Stallman's arguments for having an open-system is so that in the future...

Stallman's arguments for having an open-system is so that in the future, if you want at least a tiny amount of privacy you need to start fighting for it now, or things will continue on their current path and get out of hand eventually to the point where most of your personal information will be accessible.

I don't really agree with this, because can't we as intelligent beings draw the line when it eventually gets to the point where enough is enough?

>can't we as intelligent beings draw the line when it eventually gets to the point where enough is enough?
We have proven over and over again in our history that this is not the case.

humans change with evolution.

No, people are greedy selfish beings. You give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

>strawman argument
>I don't really agree with this because [...]
>begging the question fallacy

but to answer your question,

>because can't we as intelligent beings draw the line when it eventually gets to the point where enough is enough?

clearly not given the recent leaks regarding governments spying on their own citizens and sharing data with other countries, and that's just the shit going on that we *know about* that some low tier fucking contractor had access to

>humans change with evolution.

evolution is a process that takes place over hundreds of thousands of years, we're still essentially the same as the first humans that appeared 100,000~ years ago

never mind that behaviour is generally a learned trait and a lot of the problems with society in general have been embedded in the common culture for thousands of years

but look at WW2 and the gradual coercion of the people into accepting Nazi ideals.

If the process is slow and gradual, people become less aware of how ridiculous it is.

>just trust the politicians, they know what's good for you and when to stop it
North Korea would be a great place for you.

You're more of a frog than an intelligent being. Enjoy your bath.

I believe in surveillance of all people but I don't believe in communism.

Through surveillance you can reduce the likelihood of terrorist attacks.

There is a line though, and I believe this to be when it gets to the point where the insides of our homes need mandatory CCTV and microphones.

This is now a bait thread. Anybody with a penis under 9 inches will never satisfy a woman.

>but look at WW2 and the gradual coercion of the people into accepting Nazi ideals
The revolution of 1917 in Germany being led entirely by Jews had far more to do with adoption of Nazi ideas than propaganda. Up until after the Nazis were power the majority of the major media in Germany were run by Jews too.

There is no line, the pole they shove up your butt will actually come out of your mouth.

He who would give up liberty for security deserves neither/

This is already a thing user, got a cell phone?

True. The Nazi idea is what the "Jews" needed in order to get their own country on the Mediterranean.

Then why do they make dildos that are under 9 inches?


The same reason why molex to sata cables exist, to make money out of dumb cunts.

For laughing at

OP you're so wrong, its unbelievable

I know you'll think
>wow this guy is being a dick with no counter argument

don't you think people would have said the same thing about putting information on the internet?
don't you realize that social media, if you strip away all the cute features and design, is a massive database indexing your names, photos, messages - people willingly sign up for it. on top of that, they WANT it

so no OP, you are totally wrong. I'm not trying to be condescending by any means but I feel I've already made the only point necessary to prove yours wrong. If people already give their information away and find it entertaining, imagine how much worse things will get when the format changes?

fuck you that line was passed decades ago

>thinks he doesnt have cctv and mics in his home
>has a phone
>has a laptop

stay cucked bruh

Pretty much this.
The lines gets further than further away and people stop caring. It's not a good thing, and the people who do care are ignored by the public.
I mean hell, look at Sup Forums. It might be shills, it might be Sup Forums, but there's no denying that with every passing day the number to faggots who use the "nothing to hide" argument grows. Anyone who cares about privacy is either a pedo or autistic. There's no winning.
On top of that, software like Windows already has a firm grasp on the consumer market, to such a degree that average people expect to move over to any other software and have the exact same functionality and compatibility, telling them that Linux can offer the same falls on deaf ears.

Human nature hasn't changed so much in thousands of years of civilization: plebs are still pleb. What Stallman is doing is playing it safe which is a smart move as humans are not to be trusted left to their own devices! Someone has to do something!


who is this margarita senorita

>I don't believe in communism
there is no government in communism

the government is powerful incompetent and corrupt