Can anyone give me a real explanation on why this is actually allowed...

Can anyone give me a real explanation on why this is actually allowed? Consumer processors are so stagnant that they're moving backwards?

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The only large improvement in the last few years has been power consumption

Why don't you compare it to the 6500 or 6600k so it's actually an accurate comparison?

In fact the 6600 is its equivalent

Okay but you would think that after FOUR years of progress across THREE generations, something would've happened. Die shrink, 10 less watts and all that other junk is not on the minds of those who buy non-K.

this the 6600 non-k is 9% faster and uses less power, also consider skylake's overclocking ability on a z170 motherboard and the 6400 will be faster as well as better graphics & more support for later hardware like DDR4

6400 beats it in single core performance with a -0.5Ghz slower turbo boost. Comes very close in multicore.

The graphics are the same, arnt they?

Not that guy buy different clockspeed probably. By 50mhz at most though. The different cpus do differ in that regard but I'm not sure if the 6600 & 6600k do. Probably not.

oh ok, thanks

Intel is focusing on lower power consumption .
they want the same OR slightly less performance for less power consumption .

whether or not you agree with that plan is up to you .

Those low thermals though

Maybe you should compare the same products?

What do you mean? Are you questioning the legality, the consumers, or AMD's amazing incompetence?

Lower power consumption = less heat = more cores

I was hoping Kaby Lake would be a little bit faster than Skylake.

these Sup Forums cucks only think about speed

power consumption is an important factor, something AMD pajeets will never comprehand

Most of here are using our main bigg riggs™ so it doesn't really matter.

I'm actually pretty mad.

Many interesting algorithms cannot be parallelized, or parallelization does not help. In these cases, to meet time budgets you just need the fastest single thread performance you can get and Intel is not delivering. I don't want 20 logical cores at 3.5ghz, I want 2 logical cores at 5.0ghz

overclock you nig

Well really intel is working on power efficiency rather than increased performance.

I wonder how much of that improvement is due to DDR4 vs DDR3.