ITT: things you wish you never bought

ITT: things you wish you never bought

>Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off shill

>Reference AMD GPU
>Corsair cx psu
>uniqlo tees (2016)

I got my A10-7850k for $120 with a motherboard, so i can't really complain

I have since upgraded to a 5820k however.


These you get attetched to the cute little bastards and then they die on you ;-;

>"VR is the future!"
Yet people were fooled again.

I have some in my walls, feel free to pick em up anytime bro

i just murder them

False flagging: the thread!

Pet rats are diffrent than wild rats

>>uniqlo tees (2016)


Stay mad AMDroids

A $250 fan controller which has crashed on me twice, resulting in my walking in on my computer with the temp alarm going off, all the fans off, and my dual Xeons under clocking themselves while being at something like 90C while idle

A Sup Forums Gold Pass. :-(

R9 390
AMD motherboard

(returned all of them for issues)

could have spent $10 more and got something quite a bit better from a different outlet but i realized too late

Two fucking amazon fire tv HDs running Kodi instead of building a proper fucking HTPC.
The fucking things choke on muh animus.


Couldn't find the scroll button?

>Requires hours of Foreplay to work properly

Radeon 9600 pro, damn thing wouldn't output video during the summer unless I put it in the freezer before I booted my machine.

oh god that sounds horrible

>Fuck off shill

>black edition
>Amada literally getting BLACKED

ASUS TV capture card circa 2004
Duron 700 Circa 2000
Pentium 4 and not Athlon circa 2004
8800 GTS 3 months before 8800 GT 2007
Core 2 Duo E6700 instead of a Q6600 thinking that games will never use 4 cores I only upgraded to a 6700k last year

Also fuck GPUs in general when I buy AMD I have problems
When I buy Nvidia I have problems

There not been a single GPU since 2007 that I haven't sent in for waranty at least 1... FUCK GPUs

On a R9 390 now and it BDOSes in intense games randomly. Sometimes it doesn't some times it does.

460 GTX needed to be sent for RMA 4 times! FUCKING HOUSEFIRE CARD

8800 GTS got killed by fucking BETA DRIVERS and I RMAad it TWICE.

Its a really nice fan controller, it just happened twice when i had 8 fans connected. It has over current protection, but the logs never showed it had a over current condition. The inrush current when they first turned on was over the rated limit, but operating on max speed was within spec, and them spining up never triped the circuit breaker. And yes I used a Fluke multimeter rather than relying on the sticker on the fan. The manufacturer is in Germany and offered pretty much no support which is disappointing considering how much i spent on this. It hasnt happened since I downgraded it to 4 fans. I dont want to spend another $250 on yet another over priced fan controller, but the fans are loud so I probably am.

>c2d until 6700k
how did you survive

I have that card!
It's sitting dead in a drawer while my HD4850 trudges along after its short break while that card functioned.
Worst card I've ever purchased.

>I cry about differing opinions

Just run all your fans from a Molex daisy chain and put a voltage regulator on each one set at 9.5v. Pretend like you know how to nigger rig.

Just build your own brah

But then they cant spin up to full speed when they need to.

I've fucked around with PIC MCUs but am not motivated enough, and im not a electronics engineer. My time is worth more than the $250

Not him but i used an Intel M til last year, when i upgraded to a C2D.
Im getting an i5 tomorrow tho.

You have some shitty GPU's. It's weird, I've never had an issue with any GPU I ever owned in the 20+ years I've been building systems. Matter of fact the cards I'm using now are a pair of Ex-bitcoin mining Reference R9 290X's. Still going strong 2 years after I bought them out of the trunk of a shady looking dude at 11pm behind a 7/11.

>My time is worth more than the $250

Yeah, but knowledge worths more than both.
If you don't wanna spend that much time building one, use atmel instead of PICs.

>If you dont want to spend more time
>Use a completely different architecture and toolchain than what you're familiar with

I bought this piece of shit 4-5 years ago and only recently replaced it when I bought basically all new parts.

Had a driver issue where in certain games the cursor would switch to a black comb, I put up with that shit daily for that long and they refused to fix it or acknowledge the issue

Never buying AMD shit again.

I went from pentium 233 mmx to duron 1.2 to athlon xp 1800+ to phenom II 955 to FX 8350

Sometimes you just deal.

My next CPU will be Intel if Zen fucks up like I fear it might.

the FX8350
wait no, actually buying an AMD Rig

X79 motherboard and i7 proc.

LGA2011 platform is a complete waste of money.

That stupid broken mouse cursor problem happens on both cards but god damn is it fucking annoying.

