Why does Sup Forums have so much contempt for gamers?

Why does Sup Forums have so much contempt for gamers?

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Because they don't want people to find out you can't do anything on Linux.

Not all of us do.

I think those of us who express contempt for gamers lived with their parents well into their late 20s and are really self conscious about it and they hate gamers because they view adults who play games as immature and they don't like being reminded of their own immature behavior.

>better by products that shows others that you are sophisticated and have refined tastes to compensate

Pretty much everybody has contempt for manchildren. It's a pretty mindnumbing hobby already and taking it seriously enough to identify yourself as part of a group that does this shit is pathetic even for 4chins standards.

The reason Sup Forums might appear even less friendly towards their faggotory is because they spam the board with their gaymer laptops and GPU threads.

except run any other OS as HVM and thus use any feature of any OS at any time without rebooting?

The usual arguments are
>gaming is for manchildren
>gaming is a waste of time

The real reason is that most people on Sup Forums run GNU/Linux and game support is almost nonexistent compared to windows.
It's basically sour grapes, especially when they reply to you with smug anime girls.
Through a feat of mental gymnastics, they've also come to the conclusion that gaming is for manchildren, but anime isn't, which is why all of them like to rice out their desktops with cute anime girls.

>Pretty much everybody has contempt for manchildren. It's a pretty mindnumbing hobby already and taking it seriously enough to identify yourself as part of a group that does this shit is pathetic even for 4chins standards.
>projecting, when spamming on Sup Forums

>The reason Sup Forums might appear even less friendly towards their faggotory is because they spam the board with their gaymer laptops and GPU threads.
this is right tho

>It's basically sour grapes, especially when they reply to you with smug anime girls.
>Through a feat of mental gymnastics, they've also come to the conclusion that gaming is for manchildren, but anime isn't, which is why all of them like to rice out their desktops with cute anime girls.
>still replying with smug anime girls

you can do the same on any OS made after 2000

because gaymers who get into compsci are usually insufferable faggots and drop out after 1st year

I'm a "gamer" myself. Even used to "pro game" Quake 2 before it became mainstream and renamed to "esports".

Nowadays I play about 1-2 hours of Path of Exile per day.

I don't get people who think they have to restrict themselves from having fun to be successful in life.

Most of it is just to piss off Sup Forums. Lots of anons on Sup Forums play the occasional vidya, I love playing retro games.

Name a single successful person who plays video games.

>screams about manchildren
>like a child

John Carmack

That minecraft guy.
Although success surely is a matter of perspective...

Emulators have literally thousands of games.

Anime is cute and cool, user. Nothing wrong about it.

It's just a meme. Just like most other memes, people will spam it without really thinking.

Dan Schneider.

Kim Dotcom, ranked number 1 on CoD MW3 for a few months while he launched Mega.

>i never heard about gpu passthrough
>don't like what I don't like

>in b4 racial slurs

Because the people who shit out cancerous "which gpu should I buy", " r8/recommend parts list guise" and "guise I used semen as a thermal compound and my computer catched fire wat do" threads are usually the ones who call themselves "gamers".

fat manchildren with money

his biggest claim to fame is a piece of floating point math that wasn't even written by him

Used to play Quake 2 on lanparties with him back when he called himself Kimble.
He played for a clan my clan was friends with.
Got thrown out when they found out he was using an aimbot.

I play plenty of Vidya games myself on my pc, but even I find it annoying and cringey when fucking newfags brag about their shitty gayming peripherals.

>Moving the goalposts

>fat manchildren with money

How is this a bad thing? Are you legitimately saying that being wealthy is a bad thing? Holy cow, you're delusional.

>fat manchildren with money

Are you crying because the goalposts are too heavy to move?

>dat jealousy

>fat manchildren with money

as opposed to you being a fat manchild with no money?

Gaming for the most part is an enormous waste of valuable time EXCEPTION when it facilitates something else such at social gathering, fitness, learning technology by building your own rig, etc.

LAN Parties, pokemon go, couch gaming, etc. are all good examples of positive forces in gaming.

Unfortunately 90% of gaming is neckbeard stink of death.

who the person on the first image ??

IDK why Sup Forums hates gamers desu.
I play a shit ton of video games but I cringe whenever I hear the word gamer.
Maybe that is it.
>inb4 neet
>inb4 live with parents
I am graduating from a comp sci program a full year early in may 2017 so fuck off.

