Hey Sup Forums, I'm having an issue as of late

Hey Sup Forums, I'm having an issue as of late.

2 of my fans failed in my comp, and I replaced them, and it seems to be doing ok, but recently my cpu is hotter than hell itself.

Do I need to buy a new cpu? I was never having this problems until lately, could it be a hardware failure? It overheats so bad my comp crashes, and I cant really play shit anymore. It's like it all suddenly went to fucking hell.

Not spec thread, but my comp info might help

I guess this falls under tech support in the sticky huh

Feel free to ignore I guess, Ill post over there if that would be better

have you replaced the thermal paste ever ?
did you change case fans of cpu cooler fans ?

No and no

I should probably do that huh

it could be a fix for the cpu temperature.
though if this happened suddenly out of nowhere it could be something else.
take your time rreplacing the thermal paste if it's your first time . the thermal pastes they make come in conductive and non conductive types . non electrically conductive won't short circuit things if you spill some on the motherboard or other circuitry .

Let's not do anything drastic like replacing thermal paste quite yet.

1. Did you use compressed air on your CPU cooler? Get that dust out of there.
2. Did you orient your new fans correctly? You need intake and extake in a push-pull. In through the front, out through the back.

You don't need a new CPU. If there was something wrong with your CPU, there would be a much bigger issue than it running a little hot. 46C idle isn't desirable for your chip, but it's not a deal breaker. Those AMD FX chips are hot, housefire meme, etc.


This is what I get for posting at 5AM.

Just took that shit out and cleaned it spotless, still heating up to 80c. Yeah new fans should be good.

Its only when I play games though, maybe grafics card? Fuck if I know.

the max safe temp for fx cpus is 62 C and youre way beyond that which means you really are getting that hot or your temperature sensor is dead

Your GPU being at 58C at idle (I'm assuming) is kinda worrying, not gonna lie. My GPU sits 28C idle and only gets upto 58-60C under full load. :I

Install Speedfan, and try cranking up your fan speeds to max. Then try playing a game in windowed mode and monitoring your temperatures the entire time, if you see something start to get hot, abort abort, that's your failure point and that's what you need to investigate.

now what

Start up a game in windowed. Monitor your temps. Abort if stuff starts get worryingly hot.

Then you know where to start.

Alright started up a game that was pumping it to 80, now it wont go over 65, games still lagging like fuck though

So is my graphics card garbo and its not the processor on why Im having such a bad time in games

Spoke too soon, went up to 73

also literally no other temperatures change besides the graphics card by a degree.

So I'm not concerned with the thing not being well ventilated, unless the temperature sensor is fucking shot or something

Looking like it's time to redo your thermal paste, then. If it still doesn't work...

But user I'm scared

32bit system and 16GB RAM, U w0t m8.

Brother built it when he was an amateur

Which was 5 years ago or so


It'll be okay I promise. Probably.

Going to bed. Godspeed

But why a 32bit system? If the Speccy pic is correct you literally wasting 3/4 of your RAM.

Night, thanks for your help
Fucking I dont know fuck

Just check by My computer - Properties, if it says 32 bit system and only 3.xx GB of ram usable reinstall a 64bit system asap.

It does say that

Does it really matter though? I mean honestly.

And I dont wanna format shit either

Then just sell the fucking 8GB sticks for some shekels and put in a 4gig one, or if 4x4 leave only one, there is no sense in keeping 16.

Well I mean fucking is that gonna fix my god damn problem

I reinstall windows once every 2 or so years, and unless the extra ram is going to actually contribute then why bother.

Id get fucking half a shekel in total for them anyways