/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice
pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
Wireless is frowned upon.
Headset requests are frowned upon.
Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation
If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Last Thread: Was pruned by mods or archived after two posts.

Other urls found in this thread:


>last thread was pruned by mods
I wonder why

Because weaboos need to stop positing anime shit. Is it any wonder why one can always spot the /hpg/ threads by the [deleted image] placeholder?

Hey guys, what are your thoughts on beats headphones?

What is the cheapest microphone possible that's still worth using and has a mute button? Preferably something I could attach to the side of my head, but I refuse to pay 50 bucks for modmic.

My Nexus 5 case is really worn out, what's a nice looking option? Price isn't really an issue

They are for people who have no thoughts.

Hey guys, what's your opinion on the mdr zx310?
They seem pretty good for the price?

Frown upon this you weabshit cancer

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Why should we care if you sacrificed sound quality and money for convenience? Are you a special little snowflake or pathetically trying to pick a fight?



Shall I conclude from your failure to answer the question that I should just pick one myself? Okay. You're a special little snowflake. Can you go be a special little snowflake somewhere else?

>wireless is frowned upon
Stupid weaboo

why do my ath-meme50 pads smell so weird when they get sweaty? it smells kinda like coffee and soap

>Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
>Wireless is frowned upon.
>Headset requests are frowned upon.
>Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation
>If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"
Why is this dogshit still in the OP?

Hey guys, what's your opinion on y?

Reminder to have good source audio components.

You already know our response.

What are YOUR thoughts on beats?

How about I beats some sense into you

HD600 > HD800.

This is a fact.

Yeah, if you're poor.


This is the argument HD800 fags use to delude themselves.

My speakers cost more than the HD800 however.

Are you that guy from yesterday's thread that was autistic enough to try and convince people that you don't buy expensive wireless headphones for the sound quality?

I stand corrected. You are a special little snowflake trying to pick a fight.

Might I suggest you stop posting before you prove to be any more of a pathetic human being?

Let's start with the most obvious one.
>If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"
What's your problem with this?

Thats the only sensible part.

How about
>wireless is frowned upon
>hey guys, what's your opinion on x
>headsets are frowned upon

>>wireless is frowned upon
Good point. What is your problem with that? We had a rather extended discussion about wireless headphones just a couple of threads ago. Is your problem because you missed it? Or perhaps is your problem because you didn't miss it?

Hey guys, what's your opinion on HD600?

So I got this thing set up and plugged into my desktop.

The only problem is that the drivers that come with it have multiple settings on them, I have no idea what to tweak for maximum performance.

Also there seems to be a faint buzzing when my headphones are plugged in, which is what I bought the thing in the first place to cover up the buzz in my original desktop.

Did I fuck up something?

Because wireless doesn't sound worse than wired within a reasonable budget.

My cheap shit Bluetooth headphones from eBay that I ordered last year actually have decent sound quality for $15 Bluetooth headphones.

Better sound quality than any wired headphones under 40 dollars at least. Better than my cheap sony headphones.

They're more convenient, can listen to my music while my phone is charging. Has 10m range, you wouldn't use headphones with a 10m cable though.

Only issue is because they sit on my ear instead of cupping around it, my ears get sore after a few hours continuous use

>Because wireless doesn't sound worse than wired within a reasonable budget
>within a reasonable budget
How about at the same price point? I think it is safe to assume you are using the term "reasonable" unreasonably.

>My cheap shit Bluetooth headphones from eBay that I ordered last year actually have decent sound quality for $15 Bluetooth headphones.
Compared to Piston 3? Something sold at the same price point.

return it, only way to bypass a buzz is to use toslink

Looking for buying advice
50 bucks but I don't want to spend it
Laptop jack, single
>Comfort level
Max, comfort > quality
>Past headphones
20 dollar walmart logitechs, made my ears sore as hell

Compared to my sony mdrzx310 that I got for 35 dollars from dick smith. Normally 60 dollars retail here.

I use the Bluetooth ones more because they actually sound better and there's no wire to get caught in random shit.

Here's a pic of an identical set, since I don't have my headphones here at work.


>Compared to my sony mdrzx310
That was not what was asked in any way.

If you are not even going to pretend to have a reasonable comparison there is no point in bothering to read anything further.

Need portable dac with warm sound sig.
Cayin C5? Yes/No?

What are you even asking? I answered how I could. I don't have pistons to compare it to and why would you want to compare over ear headphones to in ear earphones?

You're being very unreasonable, to the point when I'm considering your posts nothing but bait and yourself a sack of shit who should have been aborted (:

Alright thanks.

>dac with warm sound sig

>I answered how I could.
If you are willing to spend $65AU dollars on random headphones why don't you spend $10 on some Piston 3? Or are we supposed to believe you have purchased three wireless headphones, two at the same time, because you need them?