Who's to say one passtime is a "waste" of time compared to others?

>fat manchildren with money

>when spamming on Sup Forums
That the thing, even shitposting isn't as retard friendly unless you literally spam. The only activity that requires even fewer brain cells than vidya is probably watching TV ... and it's still fine at this point, nothing wrong with some mental downtime but TV plebs don't call themselves "Television-istas" or some shit.

People from Botswana are dumb as fuck and I want nothing to do with them. Luckily they live in Botswana. I don't hate Botswanans.

Turks are dumb (and violent) as fuck and they invade my country by the millions, and we all have to put up with their shit every single day. I hate Turks.

Sup Forums posters are like Turks.

It's just the vocal minority thing all over again.

Most people don't really give a fuck.

This user gets it

Movies, animu and sometimes reading are also just wasting your time.


I'm lurking Sup Forums and watching movies.
Also occasionally switch to IRC for trivia.

Found the butthurt turkroach

>thinks all videogames are brainless

come back after beating HoI or EU IV, populist cuck opinion tard.

There's nothing wrong with games, if you play them on a console.

PC gaming tho, is literally the mark of the manchild.
There's nothing more autistic than obsessing over synthetic benchmarks and overclocking your GPU, significantly shortening it's lifespan just to squeeze out a few more FPS.

Plus, nearly all the influential franchises and titles of the last 15 years have been console exclusive and have never made the jump to PC.
So what are PCfags playing all day?
They're playing trash games like league of legends where you basically click a mouse repeatedly for hours at a time.
And if that's not enough, you can tune in to twitch and watch asian faggot twinks click a mouse repeatedly in league of legends for hours at a time.

Sure :^)
>fat manchildren with money
Unsuccessful, jealous poorfag confirmed. At least they found a way to earn money. They succeeded in what they do, and they have fun. Which isn't something you can say for yourself.
Nobody is saying gaming is bad. People just hate it when others treat gaming as the most important thing in the world and the only reason to upgrade their pc. I play video games too, but I'd never upgrade my pc just so I can play that one game or get extra 10FPS on another game when everything works just fine now, and current gen games aren't special enough to deserve people spending $600+ on graphic cards just to cover the fact that most developers don't know how to optimise their games.

I wish. I'd kill for a decent kebab.

Butthurt gamertürk detected

Being completely honest here; I still play WoW.
I like Overwatch and the Sims 4 too though.

come to turkey user
there's plenty of meat for you :^)

Found the Sony/Microsoft marketer.

>Eu IV
Kek. You picked propably the easiest paradox gaym that has been made so far.

Doom and quake was made for the PC. Games like doom 64 are the exceptions, pretty good console fps before halo came out.

Fuck off weeaboo

I mean I love games but I am pretty stingy with my dads money; since I major in it I basically can get all the tech goodies I want but I only get new stuff every five years and that system has worked out for me.
This time I built pic related (my first rig). Usually I would just get a macbook pro.
Because the parts were cheap enough I was able to get a new macbook pro this time around too.
I have always just had a budget I am pretty lucky my parents are great.

There's nothing wrong with Linux, if you use it on a phone.

Gentoo tho, is literally the mark of the manchild.
There's nothing more autistic than obsessing over synthetic benchmarks and platform-specific compiling, significantly wasting your time just to squeeze out a few more MBs of RAM.

Plus, nearly all the influential applications of Linux of the last 15 years have been phone exclusive and have never made the jump to PC.
So what are PCfags doing all day?
They're building kernels where you basically compile repeatedly for hours at a time.
And if that's not enough, you can tune in to Sup Forums and watch NEET neckbeards brag about their riced builds for hours at a time.

I said 15 years.
Doom was released over 20 YEARS AGO

this wasn't fun to read

please refrain from doing this again

Anime website

Nice blog

>dads money

underage b& mods


>he has caring and well off parents someone pls ban him :'(

I'm literally about to graduate from the 20th best public university in the United States fampai.

