Is OpenSuse a good distro? Should I install it?

Is OpenSuse a good distro? Should I install it?


so this means it's shit?

so basically, it's poop?

video game children spotted

Only reason to install it is suse had the best kde support I've seen, other than that you'd be better off with Ubuntu or Fedora

I don't know that much about it but I think it's very underrated. There's also a rolling release version if you like that. If you want to use KDE then definitely give it a shot.

>Leap Beta
It's literally as fast as every other distribution now.

I don't really like KDE, I'd rather use gnome. What distro do you recommend for it besides openSuse?

Its very good IMO

KDE5 that actually fucking works, unlike every other distro ive tried with KDE5

Has yast as well which is amazing. Even has an ncurses UI for the terminal fags so you can SSH in and still use yast.

>is good distro?
the smart choice specially if you just want an easily configurable and stable windows alternative.
>should you install it?
just try it for a time in a virtual machine or a spare drive.
if you think you could survive using it alone then you are ready to install it as your common OS.
If you are also going to need windows anyway for muh gaems or other shit, don't install it, it'll be just a waste of time for you as you will tend not to use it.

It is exactly like Debian, but with less packages.

no its not, its as stable as debian with better tools and almost as much packages you basically have everything fedora and redhat does...

bullshit graphic. doesn't mean shit. since when is this place filled with graphic boasting pajeets?

OpenSuse leap is great and has some great tools, basically you have rock solid distro while being more up to date than debian.

Debian is the standard for development. No other distro is more up to date than Debian. There are more than one repositories you know and different releases.

I want stable! I dont want sid or testing that breaks as much as arch...

If you use anything that is windows only you won't use it

OpenSUSE is for KDE
Fedora is for Gnome
*buntu for the rest.

You have to install weird unofficial video codecs, and it has less users than Debian or Red Hat based systems.
I don't really see a reason to use it beyond the nice KDE support.

Stable is *incredibly* out-of-date. Feel free to try it out, and definitely use it if it works for you, but for most users Testing will suffice.

The debian work flow goes like this:
unstable -> testing -> stable
and "experimental" is separate for very unstable packages

Ubuntu is literally built from Debian Unstable, and Testing is more reliable/stable (because it's been tested in Unstable for a short time). Seriously just use Debian Testing.

I dunno where you heard that Debian Testing/Sid are more unstable than Arch... Stability can vary depending on your hardware, the packages you use, and how you use your system in general.

OpenSUSE was one of the only distributions of Linux that would run Warcraft III.
