>tfw you fell for the gtx 960 128bit perf/watt meme
>gpu load: 71%
>memory controller load: 100%
Tfw you fell for the gtx 960 128bit perf/watt meme
Why are you trying to do >1080p ultra textures on a card that can't deal with it?
I don't get it, if you're memory bandwidth isn't enough, why not just overclock it?
Maxwel has delta compression too, doesn't it? Why would you need more than 128bit at 1080p?
>falling for any type of meme
literally retarded
didnt know that someone still makes these.
Yeah, funnily enough a 128bit nvidia card competes just fine against a 256 bit ATI card.
>gameworks runs better on nvidia
Let's go with an AMD sponsored title then
Can I overclock az ASUS GTX 960 4GB Strix card? i ask because the bitches said its factory OC, can I overclock even MOAR?
Uh huh, and what fucking settings are being used there? Certainly not max, because my overclocked 1070 can't even sustain 60fps at 1080p with grass on ultra and all the advanced settings on, even without MSAA. Dropping settings to cover the weaknesses of a cucked card doesn't make it any less shit.
>tfw when R9 380
>mfw rx480 nitro shipped 2 days before official release
>everyone else still waiting for stock
The 960 can easily do 1080
>1070 cant even 60fps gta v 1080p
the fucks your cpu? a phenom II?
>overclocked 1070 can't even sustain 60fps at 1080p
False flagger. I'm an AMDrone myself and I would never state such bullshit.
Because these people don't understand what all the numbers actually mean.
fake AF
Real benchmarks
>gtx 1070
>wonder why you can't maintain 60fps