/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computers

Official retro Sup Forums thread!

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Toasting in a retro bread!

Okay guys, IBM PC XT guy here. I'll just try making a DOS boot disk formatted as 720K and copying files from that. I don't really care for the install of DOS that's on the hard drive right now, it's just that I'm too lazy to write down the bad sector list. Though a low-level format wouldn't be bad for the drive, right?

OK, this is weird. My laptop boots off the floppy just fine, but the IBM gives me a Non-System disk or disk error. I have tried with two drives, and I can't get it to work. Maybe it's because the floppy controller can't handle the timings of the turbo-XT board that's in the PC right now?

retro bread you say?


>I'm not sure what you are on about but don't you remember drilling floppies in the 90's? That's how we made HD floppies out of DD ones.

People used to do stuff like this when HD disks first came out because they were expensive, but of course the disks always failed after like 3 uses.

Trying to be cheap never pays.

>The best Apple II to have is a //e and the Platinum Edition is especially nice as it has a built-in numeric keypad. IIcs are not expandable and sometimes incompatible with older stuff like 13 sector disks. The IIgs is expensive af if you want to configure it to do anything useful in native mode and it doesn't have much of any good software.

You also want a DHGR card in a IIe although these were extremely common and it would be odd to find one that doesn't have it. The earliest IIes made in 1983 can't use a DHGR card.

Also avoid the IIc+ (short lived IIc with a 3.5" floppy in place of the 5.25" one)

The IIc+ was one of the stupidest ideas Apple ever conceived.

>Hey, let's make an Apple II that can't run 90% of Apple II software

On the reverse, some II/II+ stuff may not work properly on the IIe especially software that uses 80 column text because there were several different 80 column cards for the older Apple IIs that all worked slightly different while the 80 column mode on the IIe is completely standardized.


I know I asked this before, but-

Tandy TRS-80 Handheld PC-2, would it worth AU$50? I dunno what I'd do with it but it looks like a damn cool piece of hardware.

has anyone heard of the infinity 2000?

I agree, but it isn't physically impossible as stated.

why the fuck are those threads always empty as fuck

only retro thing i have is a commodore calculator :/

Hows the fail rate? As high as the breadbox C64's?

i don't know. didn't find much info about it.
its model SR4120D




Jobs might have cucked Woz with the Apple, but at least Woz is till alive.

This. If Steve Jobs was so good, why is he dead?


top kek

I'll try to give some advice based around my limited knowledge. There's one on US ebay for $15 or best offer with shipping shipping, which would cost me around $27 (35 AUD) total. I know ebay probably isn't the best place to get prices, but average going price in the US seems to be between $15- $60 (19.50-78 AUD) depending on condition, and accessories. It's not the worst price and I don't know how availability is in Australia, but you should try to talk the price down a bit if it's just the computer.

Tragically few Apple IIs were ever used with a color monitor.

Considering you could just connect the dang thing to a TV.

I doubt much of any Apple IIs were used with a TV after the very early days in 1977-79.

Retro bread? This bread must be moldy as fuck


Tell me thats yours?

No ;_;

Shit ;_;

Why the blanket? Does he want it die an heath death?

I might be talking out of my ass but I think I had the same calputer but it was branded as Sharp. Basic lingo and shit

These old PCs have a pretty low TDP. Most don't even have heatsinks on the central processors.



eh, cool


The objectively best looking retro setup is an Antec Performance Plus PC case with modern high end guts, a Sony GDM FW900 CRT monitor and on the desk an IBM Model M mechanical keyboard and Microsoft WMO.

This setup not only looks amazing but is also objectively superior to anything made today and totally retro in appearance.

Wrong thread faggot, go back to your closet, wannabe designer.

Step aside, legend coming through.

>Dual PPGA Celerons
What a waste of an epic motherboard


>modern high end guts

Wrong thread.

Though with a Pentium 3, Voodoo3, and Windows 98SE you'd have the best available machine for 90s PC gaming.



This is my loved Philips velo PDA.

