How do you prefer to rice LXDE, if at all?
How do you prefer to rice LXDE, if at all?
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I put it on top, with the Plank dock and Numix icons.
I also make the bar completely transparent
lxde is a sinking ship, install lxqt
Lxde is dead
I did this awhile ago.
ive never used lxde
does it have screen tearing issues like xfce?
Is there even a real difference? I feel like it's just a bloated paintjob
I replace it with XFCE
I dunno why but I have serious obsession with LXQt
not in the sense of using it, but somehow being incredibly enthusiastic with the idea of very lite Qt distro and obsessing about news about it and being sad when the call for more devs, because it hints they dont have enough even though whole lxde and razor-qt teams are merged...
god I want it to be good
to be another option for lxde, xfce, mate, cinnamon,... users
If you know C++ and some Qt then go help out
Is that pic lxqt?
Im getting off of here for the night, if you're running that do a screenfetch for the icons and whatever else youve done to rice.
Thanks in advanced, this is gonna 404 before Im back.
I would go help out the devs but most(all) of my code is "werks for me" code.
I now have system resources to waste on stupid shit, is there a good guide to linux ricing?
>do a screenfetch for the icons and whatever else youve done to rice
It's impressive there are still people that don't recognize Numix icons.
I dont really rice user, you act like thats a bad thing.
Ricing is a bad thing
Then what are you giving me shit for
>shortcuts on desktop
You're not baiting me...are you?
I hope you're not serious
xfce is currently the best choice objectively
i've tried using lxqt and it just is not ready yet, and by the look of things it won't be for quite some time.
It shows potential though.
more spacing and it will be great
messing with compiz solved all my screen tearing issues with xfce
My desktop is my primary download folder and I dont clean it until it gets over 500 icons.
prove it
I just did a reinstall of my os for my new build, cleaned the desktop, and sorted some shit and added the rest to the "sort" folder.
>xfce is the best choice
In which plane of existence, because it's a horrible DE here
i bet
Why do you doubt?
And what is better?
Mate is good, but what else?
because I've got some time before bed and I feel like shitposting
lol ok
Mate and budgie are the best DEs.
xfwm makes a lovely combo with lxde
I wouldn't say "better" (xfce was my first DE and I love it to bits) but stock Unity if running Ubuntu. Beyond the "aaagly" may may, it actually is ok; it works, it's like a side-dock (you can move it now with less hackish tools, but I can't be arsed) and saves me screen real estate. It always looked off for every window to have a title bar and a menubar under it, on a laptop monitor.
Transparent panel with dark wallpaper.
Flat matching gtk + icon theme. I prefer Paper
OSX cursor theme
That's it. It's not that hard.
LxQT theming is so fucking cringe. You have Openbox, which is normal. But then you have both LXDE and Razor QT integrating. So you need to set the theme, icons, mouse, etc. in both configuration settings. Also, QT doesn't support gtk 2.0 anymore by default, so you have to manually install packages for gtk 2.0 support or choose a gtk 3.0 theme. Then you have to make sure they are all matching.
Is that the old LXDE?
make it look like windows as much as possible
My Lxde: Numix dark theme with Retrofukation icons
i don't like how its literally LXDE with Qt instead
i hate how the whole thing just feels like they slapped together 60 different programs from 60 different places
Is it possible to make that on regular *buntu? Just install all the packages and set them up?
Just installed Arch with LXQt on my netbook. I use the Breeze theme which comes both for GTK and Qt… are there any more themes like that? Around a half of my apps are GTK…
What ? No, I'm saying that damn near everyone and their dog uses those icons. Not a day goes by that you don't see them somewhere on Sup Forums.
Jesus Christ. This gave me claustrophobia just looking at it.
What the actual fuck? None of my Windows installations are remotely close to that.
meh, close enough
>glossy black task bar with light grey applications menu
I just installed this shit, fucking square corners and the windows key wont do shit.
From what Ive read I have to manually edit an xml file and do the key bindings myself.
What kind of fucking desktop is this shit?
At this point Im better off just sticking to cli and browsing with w3m. I use a DE when I DONT feel like dealing with this.