AMD Hate thread? AMD Hate thread

AMD Hate thread? AMD Hate thread.

So far the Radeon RX Series has been a huge dissapointment. All of them have different retail prices than what they originally were stated to be first off. The RX 480 was ok, but was made pointless by the better 1060.

The RX 470 had almost no difference in specs, price, or performance from the 480, basically making it 480 variant (non referance), when we were hoping for a $150 card with performance between the GTX 960 and 970.

With the announcement the RX 490 was a dual gpu (something most people just don't want) our last hope for a decent card was the RX 460. And today we found out that was very much not true.

We all knew it was going to be an entry level card (which was supposed to cost 100 but bumped up to 110) but we all hoped it would be a better entry level card than any other, since technology evolves year by year instead what we got was almost EXACTLY LIKE A GTX 950, but with higher power consumption, higher temperatures, and a lack of multi gpu support (except for the XFX version, which nobody will buy because it's XFX). And of course, at pretty much the same price.

Could this card have been good? Yes, AMD could have encouraged low power half height half width cards, making it a great card to power up any old office or home computer, like the great MSI Geforce GTX 750 Ti. If the RX 460 isn't put into a design like that for a CHEAPER PRICE, this card will remain at a low tier level.

And for all this buzz about these Zen leaks, please remember that a AMD cpu will probably not be better than a mid-high end Intel cpu like the i5-4670k. And if a new Zen cpu is even close to that kind of performance, it will be much hotter and take much more power. And the pricing will probably be similar too.

Stop buying from this company. I will not feel sad if they go out of buisness and Nvidia controlls the market, at least they know how to make quality cards.

Other urls found in this thread:

>AMD is shit
boo fucking hoo
I notice AMDfags whining about their buyers remorse on Sup Forums all the time and its shitting this fucking board up. Just get a fucking job and buy a new computer.

>hating a company so much that you need to dedicate time in order to tell other people how much you hate it

Wow user your life must be exciting,jesus man just go watch porn or something.

there are many AMD hate threads, they are this way:

I don't even know how to process the number of logical fallacies you presented here OP. But you routinely projected your opinions as fact.

So really what you're asking for is a reason to justify your opinions.

AMD is the only card that sell in the mass market that's primed to make the most use of all the new APIs. From Direct X 12, to Vulkan, to Metal. AMD routinely gives you more graphics card for the money.

Packing in MUCH higher compute and double precision in the RX 480 then the 980ti.

AMD is for people who want to get shit done. Who also happens to be competitive in everything else.

>AMD is for people who want to get shit done. Who also happens to be competitive in everything else.

Name one thing AMD is used for that isn't cheap(and buggy as fuck) computer gaming and buttcoin mining

Nvidia is better for workstations
Nvidia is better for deep learning
Nvidia is better for high end gaming

AMD is better for FP64 when you arent willing to pay 3k+ more for 8/10 the speed.

Yes my friend! I have been saying this for many years now. AMD is the brand for the poo in loo Indian. I buy premium Nvidia graphics card and all my games run so smooth. AMD poor owners will never know this feeling.

Amen. AMD is such a fucking shit company. I can't wait until they go bankrupt.


Fuck off, Linus.


You want a monopoly? Idiot.


I hated Nvidia, and I still do, but AMD literally did the exact same thing Nvidia did with the 970, they knowingly LIED to us.

>$200 guys we swear!
>seriously $200 guys this is a big selling point

Turns out $200 was a meme, they had no intention of releasing all but a very very few amount of 4GB reference models (which were just bios modded 8GB models kek), so they 100% lied. Instead we get 4GB 470s for $200. Fucking lmao. AMD is pathetic. I know miners are ruining AMD yet again but they could at least hold up their end up the fucking bargain and give us that $200 we were promised. As far as I'm concerned AMD are shitting on their customers just like Nvidia and they can get bought out like the bitches they are for all I care.

I am upset.


OP here. Haven't actually used a AMD gpu for a while, I was planning on getting the RX 470 and then after that letdown the RX 460. Now I am hoping for a good GTX 1050/950 Ti since this disaster.



Driving to visit parents for the weekend, and stopping at Burger King for a dinner break. Do you honestly expect me to either fap in the filthy fast food stalls or fap and drive when I get back on the road?

Sup Forums is a shithole. I've never been on there and never plan to.


>With the announcement the RX 490 was a dual gpu



> I will not feel sad if they go out of buisness and Nvidia controlls the market,

OP, I'm sorry but you're an idiot. If Nvidia is the only manufacturer, they'll have the power to overprice their cards and they will have no motivation to improve their hardware substantially from year to year.

The GPU market needs MORE competition for us consumers to win.
If AMD could step their game up, then Nvidia would have to improve their offerings in both performance and price.

What we really need is the ATi/AMD of the early 2000s. The AMD Athlon XP 1800+ and ATi Radeon 9800 type products.

AMD is not a competitor. Much better for them to die completely and have the government break up Nvidia due to monopoly laws.

If AMD goes bankrupt they'll get bought and hopefully made into actual competition. Seriously AMD is so fucking incompetent it's actually funny. Shit is pathological.

