Give me 1 (ONE) reason why freetards can't into design.
Give me 1 (ONE) reason why freetards can't into design
UX designers aren't smart enough to care about open source.
Gnome is pretty awesome, lads. Following Linux since 1996 tbqh
>progression for the sake of progression
>if it works why "fix" it
>replying to bait threads
All the good UX devs went off to work on stuff that actually put food on the table.
System 1 looks better than OS X. It's not as "clean," but it has way more character.
Don't fix perfection
some actual freetard would say this
Shitty caps
I can give you one: Linux systems are often servers and that like, so naturally they are often accessed via ssh and not used with a GUI. That's why you don't see many fancy GUIs.
Not enough profit to attract enough professional research to smoke test UI/UX.
Luckily, Microsoft has started pumping money into multiple open-source groups.
I find it ironic that in 5 years, Linux users are going to have Microsoft to thank for finally having good cross platform support and funding.
While leaving their own OS worst tier ad infested botnet? Doesn't sound like something Microsoft would do.
Protip: they're going to ruin Linux before they improve it.
Windows screenshot then: 1990 i think
Mac OS screenshot this: 1984
Linux screenshot: mid-2000s even though that's just a full screen terminal
to be fair those look like shit
Why do I see this same shitty thread and the same shitty responses every fucking day.
kys all
Compared to the Platinum UI in MacOS 8 and 9, OS X and everything else has been a regression.
Linux developers don't really force change on their users. They expect their users to have the basic competence to choose a DE that suits their preferences, and they have enough respect not to change things out from under people usually. Ironically, OP's example is Gnome, which is one of the few Desktop environments which has forced radical change on it's users repeatedly (and shed millions in the process).
But since this is just a FUD pajeet thread, you already knew that.
>No money to make for UI designers
>Usually only able to make superficial changes
>There are already hundreds of themes, it's pretty unappealing to make yet another one.
>Literally everybody thinks he is better than everyone else, especially UI designers.
>Nobody takes design in any way serious, so whatever designers come up with probably won't be respected in any way.
All in all, free software is just a shitty work environment for designers and the free community does zero effort to change that. By now free software is associated with amateurish themes and inconsistent design ideas. What you see are usually screenshots of extremely simple situations (i.e. literally just a good looking wallpaper and a dozen icons). Oh, and then there's stuff like , which is so obviously horrible that the fact that people unironically post those greatly illustrates just how little freetards care or know about design.
>Give me 1 (ONE) reason why freetards can't into design.
Because they're all programmers, not designers.
Are all designers narcissist assholes who don't want to share?
Give me 1 (one) reason Winiggers can't stop repeating the same stale bait. There has NEVER been anything visually appealing out Windows. NEVER! Take your blinding whitespaces, shitty fonts, and mismatched, hodge-podge of hideous icons , and KYS's. Please spare us this ridiculous charade, from here on.
>why do people work harder when they get paid??????????
>rounded corners in 2016
kill yourself yourself
Pretty much this. Linux might be the best operating system for servers and professional applications. But then again, when a linux kernel is optimised for such an application, there are PAID professionals doing the coding. There is no incentive for anyone to ever make a good desktop OS out of linux that's as supported and widely used as Windows or OSX.