Install forced windows 10 anniversary update

>install forced windows 10 anniversary update
>webcam turns on out of nowhere as I'm browsing /d/

Just put tape over it.

>something windows 10-related happened again

Turn it off in bios or unplug it

>having a webcam

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who unironically don't put tape over their webcam

What the fuck, is this real? Did that happen?

>wangblows 10
You asked for it.

Yes, it is happening to people now. Apparently, there's a "glitch" where occasionally Cortana accesses the webcam by accident when she is indexing.

windows 10 will be my epitaph

wow it's fucking nothing

That's not bad.

I had it completely fuck itself up on update, so I did a rollback - and decided to power down all non-system HDDs while the rollback happened.
When I powered them back on, there was a power surge and my main document hdd got one of its mosfets fried.

Now I have to find a replacement mosfet or an entire replacement pcb for this drive, and then hope that I can restore the drive on which I held all my documents dating back to 1998.

fuck the anniversary update.

Let's see pajeet's reaction now...

>not having backups
you asked for it.

just found a 2016 april backup, actually. So not all is lost, just, all my game saves and custom maps for the past 18 years, plus all the web related paid work backups.

I can still replace the drive mosfet and hope to resurrect this thing, though.

and shadow copies are up to date till august 7. That means my main docs folder is saved, only the websites, games, and my app archive is lost... those can be replaced.

>browsing /d/

Found the problem

>There are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who unironically use Windows 10

Tfw 21st century schizoid

>trusting anything to stay off in windows 10

nice placebo faggot.

Tfw man

>using windows 10

Nice fakeswitch.

Earlier, I went to power down my computer. Well of course, Windows 10 forced me into updates. After the updates finished, I attempted to but my computer back up but all I got was a blank screen time after time. Just got done installing a fresh copy of Mint and it feels pretty good. Fuck Windows, shit is literal garbage.

user, I...

What then, Memebuntu?

debian, fedora or opensuse
one man meme distros should be avoided
t. eri

Fuck Mint, get Fedora

The glitch is it forgets to turn off the webcam light.

>2nd huge update to Win 10
>Still freezes entire install with a black screen with a mouse pointer until I unplug my Qpad MK-85 because it sits there looking for unneeded and non-existant drivers for it.

Well fucking done Microclowns.


>there are people on a ""technology"" board who unironically use windows 10

Update to Windows 10, Bing search Macbook Pro mid 2012 :))))

>there are tinfoil hat faggots browsing this board right now that think it makes a difference or someone is actually curios for any higher purpose to see their fat disgusting mutt ugly face

>ITT: Things that never happened

Futa is perfectly straight to fap to.

Also this


>having a webcam at all

What are you a faggot?

Suuuuuuure, buddy

>replacing spyware with spyware

>on windows 10 mobile
>camera makes shutter noises when browsing internet

I hurred anniversary update removed that option.
Not sure cuz I haven't booted my windoze part in a month.

>physically preventing a camera from receiving light does nothing
How fucking retarded are you?

You're a homo

Micropenis is spying on you.
Install gentoo.


>mfw this happened to me 2 hours ago

>windows 10

>he thinks he's safe
>but he ignores his microphone


There is nothing you can do about it user.

Show me the part of the source code that runs when you flip that switch.

>believing that win 10 turns cam on so bill gates can spy on a manchild

>thinking its actually people physically turning on the webcam and not some massive automated crawler that just records what it sees and processes than stores it.

Install Debian, Fedora, or Arch. You went out of the frying pan and into the fire with that Ubuntu buttnet.

This. Absolutely this.

That's the worst excuse for a glitch.
>We wanted to do indexing, which is pure storage IO, but by accident we coded a function that accesses a device and gets a video stream from it.

Yea and the terminator t 2000 is processing the information

Fucking autists

is ubuntu really that bad?

just installed 16.04 a couple weeks ago after buying my first thinkpad and everything is fully compatible, and I already have the system where I like it with all the software I will need

is ubuntu really compromising my info if I went into tweak tool and disabled the web apps and online sources?

>what is a super computer and datacenter

>he makes noises while in his room

How does it feel to be a pleb?

Considering the incompetence of MS code monkeys I'll play devil's advocate and say it is possible. This doesn't make Windows any less shit.

>not just using debian

The NSA recently spent $5 billion on one data center. But sure, there's no such thing as automated data collection, processing, and storage.


I hate to admit it but I don't have the technical know how

I installed it on my desktop a couple of months ago via netinstall

I got frustrated after having to install wifi firmware (i'm aware that the non-free distribution comes with it, I didn't know at the time), attempting to install radeon drivers but it not really working, there not being a graphical config for the drivers, and then having to deal with steam not automatically installing its dependencies

why would an installed application not come with its dependencies? maybe my experiences will be different now, as i'm on a thinkpad now, but I was too lazy to learn everything all over again

I don't fucking get retards who seriously put tape over their cameras. Like, at that level of mistrust, why would you use a computer at all? If someone has that kind of access to your computer, then your fucking camera is the least of your problems. Think about passwords, credit card numbers, other personal information, stuff like that. But no, people are actually stupid enough to first think of someone might be watching while you jerk off, like anybody fucking cares. I bet placing one of you fat ugly neckbeards beating it in front of a laptop is probably a better protection against someone taking a look than fucking tape.

fuck you, what is a RAT?
fuck you, why are all laptops sold with a mic & camera?

stupid cia nigger

The NSA/FBI/GCHQ etc. already have access to financial information and most online accounts. We don't need to give them a robust network of video cameras to play with as well.

>wifi firmware (i'm aware that the non-free distribution comes with it, I didn't know at the time)
Ubuntu and several variants of it (Lubuntu, Mint etc.) will ask you during the installation if you want to use third-party firmware/drivers and it works like a charm.

which is why i'm on ubuntu 16.04 right now with FDE, and am about to install w7 in a VM so I can use microsoft office

soon I can completely abandon my windows machine

>fuck you, why are all laptops sold with a mic & camera?
Because most people actually like to use technology for communication and not just to watch anime.

I'd say the mics are FAR more interesting for them. Also you would kind of notice if video from your webcam gets encoded and uploaded all the time.

Well, good job!

You realize most people don't get consistent internet speeds, right? I used to have Comcast cable internet, I'd get anywhere from 5Mb/s to 30Mb/s, depending on the time of day, day of the week, and a lot of other random shit. As for the microphone, you can disconnect those or tape over them.

Even this guy with password 'dadada' put tape over camera and block microphone

Whatever you need to tell yourself m8

Only one deluding themselves here is you.

see At least use KDE or Gnome or MATE to get rid of some of the botnet. Switching your DE is easy and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes following a step by step guide. Copy and paste these commands into your terminal in this order:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

Then log out and at the lock screen there's a little button that's a Ubuntu logo or a little gear. Select the DE you want and log in. Should look like pic related.

I don't talk to myself.

algunas de mis teclas de mi pc no funcionan me podian desir que hago

You can't even speak spanish properly
Please Trump build it.

Just out of curiosity, what is it that you can do in MS office that you can't do in LibreOffice?