Then you better hope Zen is as monstrous as leaks are claiming.

That's the only way for them to start moving up.



Nintenso had a monopoly and they did just fine. And when SEGA felt they had too much power they easily stepped in.

>that shitty shop
> black outlines
> missing black and shadow on arm and cuff
> obvious FB account hack
> Smells of linux butthurt

>linuxed based systems lost a mobo dew to drivers

>this shit again


I agree that Polaris has been disappointing, but it wasn't *that* bad.

>The RX 480 was ok, but was made pointless by the better 1060.
The 1060 performing better now, but it's, but also pricier. There is some evidence that as next-gen APIs become more prevalent, the 480 will start to pull ahead.

>The RX 470 had almost no difference in specs, price, or performance from the 480
Yes, it seems that the 470 has cannibalized the reference 480, but no one should be buying a reference AMD card anyway. A 480 with a nice cooler and a factory overclock will still beat a jumped-up 470.

>what we got was almost EXACTLY LIKE A GTX 950
Noticeably cheaper than the 950 though.

>With the announcement the RX 490 was a dual gpu
Yeah, this was a horrible decision on AMD's part. If they did it in 2018 it would've been a great decision. But there still aren't enough games that use next-gen APIs, and Crossfire is still a colossal piece of shit.

Overall, still not a great time to buy a graphics card from either manufacturer. In a couple months prices will stabilize and everything will actually be in stock.

>please remember that a AMD cpu will probably not be better than a mid-high end Intel cpu like the i5-4670k.
A Summit Ridge engineering sample handily outbenchmarks the 4670k, and final clock speeds are going to be higher than these engineering samples. Yes, a game benchmark isn't the same as an isolating CPU benchmark, but if anything, an isolating CPU benchmark would show *more* difference.

They are still a company not a charity, and even in this price they still undercut the competition, forcing them to keep low price and still sold all of their stock.

mt r9 270x just broke for no reason and was a fairly common problem with the card that amd refused to respond to. was gonna get the rx480 but fuck those cunts imma get the 1060

lmao enjoy your overpriced chips and yearly socket changes.

As someone who just RMA's a 470, I want to remind you that everything you said regarding performance is Windows only. Once you jump into Linux the 470 and 480 are outclassed by the last 4 generations of Nvidia cards, and just forget using AMD GPUs if you're not on Ubuntu.

I fired up Dying Light hoping to see a massive boost over my GTX660 and was shocked to see it changed the graphics settings to low and had a barely usable frame rate, and that was a fresh install of Lubuntu with the newest amdgpu-pro. Same story with ARK, Shadow Warrior, WoG, and every other game I currently own.

"wasn't *that* bad" really was "*that*" bad. I am severely disappointed. It took less than an hour to convince me to stick to AMD processors only.

Where dafuq are you guys seeing the rx 490 is dual GPU? We got vega coming with in 2 quarters and like polaris we're gonna see two seperate chips each with cuts.

They saw it in a shitposting thread on Sup Forums so it's fact now.

Its a wccftech rumor, someone posted a shooped picture of a Radeon Pro Duo and everyone believed it really was an RX 490.
Now retards won't stop talking about it.


Can you just give it a break lad? You buy a GPU to suit your fucking needs. If AMD is better for your needs, buy it. If you need Nvidia, then fucking buy it. It's that simple. The RX 480 for it's price will suit a lot of peoples needs right now, I mean to go higher end with a 1070 or 1080 most folks don't see the point unless you've fallen for the 1440P meme or simply need more performance for some reason.

Hmm, I actually plan on using an AMD card on Linux, because I'm sick of proprietary drivers. Did you try the regular Gallium drivers as well, or did you only try the Pro stack?

These benchmarks show The 470 and 480 trading blows with the GTX 960 on their open source drivers, which isn't great, but it'll be good enough for me.

I went only with the pro stack. By the time I broke down and pulled a copy of Lubuntu I had gone been on google for about 2 hours trying to find a hack to make the drivers work on Fedora.

By the time I got lubuntu going on an old SSD my process was
>get OS running
>install amd drivers from
>play games
>hope it's worth changing distros

If those benchmarks are accurate, the Gallium drivers offer 3x to 4x the performance of the Pro stack right now.

i dunno man im kinda enjoying my rx 480

i dunno man im kinda enjoying my rx 480 yo

Nvidiots can only post in memes, I am genuinely not surprised.

Yeah the Pro stack is mostly aimed at CAD applications from what I can tell. The big selling point of it is legacy context support, which Mesa doesn't offer. (Means you can mix legacy OpenGL 2.x and 1.x calls with OpenGL 3.3+ calls, which some CAD software requires.) Also, the Pro stack is currently required for Vulkan.

Phoronix is promising some Pro vs Gallium benchmarks soon, so we'll know soon enough.

Sorry, compatibility context*

Like how rx 480 was supposed to be a monster card for cheap price? Insted we got an nvidia or higher priced card that burned itself, when will you amd autists learn that IN THE FUTURE argument is retarded

They can post facts and information but you amd autists like the retardes kis that put his hand on his ear and shouts so he cant hear the outside world

This is what happens when you just post blind seething hatred. Because it clouds critical thinking and decision making skills.

