty goooood, probably will buy it