When Sup Forumsedditors post here, they bring their culture with them

- Brand loyalty
- Stupid fucking graphs
- Consumer mentality
- etc etc

The essence of Sup Forums is writing a Fizzbuzz in assembly on your toaster
The essence of Sup Forums is buying expensive Jewish crap, snapping it together like legos, then feeling smug about it

Graphics cards discussions should be banned desu because they are 99% Sup Forums-centric. If all the people who felt a sense of loyalty to AMD of Nvidia fucked off, this board would be a better place

>just hide the thread
The same retards post in other threads too

Even reading trash improves your cognitive abilities.

Movies and anime are pretty similar, although they tend to have more positive qualities on the average.

Generic rpg.

"Look mom, I am like Napoleon!"
Outside of geography basics (probably a big deal for Muricans), you waste most of the time on learning the mechanics/micro managing which is arguably not totally pointless but not very useful either. It's not absolutely worthless trash but the time spent vs skills gained ratio is still pretty shit.

Desktop linux and even ricer fags tend to learn skills that are pretty valuable, they just tend to skip learning social skills, making the rest of their skill set irrelevant.

Because Sup Forums doesn't know shit and feeds the GPU wars, and I can practically guarantee that 90+% of "first build" threads are Sup Forumsidiots that can't bother to read the board sticky let alone rules. Gamers = Sup Forums, and Sup Forums tends to shit up the board

>implying Sup Forums isn't as cancerous shallow and inferiority complexed enough to compete over dad money bought shit all the time
you must be new here

Barack Hussein Obama

Post of the day.


Everyone thinks Macs are gay

>The essence of Sup Forums is writing Hello World in Python

Let's not kid ourselves.

This. There aren't any good pc games nowadays, you can play great older games on any hardware and people still buy muh perfect 700 dollar graphik cord which can play muh shit generic moba/fps game at 170 fps instead of 150.

I was about to say assuming they can write 'Hello World' in any language was a bit much.

Lurk more. Gentoo is about choice of package version and kernel compiles only 15 min. on 4 cores.

Mila Kunis

>being this Indian

That's why I'm part of /vr/ master race. Very few games I play is made past 2005. Around 2007/2008 is when PC gaming died

>>skills that are pretty valuable

Congratulations, you know how to use a computer.

Are you retarded? I would bet the majority of rich males have an xbone or a ps4

>Sup Forums is one person

This reminds me that people wonder where are all the nay-sayers when people from Sup Forums shitpost...

They don't even see the posts because of filters.

in short: filtering is double-edged

>If you hate apple shit you're a windows Indian
Turn down the projection, I'm going to go blind. I use Slackware as my primary OS famicom

> The essence of Sup Forums is writing a Fizzbuzz
Pretty much spot on.

The irony is indie games that run on a toaster offer more gameplay than most shiny AAA titles

I have a console backlog large enough that I'll probably never buy a console ever again.

PC gaming is a waste of time tho.
If you didn't REQUIRE a high end graphics card in your computer, you could get by with a nice inexpensive thinkpad as your main machine and be happy.

MS: pajeet
Apple: rajeesh
Linux: cuck

oh man you really told him off bro

I'm really sick of the Indian racism on this board.
My main concern with it is that provided these guys ever get a job in the industry they will get all froggy over their indian coworkers who are usually pretty chill.
I'm white but I don't appreciate the racism at all. My girlfriend is indian, my classmates are all indian in my schools program, and I will inevitably work with indians.
They may not be the best coders but they are the people actually interested in tech work. Not neets in mummies basement.

so qt


>using a fat ass CumPad with outdated internals as main machine
Poverty must suck, friendo.

Only thing I hate about indie games is hipster artsy shit that has little to non gameplay like gone homo, a walking simulator about some boring whiny dyke. Other than that, indie games are usually pretty fun.

I still play PC games mostly but I tried to get into my console back log last fall and after like 4 games on the NES I gave up ever finishing everything.

You are not a better person than someone who plays video games. I don't play video games either, but I wish assholes like you would leave this board.


>Teen gamers outperformed their peers in math, reading and science, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Communication.

>Overall, teens who reported being regular gamers performed 17 points above average on science and 15 points higher on math and reading, according to the study.

>implying people who are seriously racist will get a white collar job

>spend thousands on fragile iDevices instead

Path of Exile is awesome m8.

This is exactly what I am talking about Sup Forumsents.
It is pathetic that so many people on this board are forced to resort to a racist meme to feel contentment with their position in the world.
This is racism 101; a construct created by rich landowners(now business owners) to separate the working class and easily enslave them all with wages.