Screenfetch threat

post your kernel


If you want to tell me how to screenshot in wayland, sure.

smash dat mf PrtScr button senpai
screenfetch -s

screenfetch -s just shows black.
I forgot how useful PrsScr is on linux

I've been using fedora, ubuntu and now I'm on debian, and I've never spotted a difference between the three, they all work fine out of the box and apart from the package manager everything is the same. So I chose debian only because the logo is better.

i use fedora as i find overall it just works better. i like gnome and ubuntu gnome has some weird bugs from time to time. fedora is solid as a rock though. really good. also i prefer the output of dnf over apt

>fedora as i find overall it just works better
in what way (serious question)

Not him,
In my experience gnome and Firefox runs more fluidly in fedora than on Ubuntu. Plus gnome on Wayland on fedora just wreks!

I didn't notice a speed difference for firefox between ubuntu and fedora tbqh

Also I think gnome looks real fucking bad so I never used it

I have had strange errors with plymouthd on ubuntu. a 90 second hang on logout, etc. due to some service failing and it having to wait for timeout. never had any of these issues on fedora and i am far too lazy to look into the reasons when fedora doesnt have them.

also i find default network performance on fedora to be more stable. on ubuntu i have had to tweak things with systemd scripts to keep it at full speed on resume as for some reason it randomly gets stuck at ~40MB/s wifi on resume. i did look for a fix and think i found something workable but again it just works on fedora so why bother?

the only real problem with fedora out of the box is font rendering but fedy fixes that in 5 seconds.

I'm in love with this little thing, though I miss my old laptop running Arch.



Whats wrong with it? It works fine...
Used bash my whole life, change is good


Because you use a POSIX OS and fish isn't POSIX compliant, especially with Gentoo that's just wrong.

I only care if it works well, whether its posix compliant doesnt come into it. Other option is zsh + 30 plugins...

And lack of POSIX compliance means it's not going to work well... What's going on?

It works completely fine for me and i can always just type bash and use it. Yes in principle i agree with you only not necessarily in practice

to add to that im only using it for common tasks, i still write scripts in bash


postan from T450s

Yeah I've been there and there's a lot of little things that break.

If it comes to that ill switch again, this is probably just a phase

screenfetch uses scrot which is for x dude

i used to use fish too, but the switching to bash was annoying
You can tweak zsh to be almost like fish, not 100% but it's ok for me

Is cmdfetch allowed?

nice ricing




Gentoo can be Fun too

You are aware that screenfetch has a scrot flag?

why do people use transparent terminals?
I know you are not using it for anything important, but it if you did, you would see that it is harder to read like that.


Can i get your config?

How did you get albums arts in there?

Funtoo was my first contact with gentoo, love it. Moved to gentoo since then

It's the foobar skins version.

It came default like that, and I use it to reference when I'm reading command lines and such when troubleshooting on a webpage or document. (i.e. it's easier for me to read through the terminal to the documentation behind it,rather than to move or hit f12 every so often)

Thanks didn't know :o

Yea i only run Funtoo on my workstation and Gentoo on my laptop.

Sorry, clicked me instead of you.

i noticed after i published the comment that it was a windows machine

Damn, now I'm tempted to run Gnome. Is it worth it to switch to from KDE?

Yea sorry. I don't think there's any way to get cover photos to work on ncmpcpp anyways.

Maybe, do you like thumbnails in your filepicker?

>Is it worth it to switch to from KDE?

Well it's nice to have but definitely not necessary

Remember that without qt you can't really see your reaction pics. Pic related.

Asian girls are gross.


gotta work on my theming and wallpaper, just about everything else works though

and use infinality its super easy in gentoo


how do i even update the kernel in arch

I tried that, infinality looked absolutely disgusting wouldneverdoagain/10

This is with infinality do you consider this ugly or your config was wrong?

that looks fine to me, probably some issue with my config, followed the directions to a T though, so I'm not really sure what went wrong. everything was super skinny and looked like ass. Went to some guide I found in a forum post about gentoo fonts, and it looks alright, in my opinion, it is a bit fuzzy though.

Who needs jifs, really?

hmm its fine for me but whatever works, i used gentoo wiki, install and select only infinality in
eselect fontconfig list
thats all... Probably easiest setup that worked in any distro i tried

Update your packages and you'll see linux-4.7-1 in the list. It updates itself.

Seems like you're not using hidpi scaling. That's one of the best parts of having a 4k monitor.

yah i do that and it updates it but when i reboot its back at 4.4.16-1-lts

yea, that's what I did too. Maybe I'll try again some other time. Scared that it's gonna turn out looking like shit again if I do it now, and I don't really feel like going back through the other guide to get back to where I am right now, that one was a bit more complicated.

> there is nothing to do

It's not really for me.

looks cool af senpai. I always use a solid gray background, so they aren't really hard to read.

>not using pf-kernel
>not using bfq and bfs scheduelers




6 year old netbook here

Someone took the Gentoo meme seriously…

Nice wallpaper.

Looks like me and you have the newest of kernels :^)

Sorry OP, but I'm not touching that rc kernel until it's stable.


0/10 no consideration for people with single monitor

mint is the superior Distro

>home odyssey

>everything else

>mint is the superior Distro

Whoops, ment to reply to


Desktop threads are back??!

$ screenfetch -s
screenfetch: Befehl nicht gefunden.

Get on my level archfags


Fullscreen screenfetch?


I remember yours, looks pretty good. Are you still using Debian unstable?

Here you go

Rate me guise

I re-installed from scratch with unstable a while ago, so yes!

is this the new desktop thread

who that pussy?

[morgan@freeman ~]

lmao can't even reply to a thread properly
you realize you're just a worthless piece of slowly decaying flesh right?


a smokin hot grill

Linux GA-870A-UD3 4.4.0-34-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 27 16:06:39 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

>almost no anime wallpapers
finally, every pedos gtfo of Sup Forums.

that resolution. would feel weird

yo can have like 20 browsers on one screen and 100 screenfetches!!

Why do you guys have newer colonels than me?