>Last Thread: Was pruned by mods or archived after two posts.
You mean the one with the HD600 OP? probably deleted by Op himself, didn't even had the regular "rules" anyway...

When did I ever spend 60 dollars on random headphones?

>You mean the one with the HD600 OP?
The HD600 OP went to archive after only two posts.

>Added that to Op a long time ago
>People seem to have liked it and kept using it
>People who don't like the general rules still find that one ok
Uh, feels kind'a warm inside.



>Preferred type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Very comfortable. I mean 8 hours straight comfort.

>Preferred tonal balance
Don't care

>Past headphones

You just posted pictures of ordering wireless headphones and claimed to own sony mdrzx310 for the sole purposes of trolling /hpg/?

I had to sell my Beyer dt990 250ohm a while ago because homelessness. I'm just curious how disappointed do you people think I will be with pic related in comparison to the 990?

Or should I get the XPT-100?

Forgotp ic

Pretty sure I mentioned that I got the Sonys on sale at dick smith for only 35?
Dude, wtf.

Are you baitposting now?

Why are wireless headphones frowned upon?

And the rest?

>Why are wireless headphones frowned upon?
For the same reason Beats headphones are frowned upon. Purchasers sacrifice sound quality and price. Except instead of aesthetics it is convenience.

So you supposedly slightly lose out on sound quality and gain convenience?

Sound quality isn't everything pal

And the rest?
Did you post pictures of ordering wireless headphones solely to troll /hpg/?

>Sound quality isn't everything
Are you the same retard who claimed that a couple of threads ago? The same retard who couldn't specify a better metric for determining a good headphone?

When did I post pictures of ordering headphones?

Sound quality is important, but it's not everything. Wireless has its advantages too, and I'm really enjoying my wireless headphones.

And again, why are wireless headphones frowned upon? Please give a reasonable answer since in my own personal experience, Bluetooth headphones do not actually sound worse.

>When did I post pictures of ordering headphones?
Denial won't get you anywhere.

>it it's not everything
Straw man? Who claimed it was everything? I do believe the closest was claiming it is the best metric to determine what makes a good headphone. Unless you can offer a better metric?

To be honest that's not all that there is about that particular one, not sure if you guys remeber or were here when we first started putting those in the Op, but in good part the rules are there to stop trolling, as in "shitposters constantly spamming questions and samefagging about said topics only to cause grief", if you guys think about it it's quite easy for a regular /hpg/ poster to spot people bending the rules with genuie reasons (having debates about "your opinions on x" for example), however new commers are not fully atuned to the difference between "hey, found pic related in a store, can't find much online about it, any opinions on it?" and "hey, what's your opinion on x being so fucking much better than y?", hell, they might ask the shitposting version themselfs without knowing it.

If yo guys come to think about it you are bending the rules all the time to talk about wireless headphones, and while it might be an annoying discussion sometimes, you can also see some interesting points of view on both sides.
I do think the Op could be less assertive, since that sounds a bit elitistic to some, but that's it.

Pic unrelated to break the ice.

td;dr: those are just guide lines, once you've lerked enough you can usually talk about it without causing too much shitposting.

>in my own personal experience
>Any answer that doesn't agree with my own isn't reasonable

>bending the rules
You assume these are rules or have any binding affect on those posting in this thread. I don't include them in the OP when I make the OP because they are rules. I include them to warn new posters that we've had this discussion before and it has ended badly for those who bring them up.

But some people never learn.

who are you to include them you faggot?

all the OP needs are links, there are no rules here

>who are you to include them
The OP. Just like other people who create the OP and include them.

Well I honestly don't see why it's necessary to put that in the op.
Headphones are headphones, wireless and wired both have their pros and cons.

Where do we go if we're looking for wireless headphones? Start a thread and get directed here, where we'll get bashed for looking for wireless?

Like i said, "guide lines", i'm not sure we can think of them as rules since we can't truly enforce them, maybe a different tone would cause less polemic? It's not like the postes who decide to talk about something will stop anyway, but it might make some less angry about it.
No one seems to have trouble with the "If you dislike a suggestion" one for example.
Imho we just need more info on a few wireless options, measurements are something everyone likes here, maybe there's is something that works, hell, after years we even found a headset for the people who absolutelly need the mic to come with the headphone.

>wireless and wired both have their pros and cons.
Only if you do not bother to compare the pros and cons like people who waste money on Beats headphones.

You are free to stick in your head in the sand but rejecting the decisions of others because they do not stick their heads in the sand like you do doesn't make your conclusion any better.

>"guide lines"
I explicitly quoted your saying "rules" and you deny saying "rules" or that the term "rules" means something other than common usage of the term?

Or did you make a simple mistake of stating "rules" when you meant to state "guidelines?"

