"Excuse me sir, may we have a look at your computer's hard disk?"
"Excuse me sir, may we have a look at your computer's hard disk?"
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry I use flash memory.
No thanks im not interested
s-sure i have nothing to hide....
of course, I also have some usb sticks and some micro sd/memory stick you might want to check.
"Sure, here you go!"
*Disassembles computer and gives them them power supply*
"Of course, once I see a warrant. You won't find anything regardless."
You sure about that?
"The one with the trap loli or the one with the vampire loli?
wow user thats a big hard drive you must use those ancient computers haha.
triggered. You're giving me cringe flashbacks from all these videos where college fags say this shit, or shove a camera in a cops face and proceed to talk/act in a way that would tempt any rational person to deliver an asskicking, acting like they're some valiant revolutionary god fuckyoufuckyou. Teach one of these people a couple of legal-sounding words and they think they've become some mix between Malcolm X and Phoenix Wright. I don't even like the police as a rule but these kids wear on me.
those people are obnoxious but its the governments job to respect you, not your job to respect the government.
I got a hard disk RIGHT 'ERE
>not your job to respect the government.
It's your job as a person to respect other people. Being confrontational and degrading just because you think you can get away with it is the definition of being abusive, badge or no badge.
Yes. Those. At the very least these have a payoff where they get what they're asking for. These people live in a world where you don't need to understand laws and act on them, you just say law-sounding things and like some Dovahkin fus-ro-bullshit you can powerword the mean people away and do whatever you feel like you should be able to do. Only bad part is I can't see their face when their illusions are shattered.
>"Excuse me sir's, may i have a look at your search warrant?"
> Look mom, I posted it again
Nice thread OP. Really compels you to envisage.
store your important shit on an ipod shuffle. no one ever checks them because the adapter is so rare
Get on the ground, fucko! Squad, take his computer and all other electronics!
Jokes on you I store everything in the cloud
I have an SSD!
>tfw I live in a coutry where "temporary" powers have been granted to the police for almost a year because terrorism
they can come to my house and seize everything they want
doesn't matter if I have something to hide or not, just getting my stuff back would be a huge hassle
I shitpost on the internet and make inappropriate comments that I would never make in real life
unless the pohpoh are in the business of humiliating me socially theres nothing worthwhile
"Sure Mr FBI. Just let me enter my password to remove the encryption. sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /"
Won't save you, undelete is easy for most filesystems.
shouldn't have mudslimes into your country then, faggot.
You seriously think they don't have access to a universal adapter that just werks(tm) for all devices?
me on the left
>say sure
>they plant evidence
>say no
>taze me and plant evidence anyway
>not using full disk encryption with 512bit keys
>not having a kill switch to ignite the thermite powder in the SSD
>not having a turbo jet in the pc case to prevent cold boot RAM attacks
>not leeching internet off the public 1km away
>not having 40 security camera around the house
>not having aribags under the front door mat
>not having the walls lined in cooper mesh
>not having the stairs lined with black powder in pipes
>not having a google nest to stay comfy