What does Linux have that Windows doesn't?

What does Linux have that Windows doesn't?

Proper soft- oh wait

unix shell

don't give me that powershell bullshit, it sucks

freedom to do whatever you want with the OS

Does that mean that I can run programs like 3DS Max and Photoshop CC natively?

God damn that picture always makes me fucking sick. I'm by no means a sensitive dude, but sickos that intend to cause harm to children deserve a lot pain.

favorable licensing, an inability to screw you over by adding "features" or taking them away, a huge library of quality applications that also have those traits.

No registry bullshit slowing the comp down over time.

Do whatever you want with something != said something does everything you want it to

Linux has Wine which offers better-than-native performance with some applications.

I don't get why powershell commands are so verbose, do they really think anyone would rather type "Get-ChildItem" rather than just "ls" or "dir"?

A proper filesystem that doesn't require constant defragmenting.

the thought of it legit makes me uncomfortable

isnt this just a meme.
I have been using my same windows installation for 5 years now and it is by no means any slower.

It does feel like they completely missed the point of it. Hopefully it matures into something useful.

They put the blood of HIV positive people on them in some places.

Uh, who would want nasty proprietary software? I use superior programs like GIMP!

Kek, stop being a child. No one needs games, they are a waste of time. You could use your time to watch superior jap cartoons like moe, no that western garbage, like a true gentleman!

No, you just probably don't install and uninstall programs over and over.
Registry keys pointing to non-existent programs slows down boot.

Anyone have experience putting their parents/grandparents on something like elementaryOS? I know an old lady who swears by mac and is about to drop an obscene amount of cash on one of those stupid mac all in ones when she's got an HP one with a touchscreen just asking for linux.

>Registry keys pointing to non-existent programs
doesn't ccleaner detect this and thus removes them? and I'm pretty sure anyone using windows uses ccleaner on a daily basis.

Were the thugs who did it ever caught? God damn that's sick.

Ability to update the whole system and all softwares at once.

Also your Linux system won't turn Off/On by itself

Unfortunately Sup Forums is probably the least likely place to get sympathy. If you have noticed, all these hard drive encryption and botnet threads. You know exactly what they are trying to hide, and it's not anime.

Many have been. It's a part of the STD fetishist community.

freely available source code
a free license

Somebody needs to be acquainted with the brazen bull.

The fuck does being a pedo have to do with this? It could have been an adult who got their hands cut and it'd still be sick.

The IT worlds biggest bunch of assholes (next to Mac heads anyway)
The reason is just about every Linux douche-bag on the forums can't answer a god damned questions. The stupid fucks always want to lead you in the direction of an answer but will never answer. If you ain't gonna help then don't post.

I know how to fish i don't need you to teach me! Once in a while just answer the FUCKING question!

>STD fetishist community
Such a thing exists?

I do not understand. People want to spread disease... on purpose?

>He actually uses a registry cleaner

Have been for +6 years.
You ok?

aisleriot solitaire

Why would you use software like that?

because they're possibly an artist or has hobbies,and wants to use industry standard software?

Xfs, btrfs and zfs


systemd drama

a package manager that fucks up your entire system when it feels like

ps3 has no gaems

look up "not your average fuck party" then "The Gift 2003"

Nice try, NSA.

That is disgusting.


Nice thumbnail, friend, it legitimately seduces you to fancy.

true as fuck, matey

i figured it'd get me more replies

bug chasers are a thing that, well, not to quote Sup Forums but theyre actual degenerates.


>Give me AIDS! I want AIDS!
>120 people have unprotected sex... for the purpose of spreading HIV amongst themselves
>"Ah! I have HIV at last! Now I need not worry about catching it any more! Woohoo!"
I have heard that "bugchasers" exist, seen some screenies of them here on Sup Forums before, but I thought that they were simply abnormal people, not entire communities.

Disgusting. Revolting. You can look at pictures of kittens for eye-bleach, but I need brain-bleach! Yuck!

I call BS. The HIV virus doesn't stay alive outside the human body, especially in the small amounts of blood capable of being on a razor.

>What does Linux have that Windows doesn't?

Popularity, market penetration, usefulness, applications, hardware manufacturer support, a huge base of installs (obviously the largest in existence and that won't change anytime soon), etc.

Linux sucks, it's as simple as that.


Degeneracy is like stupidity- there is no limit. It can always get worse.

mah niggah

well right now i'm having trouble finding a port/equivalent to GNU Parallel for windows, so there's that

This is more scary than it is effective- the HIV virus does not survive outside of biological systems for very long at all. When the blood dries out the HIV can't survive either.

if this was any other website, it probably would have gotten a few hateful replies and a ban/deletion

Are you going to sit there like a pretentious fat ass or are you going to tell us why we shouldn't be using registry cleaners?

