Why isn't this an Android launcher yet? Would be amazing on tablets and phablets

Why isn't this an Android launcher yet? Would be amazing on tablets and phablets.

Because it's a desktop operating system.

No it's a fucking DE.

Pretty ironic, it's a desktop environment but the UI is made for tablets.

Pretty disappointing

Don't most launchers look like that? You can always install them.

Looks like Apple's Launchpad.

You're not the only one who thinks that GNOME 3 looks was made for tablets.

That's because it was built for touch screens iirc

You should try it with a touchscreen,it just does not work properly.

Because it looks like shit

It actually looks like it'll be great on a 10 inch touch screen

Looks like a vista clone.

wow that looks very metro/Urban I think.
all that chromeish look and dark greens and blacks

would use it/10

>Looks like a vista clone.
I don't think you know what Vista looks like

Also filtered

Oh god I remember trying out gnome a week ago. Opening up that menu took too fucking long and was laggy as fuck because they couldn't be arsed to preload the icons of that thing when you start the DE. Also, where the fuck are my categories? Didn't they have a pop-up implementation of categories a few years back?
Will not try it again, seriously a DE is there to start and manage your applications and even that fails with this garbage.

Wreks for me!

Nope, still looks like shit.

that's linux for you

>GNOME is the only DE

>implying windows 10 isn't made for tablets

>implying anyone uses windows 10 unironically
>implying anyone uses linux unironically


Buy a windows tablet, install that shit on it if you like, so what? Why do you want shitty android on that?

About 100 Million devices?

So like 10% of Mac devices? Anyone who uses botnet or poor man system is either retarded or a troll.

Why do you people mention the "I'm filtering you" lines? Why not add it and forget it. Let the filter do its job?

Because he's trying to trigger the tripfag.

lol at the people ITT
GNOME is pretty meh in tablets but it works great in a keyboard-centric setup, as everything is accessible by shotcurts.


gr8 b8 m8

GNOME Is legit the best fucking de.
Ubuntu Touch has this though. You could also run it on your MS Surface.

It's nice. I have an X220T and this GUI works great with the touch screen. Unfortunately that's about the only thing that has anything more than basic touch functionality. Not counting the wacom features of some applications like Xournal

Gnome 3 would be amazing if they finally implemented decent built in trackpad 2/3 fingers gesture like OSX and Windows 10. It seems like a DE made to be used with trackpad gestures but barely any exist.

I guess I will have to wait for Wayland for this to exist?