I used both actually, so you are not entirely wrong, i do however just call them rules because that's the more common term, maybe i should have made myself clear about that too, my mistake.

What does that even mean?

What part do you not understand?

>You are free to stick in your head in the sand but rejecting the decisions of others because they do not stick their heads in the sand like you do doesn't make your conclusion any better.

By "sticking your head in the sand" I mean you don't contemplate the specific pros and cons of wireless and wired headphones and compare them. You merely conclude that there are pros and cons to wired and wireless headphones and leave it at that.

Directsound vs WASAPI vs ASIO.

Which one is better?

Here you go you degenerate fucks.

Now that's just sad. How emotionally invested do you have to be to pull a stunt like that?

lol, that's doomed to be deleted, but was worth the laugh.

Maybe this link will help you.

Why would it be deleted?

We don't have anywhere to discuss wireless headphones.

>wireless is frowned upon

>wireless gets mentioned, fags go full autismo

We need a seperate thread for that

>We don't have anywhere to discuss wireless headphones.
As mentioned previously in this thread you are free to discuss it here. Just like we're free to point out the problems with wireless headphones.

Are you confusing a lack of agreement with you as a denial of discussing it here? There have been at least two posters who (quite verbosely) stated to the otherwise. But it seems that isn't enough for you. You don't want a place to discuss wireless headphones. You want an echo chamber.

>wireless if frowned upon
So we're free to discuss it in here where we will only get shit on for it?


The usual way to get people to agree with you that something is good is to post relevant data about it, than the people who disagree either point flaws in said data or provide different data... Or you can create a new thread...
You could even go both ways with V-Moda wireless which actually measures about the same with and without wire, ahving only the problem of the fact that wireless still uses compressed audio, but hey, it's a compromise you can chose not to make if it has a wired option.

Not meaning to offend, but considering the crowd ITT, it just seemed like a better idea to start a new thread.

Thoughts on the oppo pm-3?

$500? idk


Motherboard USB/onboard Audio

>Preferred type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
As comfy as the felt pads on the DT770s at least

>Preferred tonal balance
indifferent unless it's extreme

>Past headphones
ATH-m50, too tight on head
DT 770s, starting to get old and the cord gets on my nerves

Before anyone spergs out, I am looking for a wireless headset that can deliver the quality I'm used to with a decent mica as well. I'm just autistic and i'm tired of cords.

alright niggas, I'm ready for good headphones but I don't know shit. please educate me

>Budget: ~$1000 USD
>Location: Canada
>Source: laptop headphone jack, though if you guys recommend it I'm willing to speND another $100 on an amp
>Preferred type of headphone: fullsize
>Open or closed: open
>Comfort: not necessary but obviously would be nice
>Preferred tonal balance: a bit bassy I guess?
>Past headphones: hd202, athm50

was looking at the audeze lcd2's, any good?

Does this guy have anything worth buying?


You're spending 230$ on headphones and you dont care about how they sound?

They're great. I've had them for a few months and love how they sound. Only downsides are soundstage obviously isn't as good as open cans and it can get warm after extended use (5-6 hours). Otherwise they are comfy, sexy, neutral, and worth it if you have the cash to spare.

DT770, very comfortable, isolate very well.
>As comfy as the felt pads on the DT770
That's kindda hard to come by, but you could try the V-Moda wireless with XL pads, people seem to like those for comfort.


Thoughts are that it's not a watch

These are alright.

The Denon D2k/5k/7k are decent sounding line, but the Massdrop x Fostex headphone is basically in the same vein, not OOP, and priced under his D5k.
Older Audezes tend to be more sketchy in the durability. The rosewood LCD2F seems to be an okay price for it, if you really want rosewood over the shedua or bamboo.

>senn HDR220
If he means the RS220, that doesn't sound like a terrible price on it. I forget how much it went for at the very end of its product cycle, although his price might be on the high side, as is most of his gear.

LCD2 sounds alright. Even and extended bass, sharply reduced high frequencies, mostly around the 2-8 kHz range. Not bassy at all, less bass than a lot of other open backed headphones, unless you consider the lack of treble a suitable alternative for bass.
Weight is distributed questionably, potential headband pressure issue from the weight. Audeze has not seen fit to update most of the LCD line with better headbands.
The pads ease about as much cup pressure as they can, they are pretty good at it.

>So we're free to discuss it in here where we will only get shit on for it?
Depends on your definition of "shit on."

Nobody has been able to properly explain why wireless is frowned upon, but for some reason it's always in the op, leading to people trolling or shitting on anyone looking for wireless.

>Nobody has been able to properly explain
It is bullshit statements like this that gets "shit on" because it discourages discussion.

Wait are mods really deleting anime now? This place really is just reddit now...

Looking for a inexpensive yet durable outdoors mp3 player, with good battery life. Any suggestions?