I never regretted a video card purchase more then this fucker gtx 770

8320, but still, its my first pc

>Corsair CX psu.
Fucking this. I bought one, had to wait more than 30 days from shipping so my friend could help me with my first computer build. I somehow managed to lose the warranty info too.
>Build computer
>Install OS
>System won't post
>Diagnostic up the ass.
>Buy a power supply tester with 2 day shipping. Shows unit is dead.
>Rush to bestbuy, buy the El Cheapo EVGA unit of same wattage for like $38. Install it. It just werks.

>GTX 960 4GB
That's about it really. I wish my old GPU had lasted just 1-2 more months so I'd have more money to blow on something better than a stop gap.

>gigabyte 980 ti xtreme
horrible coil whine
>evga 970 ftw
horrible coil whine
>gigabyte 980
artifacts on screen
>sapphire nitro 390
produce a disgusting smell
>intel i7 6700 x2
both had faulty cores.
>intel 980x
what the fuck was i thinking back then. wasted $1,000 for shit i didn't need
>corsair h50
was worse than my 212+ i had. even in push / pull
>corsair h100
pump exploded
>thermaltake toughpower 850
ran so fucking hot
>razer anything
never had a mouse from them where the scroll didn't stop working after a few months. also had some 5.1 headphones from them from 2009 and the left speaker stopped working after a month.
>asus xonar dx
sound card stopped working a week after warranty was up
>gigabyte z170x gaming 7
would always corrupt bios after ten reboots. even with the latest and greatest.
>bitfenix fans
had 8 of them. every single one jizzed oil all over the place
>antec fans
had to many over the years. most jizzed oil all over the place as well
>evga 470
fried itself
>evga 570
fried itself
>asrock z77 motherboard
usb ports wouldn't come on every other reboot. even with latest bios

Man I really envy you! GPUs are my bane since 2007...

Well until 2014 with a 460 GTX E6700 could handle most games on say 1080p60 medium/high. The problem wasn't actually the FPS it was the spikes and low LOW fps.

But I played Dota 2, CS:GO, Battlefield 3/4(that was pretty shit so I didn't play it much), Endless Space, Endless Legends, CiV and other games just ran fine.

The problem was around 2014 with the shackles of the old console gen discarded they actually started making games that need a good CPU/GPU so in 2015 when devs started to make shit like GalCiv 3 or Witcher 3 I said thats enough I can't take it anymore.

I have a friend hes on a 955 and honestly for his needs and thats basically only DOTA 2 and WOW thats all he needs.

>>evga 470
>fried itself
>>evga 570
>fried itself

Fucking housefire cards I swear to god.

If you're buying a GPU to last like 3 years never go for the high thermal ones. Go for the ones that are cool and use less power.

ive bought the same. same thinking. i should've bought a used 970 on that money, but it was my first build, didnt do enough research on the VGA, in hungary every VGA is 1,5x more expensive than in the US, so it seemed alright, probably will be, but im a bit dissapointed

If you're from Hungary consider these sites for GPUs.

My R9 390 was 467.17 Euro in Croatia
I got it for 350€ in Germany the Sapphire Nitro-X one

Expensive and absolutely garbage.

thanks, im gonna check it out in the future, but now im not gonna spend more in this rig for a while, see how long will be alright

It might last you longer then a 970 GTX if Vulcan becomes more popular if you haven't switched yet...

Well it's a 960 if you're on 1080p it should last you 2 more years on med/high...

the asus matrix had issues with their default fan profiles. the fans would try to spin at their absolute lowest causing the card to run in the upper 80s to low 90s.

the vrms would get super hot from all the heat, even though they were attached to the cooler.

let alone the fans did get loud even at low speeds.

>ITT: things you wish you never bought

>pentuim 4 (just sucked returned mine them mum much bought celeron of the same era -.-)

>FX 6100 (never liked it and it was slower than advertised)

>second hand IDE HDD (erased on power off)
>nokia lumia 530 (few apps shitty support)

>GTX2100 gigabyte
-(burned out on day one RMA'd 6 times all died on day one but 7th one worked)

>GTX 630 4GB Asus (femi weird just blew up after MW4 game one day the following week it was pulled off the shelf)
they gave me a R7 250 2gb OC instead -.-

single fan gpu

never again

>Corsair cx psu
w-whats wrong with these user?

I used one until like last week, life was rough. It pays to have the patience of a saint though.

>Reference AMD GPU
nice bait


Intel Core 2 E8500 when I had the option for Q6600. Was less tech savy and saw it had a higher clock rate, so thought it would be better.

