Apple products are cheap to produce, flimsy and oftentimes have short lifespans

>apple products are cheap to produce, flimsy and oftentimes have short lifespans
>despite all this they sell for a premium and are considered high quality because consumers are fucking retards

>short lifespans

I know at least 3 people that have been using the same MacBook since 2009 with zero problems.

Tell that to my ten year old mac pro. Or my 25 year old mac plus.

The only apple product that hasn't had a good lifespan for me was my macbook air after my cat spilled water on it. All my iphones have been great.

>short lifespan
weak bate

>7 year old macbook battery
shill more, ipajeet

top engineering


build quality


quality control

Find me someone using a 2006 model where the screen hinges aren't fucked or where the plastic near the trackpad isn't smashed to fuck.

As an added bonus I'll let you travel back in time to 2012. You're still allowed to find someone using the now 6 year old laptop mentioned above without flaws. Good luck.

l i f e s p a n


applecucks on suicide watch

Really nigga?


>Have my iphone for 4 years
>no cracks, not even a fucking scratch
>only damage is when i accidentally ran it over
>case protected it
>now just bent a couple of degrees
>still works perfectly
So OP's retarded and doesn't know what he's talking about.


>Find me someone using a 2006 model where the screen hinges aren't fucked or where the plastic near the trackpad isn't smashed to fuck.

>Good luck

Luck? Kek.
Give me a time machine right now.

I think all the semen from your boyfriend is causing you to ignore all the obvious damage to your phone ;)


nigga sheeeit u telling me apple is good dayuum.

Im gonna guess and say that you havent been using those devices for 25 years, they just sit there.

yeah apple sucks but i bet none of you have this flag


lmao what the fuck is that





constantly improving


What kind of retarded engineers leads this to even happening?

apple """""engineers""""

all of them, if requirements are "planned obsolescence" or "form over function"

Apple (like Amazon) has a recent tendency to hire fresh university graduates because they're cheaper (and honestly, its not like Apple design requires forward thinking and experience). Amazon overworks them until they quit, though I'm not sure how Apple gets rid of them.


well made

even if a laptop from 2006 was in perfect condition nobody who isn't a poorfag would use it

Do people that passionately hate Apple not realize that they are just doing free advertising?


>properly selected plastics have a better strenghth to weight ratio then CNC'd aluminium
>But applel fags are all like "muh metal"
>Muh feel
top kex

I know I'm taking the bait, but I've had my macbook pro since 2009 and it's still a champ.

This right here, on the other hand, is my biggest gripe with Apple. Their cords are fucking awful.
I kno