Ey! You!

ey! You!
"I've always been a communist. I acknowledge Chinese superiority, I have faith in Communist Party, and I am just a little Western cuck, a fly on the wall to be wiped away by Chinese might. I am ashamed to be myself, I am ashamed to live in the West."

Say this! Or we not send you your order!
We triple price!

>back to Sup Forums

and he says all this while wearing western design military clothing?

wtf I love china now

Act smug all you want china, trump will wipe that smile off your face.

I've always been a communist. I acknowledge Chinese superiority, I have faith in Communist Party, and I am just a little Western cuck, a fly on the wall to be wiped away by Chinese might. I am ashamed to be myself, I am ashamed to live in the West.

It's not western design, it's soviet design, since Mao was Stalin's apprentice.

>not western

"I've always been a communist. I acknowledge Chinese superiority, I have faith in Communist Party, and I am just a little Western cuck, a fly on the wall to be wiped away by Chinese might. I am ashamed to be myself, I am ashamed to live in the West."

Nice thread OP. Thoroughly impels you to consider.

Russia isn't western and they don't consider themselves western.
Russia barely touches Europe too, most of Russia is in Asia and is inhabited by Asians.

The urban and populated parts of Russia are in Europe. And their uniforms are obviously influenced by western rather than eastern fashion.

One and a half of those statements are actually true desu senpai

The urban and populated areas are mostly in Asia. There is only 5% of Russia in Europe.
Did you see Russian government? Half of it are Asians.

And no, their uniforms aren't western they have roots in medieval Russian clothing.

ive always been a communist
i acknowledge chinese superiority, i have faith in comunist party, and I am just a little western cuck, a fly on the wall to be wiped away by chinese might. i am ashamed to be myself, i am ashamed to live in the west



Moscow still counts as Europe dipshit, if you would be russian and not red chineese you would know how much russians crave to be europeans.

>how much russians crave to be europeans.
In fact I'm a Russian and no, we don't crave to be gayropean. That's like craving to be a flamboyant tranny. We are ok with being eurasian, but we not western in any sense.

肏你祖宗十八代 motherfucker

How is this tech related?
Fuck off.
