So I just dusted off this bad boy...

So I just dusted off this bad boy. Is there still no way for downloading free ISO's and homebrews or did it finally receive a proper hack?
>Also PS Vita general thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Pretty sure it actually got hacked properly a few days ago.

Not yet. There's something in the works that may or may not be a kernel exploit, but Sony used its yearly Vita acknowledgement to patch it. Needless to say, don't upgrade and be patient.


That's not a psp.

Just update it bro, are you a pirate or something?

There is a difference between discussion of firmware and discussion about videogames...
Thanks anons

There's also a fucking vita general AND a homebrew general on /vg/.

Thanks! Wew it took a while, is it time to buy before the price goes up? The console itself is pretty cool.

It's a gamble, to be perfectly frank. Also, since 3.60 is no longer the latest version, you will need to make all your purchases and downloads through a PS3 and transfer from there.

If you have a PS3 and you're willing to gamble 150 bucks, it's now or never for the foreseeable future.

The Vita general abhors anything to do with homebrew. Those threads exist to discuss which loli/nep you'd like to rape. Stick to /hbg/, but make sure you read the guides.


>unironically being this useless

Yeah, real epic kiddo, anything that's not shitposting over which distro is the best sure doesn't belong here. I had saged with my last post out of courtesy, but now you can eat shit.


it was confirmed to be a kernel exploit a day ago or so :>

You're too late. I think it was a few days ago a patch was released, a day after I upgraded and hacked mine. For now though, you're not really missing much, the emulators are all PSP ports and are slow as absolute ass, though I'm finally motivated to make that portable NES emulator I always wanted to since now I might actually use it

Sweet. Ain't budging from 3.18 yet though. Not many games to actually pirate, but the fact that I can play Super Metroid on the toilet without frameskipping and speed hacks is pretty great.

it's pretty cool

There is no discussion of "firmware". You just want to talk about playing your gaymes for "free". Fuck off, retard.

WTF dude?


what is that?

source and trips

a game


How did you get it to run? Always wanted to play RPG Maker h-games on a handheld.

Name of the game?
first day on the internet?

Violated Heroine


Check to do what you gotta do.