Reminds me of a dual CPU IBM workstation I had, two 1GHz Pentium 3's and 4GB RAM.


Does it really have 16MB of RAM?


Fuck, early VR was such a nice idea.


>MIPS R4000

I knew Windows CE ran on some oddball hardware (like the Dreamcast) but never expected a MIPS build.


Supports ARM also.



I disagree. It's best to combine the best of retro which can be seen with the naked eye with the best of modern day performance in what's under the hood. The old monitors and peripherals were superior but the new guts give the better performance. Best of both worlds is the true retro master race.

>It's best to combine the best of retro which can be seen with the naked eye with the best of modern day performance in what's under the hood.

This is not what those threads are generally about, they are about retro hardware, x86 counts for very little of those threads, mostly 8088-486, not some new shit.

fuck off, you don't get to dictate content

Can it play those 3dfx games the other user could with the Pentium 3 build?

These threads are generally just picuters which don't depict the guts. Hence why I'm right and you're wrong with me being right and you being simultaneously wrong which leaves me as right while you're wrong and since I'm right and you're wrong this means I'm right and you just aren't.

Yeah, I fucked up with the "retro thread" title on this thread, I usually write "retro hardware" or "I love restoring old computers".

I normally hate generals
But I love the retro generals


I fail to see how using new hardware is retro, kind of the point of retro is the hardware itself and not the looks.


Wow, it didn't even take two months for those threads to go to shit, again, like last time.

>it's not the looks
>almost all the pics are of the external
>and not the internals
I just want the retro nostalgia feel with blazing fast modern performance. An up to date Linux kernel with a retro DE.

All those systems are depicted running their native operating environments.
I don't even see the point of dumping random pictures of hardware people in the thread don't even own.

That illustration reminds me of this.

>I don't even see the point of dumping random pictures of hardware people in the thread don't even own.
If people only posted stuff they owned the threads would be incredibly boring

Yesterday's thread was basically that and it was not boring at all, the thread hit bump limit with a few hours.

My NAS is in this case! I've had it laying around longer than I can remember; it really is an amazing case. I didn't realize it was considered retro, but now that I think of it I think I've had it since 2005 or so.

If I get dubs I'm installing NetBSD on my PowerMac G4, using it as a daily driver and posting about it every day for a week.

What, I almost did that months ago.

I have never seen this case before and I think this is the best looking computer I have ever seen

Well fuck me. I want to use that thing as a daily driver. Suggest a UNIX-based (or UNIX-like) OS with current software and proper networking. If you guys want I'll post about it.

>That sexy vanilla colored case
Sauce on that hard on?

but you didn't get dubs

anyway, isn't openbsd available for PPC macs?

I had one like it in 2000

I know shit about Macs, but if OpenBSD is available, take use of it.
Btw. reporting in.

>All those systems are depicted running their native operating environments.
And? I can throw Windows 95 on my main workstation if I wanted. Or rig up a retro looking DE replica. Doesn't change anything posted. Just you whining about my taste. Fuck off.

take a look here for some info

the thing also seems to have binary packages for powerpc, so you're in luck

That's why I'm cursing. I wanted to use the thing. Never tried OpenBSD. I might give it a whirl. "Downgrading" to dual 500MHz PPC7400s has got to be fun coming from a c2d laptop.

>Just you whining about my taste. Fuck off.
Butthurt about something people didn't even talk about...

This. Yesterday's thread was really good. Floppy discussion was pretty interesting.

How was that clusterfuck at work?

>not using geocities to browse Sup Forums


Kek, did you make it yourself?

The CNC lathe where I work runs Windows CE. You see the desktop for about 5 minutes before it automatically launches the lathe software. I have to reboot it twice a month because the longer it goes the more it starts to lag.

Pure shit. I don't know what happend and I can't find any flaw - it's just not working. Tables didn't change, procedures didn't change, suddenly it's fucked up... And (as every time) nobody did anything... I can't even restore from Backup, because I don't know what i need. Sometimes I hate this job.

Sorry to hear, sounds like a real pain in the ass.

I forgot to mention: i'm actually on holidays...