>Cherry picked data from dishonest shills
>Why aren't you autists believing our bullshit? Why!?

Between gallium3d, mesa, amdgpu, and amdgpu-pro, I also got frustrated at not knowing what to install. I stared at my terminal a lot. I searched DNF for "gallium, amd, radeon, amdgpu" and just got a whole lot of nothing. I contemplated installing anything with the word mesa in it but I've learned bad things happen when I start throwing wildcards into a given package manager. Google searches were hopeless. It was either "you can't install their drivers" or "you already have them installed with the kernel!" But if the latter was true, why wasn't openGL working?

I finally installed ubuntu and used AMD's drivers off their website. They were there. I didn't need to look for anything special. They also performed like piss.

If I knew what drivers I needed in my distro, and Fedora's repos had them, and glxgears worked I would have kept the 470. But none of that came to be.

I certainly hope you have better results. For me I'm going back to Nvidia. Their prop drivers are a pain in the ass to install, but they're there and they do work.

>AMDcucks be

A.K.A. waste of time thread. I don't like AMD 'cause of their awful Linux drivers but come on. Go do something more fun.

The gallium drivers should ship with your distro, so you should have working 3D out of the box without needing to do anything. That's the theory anyway.

Anyway, best of luck!

Trust me, AMD doesn't need it's own hate thread. The people who buy from them hate themselves enough as it is.

If you can't properly formulate a sentence how can I even expect to take you seriously?

If you can't formulate a sentence properly how do you expect me to take you seriously?

It's too late, I saw it. The irony is delicious.

I was kinda pissed I can't crossfire my sapphire rx460 oc edition, even though it says "crossfire" in its feature list on the fucking box.
I wanted to do a dual GPU setup just because it sounded cool.

Well, atleast no-one else did, the point still stands.

answer his question user

wtf i hate amd now

i have an 8350 and an r9 380
I can do everything i want and didnt sell a limb to afford some jewish circuitry.

point is, you can't

dumb frogposter

leave and never come back
autistic panjeet shill


If your job is to test antialiasing in MS Excel, then yeah, you can do what you want.

See, you have to lower your standards and expectations, we get it, but at least face the truth.

Holy shit can we go one day without an obvious shill thread?

I just ordered a sweet ass 990fx board, fuck you goys.


That thread about async was hilarious.

Guy posted countless references showing how Pascal has async, yet one AMDtard kept saying "but but no it doesn't"

Probably the worst thing about AMD is their brain damaged fans.

In every price bracket there is a better Nvidia card. For example, the 1060 is way better than the 480.

Laugh it up while I save money.

You could've gone Intel and got faster performance for the exact same price.

It wouldn't be the same price, I chose amd because the money spent for a 6700k is going towards 32gb of ram and some other nice bits like a 750w modular psu, I think it'll be a comfy system.

It would. Tell me your motherboard and processor and I'll give you an Intel motherboard and processor that is faster for the exact same price.

It's the FX8350 on a Gigabyte FXA-UD3 R5 I got on an impulse for $79.99.

FX8350 = $160
Gigabyte FXA-UD3 R5 = $80
Total: $240

Intel equivalent that is much faster:

Gigabyte GA-H110M-A - $50
i5-6400 - $190
Total: $240

i5-6400 vs FX-8350

18% faster
48% more energy efficient
Much better overclocking

Okay you fuckin got me, the i5 is only a little slower overall but the single core is insane on it. Still, i am a poorfag and the 8350 being cheaper and still fast despite being warm is giving me a good deal.

>Mini ITX motherboard with shitty chipset and single PCIe
>Still 50 dollars more than a high end 990-FX chipset

If he'd gone with an AMD motherboard of equivalent features to that Intel one, he'd probably be well under $240 total.

dumb nvidiot

Ha! You fell for the AMD hype train.

You can easily take the processor down to an i3-6320 and still have way better performance with $30 less price. Hell even an i3-6100 is faster and that's $70 less.

>take the processor down

at least you americucks have a simple option between rx480 and gtx1060

in Canada, the prices are virtually the exact same
>MSI GTX 1060 $419
>MSI Radeon RX 480 $409
so do you choose current performance (1060) or future performance (480)?

because of this, I'm buying neither

fuck both companies

also a MSI 1070 is $625. chapest 1070 is $549

it makes literally zero sense to not just save up $150 and grab a 1070

nice delusion

>literally no counterargument
>calling people names

AMDrones everyone

>Future performance
>on a fucking budget card
Nigger just get the 1060 so you can actually play games that aren't Ashes of Singularity

Supply and demand.
Prices will drop in two months.

>Makes GPUs
>CPUs deliver great bang for the buck
>Company doesn't change sockets every year like a bunch of dickheads
What's there to hate? AMD has been more kind to the consumer than Intel/Nvidia ever have and all you guys can do is shit on them.

because everyone here is a shill

All of that sounds good on paper but you need to keep in mind all of AMD's actual products are complete shit and years behind the competition

Are you sure this wasn't wccftech?


>being this buttblasted