I changed the RAM speed settings in my UEFI and now I can't get it to boot at all to change them back. I know with BIOS you could remove the CMOS but am I just fucked now?
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I changed the RAM speed settings in my UEFI and now I can't get it to boot at all to change them back. I know with BIOS you could remove the CMOS but am I just fucked now?
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nah, there's (should be) a clear cmos button on your mobo that should fix it.
Or, if it doesn't have that, then there are two pins that you need to short out with a screwdriver or something like that, in order to reset it.
you're fine.
If you have an ASUS board, press the MemOK button.
Some other manufacturers have similar functions.
You can also try clearing CMOS or reseating the CPU to get it to go back to defaults.
Remove RAM, boot with no RAM, insert RAM, boot, could force it to reset.
it's not working :(
rig just turns on and all the leds come on
I can get it to beep that it has no ram if I have none but when I put it back in, it never makes it to splash screen
I might see if I can learn how to get to the CPU but seeing as I failed at something like RAM I think it might be a bad idea
turn off your computer completely, remove the power cord to your pc .
then find this on the motherboard, and remove it .
plug everything back in and turn the computer on without the battery . this should set everything back to default settings. then turn th e computer off again and put the battery back in , then you can turn it on again and change settings .
i'm trying
thanks Sup Forums
Also try pressing the power button for about 30 seconds or so with the ac plug out. Probably the same as taking out the battery.
I did try this as suggested by internet
I'm having to take apart over 9000 parts to get to the cmos battery, but I dunno if it will work since this is UEFI and not BIOS
>idk what a plastic scribe is but the manual says to use one
the battery does the same thing bios and uefi.
all it does is save your settings , so if you remove it it should set them to default
but make sure to keep the battery out for a minute or so, to make sure that all the electricity is gone.
and the plastic scribe is probably just so you don't scrape metal on the motherboard and damage the components. Fingernail should work just as well.
op is dead
no I'm still taking parts off to get the cmos battery
I have to completely remove the motherboard
WTF kind of retarded motherboard do you have where that's needed
>I have to completely remove the motherboard
HAHAHA, no you don't, maybe remove the gpu or a pci card but the CMOS battery never is on a remote place.
It's an Alienware laptop, the manual says I need to do this and I don't see it on this side of the motherboard.
Is this silly fuck seriously trying to OC his laptop?
never again I promise
that's not true, i've replaced the battery in a late 90's thinkpad that was located in a place only accessible by removing the motherboard
Gayming laptops like alienware and msi usually have some room for OC, but they usually have software solutions for diferent modes, you only mess with uefi ram speed if you actually bought faster ram and you know what you're doing.
I use to have an Alienware gen 1. You're gonna have to go through the top of the laptop to get to it I think, so means youd have to take out the keyboard and go under that to maybe yet to the battery.
*cmos battery, of course
Nvm ignore me, that looks pretty torn apart, good luck lol.
I finally made it to the cmos battery
This person is correct, the CMOS battery is on the side of the motherboard under the keyboard. OP needs to remove the keyboard and then remove the battery to reset is settings.
lol just learned I had an SD reader never knew
Don't fuck up the little clip on the CMOS battery slot. Did that once then had to Macgyver.
got lucky I didn't fuck it, in process of reassembling now
the little wifi antennas were niggers
>overclocking RAM
what a fucking retard
we did it senpai
I promise never to changing my RAM settings again!
Now to put all the screw back in and drives
Thanks a lot Sup Forums I promise I will not even troll on this forum for at least a week.
OP here, just reporting back in - successfully booted into Windows on my laptop.
Thanks again!
>only problem is mechanical hard disk no longer working but I'll figure that out I'm sure
no extra screws on your first teardown? you're a hero.
Actually I ended up finding a screw I could steal from somewhere else to secure my second m.2 drive. It had been flopping around.
tfw forgot to plug speakers back in