I went from an original phenom 4 core to a i7 6700k. that amd chip was a turd


>power supply tester
>not buy a multimeter
for shame

Own x860, it's fucking dope as shit

tell me about it apple cuck


Idk what this is but it looks like a fucking vagina

>the left speaker stopped working after a month
Same thing happened to my Kraken headphones. Never buying Razor again.

AMD makes motherboards now?

im still rocking a gigabyte one

holding up just fine, what's the beef?

>G point
>Sup Forums point

>yfw just bought a 2nd hand 2600k cheap as fuck
>stable at 4.5 ghz
>temperatures under load don't even exceed 60 degrees
>probably could push it further but I'm fine with this, don't want to go over 1.35V
Sandybridge feelsgoodbrah

Evga gtx 960, returned
Evga psu, returned
Irulu walknbook 3 (2x), 1 returned
BeQuiet! case fans, returned
Novation launchkey 61 midi controller

That shit sounds horrifying

>Be asus
>Have left over gtx 700 series coolers
>Just slap them on the R9 200 series cards

What a shitty company, they are a true disrespect to the tech community, and should be shut down, absolute garbage of a company.

>VModa M100
Nothing wrong with them, just wanted to try them out and test against M80
I liked the M80 more so i sold it to a friend

Why? I am using Gigabyte 770 2 GB. Seem to work ok. My display is 1366x768, though, so not sure, how it would perform in 1080p.

I wasted some money on CSGO skins. Why the fuck did I buy this useless shit?

Because you are a person, who plays CS:GO?
Not that I know a solution to your problem.

Shit quality product. Don't worry, the EVGA bronze that everyone recommends isn't much better.

If you want a good PSU, you have to pay. There is no such thing as a good PSU for cheap.

Should have not been a destitute poorfag and gotten an 8350 4 years ago.

I've been using no name shit psus my whole life and never had problems with em. Meanwhile corsair and evgas psus are dying all the time. I understand people are afraid to risk buying a cheap psu but I'm beginning to think those quality psus are a meme.

W-What is wrong with uniqlo tees? Mine are comfy as fuck and I was about to get more

You're lucky you've never looked inside one of those "no name PSUs". You would quickly realize that all you have is blind faith. The faith that your computer will still work tomorrow and that nothing is broken.

It's not about the PSUs breaking, who cares if the PSU breaks. It's about the rest of your hardware not randomly dying for unknown reasons.

>FX 8120
atleast it was cheap

you can get phone apps for fan control and temperature alerts

i know nzxt has one but ive never used it because i have no need.

This thread opened my eyes. AMD posters are ultra poor cucks, probably living in some 3rd works countries. The AMD vs Nvidia shitposting was never about actual performance, it's a manifestation of hatred dirty third world foreigners show towards luckier, more successful citizens of capitalistic countries like beloved United States of America. It's a metaphor for endless war between ultra poor class of socialists (AMD knows it - that's why they went for the go red/start a revolution advertisement) and rich and successful people that believe in freedom (Nvidia symbolises American dollar). Recent events in Europe showed that we can't coexist with this red pestilence and that we should purge them from Sup Forums. We don't negotiate with terrorists.

Reference 480. I will probably switch it out in a year or so so but the cooler is so fucking bad.

water cool it fool

>gigabyte z170 k3
Literally had like 15 bent pins which made it impossible to boot dual channel ram and made the board restart constantly, had to fucking rebent them for it to finally run

>evga 1070 ftw
I fear that I overpaid way too much for the performance considering that nvidia will probably release their new architecture in less than a fucking year

>nvidia 6800 gt
Was the most retarded choice ever because the thing ran hotter, was louder, and over all weaker than the x800xt pe back then and died like 2 months after I slapped a custom cooler on it

Nvidia, not even once.

>holding up fine



Never regretted nothing. Only a little for picking my c2d e6400 instead of e6600.

Still all my upgrades where well researched and had amazing value. I5 2500k which rocks even today at 4,5 ghrz. The gtx580 i got brand new from a smack for 120 euros 5 years ago. Excellent luck all around. Now looking for a 980 ti or fury x for 350 euros used. The fury x will be bottlenecked by my i5 mildy but who cares. Ill upgrade to zen next year.

A 9370.
Thing has a 220W tdp

my gtx 670

The second HD 5850 I bought for CF.

Noticed quite a bit of stutter and some games actually performed worse than with just a single card.

Eventually replaced them with a 7970 GHz.

I'm just sticking to a single card from now on.