I'm pretty sure Windows doesn't have an autistic fanbase

Free software
Common sense
True choice
The lack of a botnet

libpcap (winpcap is shait)

Shell is not synonymous with a terminal, mang.

sane and comfortable network management

You can open selected file with the spacebar.

Listen up I hate you fucks whenever I talk to girls and tell them Im doing linux they find it a turn off because they imagine a bunch of weirdos, and it's the truth you fucking faggots are terrible I hate having to see you lot fuck cunts. Litreally seen people having linux on ther laptops and there all been faggots, ugly nerdy faggots.

Different DE for your needs and desires.

Linux is pure shit THE END

little sun light (even cloudy) kills HIV instantly

HIV doesn't survive very long outside a host, methinks only for a couple of hours IIRC.

>they find it a turn off because they imagine a bunch of weirdos, and it's the truth you fucking faggots are terrible
Projecting much?

Most girls I talk to don't know what Linux is at all. The girls that actually do are generally into tech anyway.

Let's see:
- free
- runs on any hardware
- easily customizable UI
- needs less resources
- crashes usually don't take down the whole system
- sufficient range of software for most use cases
- good support for unusual applications

There's only a couple of reasons why someone would prefer Windows over Linux:

- gaems
- work related reasons
- too lazy

And that's about it. People should need to justify why they DON'T run Linux, not the other way around.

I know you mean Windows has all of that, but you didn't answer OP's question. You answered what Windows has that Linux doesn't.

Lack of malware, stability, proper development environment.

Nice trips for a retard, but it's not linux's fault that those software companies don't make their software for linux operating system. Linux share in this entire world is 2% and it is not "value" worth it for them to invest their time and money on linux while they are making billions from Windows and OSX users.

If linux share reaches something like over 40% then they can think about it. Fucking hell MS made their office suit and Adobe made Photoshop for android because of the same reason. It's not that they hate linux, they don't want to spend their resources on something nobody uses.

It is all logical. If more OEMs started installing and using linux as their primary OS then game can change pretty fast. But for that to happen linux must break away from its GNU autism.

ncmpcpp + mpd
an updater that actually works
lack of built-in malware
choice of window managers and desktop environments
decent font rendering
no need for defreagmenting hard drives because ext4>ntfs
package managers

Why super glue razers? It's more easier
and effective to spread broken glass all over the playground.

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

I certainly hope they found the person that did this, broke all the bones in his body and then chopt his head off.

Pulling this shit with children literally is sick

Hepatitis on the other hand does.

Fuck off normie.
>m-muh children
Children suck and deserve slow and agonizing death.
Dried up blood is harmless.
Tripfag btfo.

Wow, you must be the life of the party with that great attitude.

haha local norman gets angered :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I want to get stardew valley on Linux but I can't find a torrent for it anywhere, help me lads.
Then I'd be content with it now it has the only worthwhile game.

I'm not a normieshitter, why would I attend parties?

Perhaps you shouldn't flaunt your fetishes to potential mates then? Who the fuck goes around and tells people they're fucking operating systems?

Better performance, a UI that doesn't look like it has multiple personality disorder and which is highly customizable ant takes 5 minutes to completely overhaul,
and an ability to completely control any and all outgoing and incoming Internet connections while Windows does everything shady and hides shit.

Fuck off with the tough guy delusions. I was saddened by the picture so I looked for the obligatory like-minded replies to affirm my hope in humanity, and the replies were indeed there, as they are always on this site.

> I was saddened
>hope in humanity
Get a load of this normieshitter. Go back to plebbit, sniveling faggot.

>Children suck and deserve slow and agonizing death.
Jesus just look at that edge

Implying you wouldn't tell anyone that you're an operating system

Children will just grow up to be normies and Chads anyway.
You don't have to worry about hurting any future robots because they wouldn't be on a playground.

What about it? To sharp for you?

Why? Children deserve that for going outside instead of sitting in front of their computers like they should be.

This desu senpai.

Really? One would think that a man as lax as you would go to them all the time.

It is a fucked up picture. Don't get distracted by the edgelords who try to feel tougher than others by pretending to feel no empathy. What they brag with is actually a great weakness and something to be ashamed of. Most of them eventually grow up and realize this. Empathy is one of the things you can only learn by living among other people. Being deprived of that for your whole life is by no means an achievement.

It's safe

I don't and never will.

Empathy to whom? Stacies and Chads?

>tough guy act
>post consists of nothing but literal meme phrase parroting
I think it's time for you to leave. I've been on image boards before Sup Forums even existed and this "i'm soo weird and bitter do i fit in yet xd" thing is a pretty recent and irritating phenomenon.

>Everybody is different than me!
>Nobody understands me!
>Thus I will isolate myself completely so nobody can hurt me!
Go cry somewhere else. Just know, there are plenty of 16 yos fighting with the same problems, just try not to shoot up a school.

>i've been here longer than you
You're not fooling anyone fag, get the fuck out, normiefuck.

Projecting much or you're just a Chad?