
I'm looking to get a laptop for collage and have a budget but not looking for anything amazing. For my first laptop i was looking at Acer Aspire E 15, 15.6 Full HD, Intel Core i5, NVIDIA 940MX, 8GB DDR4, 256GB SSD, Windows 10, E5-575G-53VG for only $549.99 and was wondering if it is worth upgrading to Intel Core i7 and the price for that is $699.99

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go back to high school

The i7 will still be a dual core with hyperthreading, just go i5.



dead in half a year

LoL no. I have a 3, almost 4, year old acer aspire S3, and it's completely fine.

yeah congratulations
Acer went to shit two years ago, all their new products are garbage.

Ah well, can't comment on that. They do like kinda cheap though.

>going to college

You best be studying for med or pharm school. Otherwise, IT careers don't need college.

Ideapad 100s.

Unless it's dual vs quad core no fuck that.
Also seriously consider something that's not Acer.

into the trash

Can these be un-secure booted to run Linux yet?

These are so garbage, lol

They can. Now sure about everything working though, on my Asus t100ta Wi-Fi didn't work.

Not sure about the ideapad. Still, that battery life at that price and the portability makes it a great study machine.
My t100ta has the same specs and I can handle a bunch of tabs in opera flawlessly, even with YouTube video playing in the background. Atoms from bay trail and newer are easily powerful enough for regular pc tasks.

People who try to trick others into making the same mistake as them are the worst

N-No! You're wrong!

I wish I could honestly say that. I work in IT now and have an associates and am working towards my bachelors. The only reason I am still working for it is because I am so close and know that there are a decent amount of companies that like to see it. I will say though, I feel the reason I got my job now is because of prior hand on experience, not because of my degree.

There is a kid a few years younger than me who got hired in after being an OJT. I told him to soak up this experience and then he can ride on that.

I take it you've never even tried it.

Ideapad 100s has plenty performance unless you're planning on playing video games or rendering videos.

I have as asus t100ta and I love it. Battery life is insanely good and it doesn't lag at all for word processing and web browsing.

>plenty of performance
literally nobody here cares about performance. The ideapad series always had terrible build quality, terrible thermals, terrible battery life, and terrible upgradeability.
>b-but you won't upgrade a laptop!!
last time I used an ideapad you couldn't even replace the HDD without breaking the thing open.

Get something better from eBay for half the price. HP Elitebooks/Probooks are pretty nice

Never gonna make it

It's not flimsy and good you'd know that if you ever saw one in person.
The point of the ideapad is it's got great battery life, a good keyboard, and is portable.

What more would op need for a college laptop?

ASUS ZenBook UX305CA looks like a great college laptop, what do you guys think? Recently got a price cut around here, since new zenbooks come out soon-ish

I know the ideapad, I'm just saying that every single experience I've had with ideapads has been terrible, ranging from mushy keys and bendy keyboards to shit battery life and terrible screens.

>ideapad 100s
>terrible build quality
>bad battery life

>Intel atom
>terrible thermals

Are you fucking retarded?

Yeah, I'm a Macfag, but for like $150 I was looking at the ideapad, I want an 11.6" machine to tool around with.

Also, OP. I myself don't have an Ideapad but a friend of mine does.have one. Build quality is solid.

Now! Onto my point. I bought an Asus laptop with an i5 skylake and an Nvidia 940m and 8GB ram, 1TB 7200 rpm drive for less than $600. Build quality is alright but it's perfect for what I do. Light gaming, school work, Sup Forums, etc.

Man I wish my reading comprehension was so shit that I mistook "the ideapad series" for "the ideapad 100s"
How much do you get paid for shilling ideapads on here anyway? You'd expect Lenovo to be happy with the free thinkpad shilling they get.

just make sure it's having a backlit keyboard, ssd and 1080p display, some of them are jevv version without backlit keyboard and still using hdd with 1366 display

I don't care for a backlit keyboard, but yeah theres some weird shit going on with that model. They also have a "PURE" version, which jumps the pricetag $150 upwards, and then it comes without bloatware. I get dreamspark anyway so i was gonna put 8.1 on it.


Honestly, bay trail has dick Linux support.

Try the hp stream 11, it's a celeron instead so it should support Linux perfectly fine.

Not that guy but the ideapad 100s only has 2 major flaws imo.
>small touchpad
>768p tn screen
The price though, so worth it for the solid build quality and that crazy battery life.

Every review I've seen for the 100s has been positive and the one I tried in store felt sturdy and solid. Honestly not sure what else to say, I'm not a shill, but these cheap atom netbooks are insanely good for college students. Use my Asus for taking notes at uni and I don't have to worry if I forget my charger, it easily lasts me the whole day, I probably get ~10 hours SoT out of it.